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Let's open expensive co-ops in poor neighborhoods for people that don't even want to pay walmart prices


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Imagine the community too trashy for walmart to operate effectively in

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Walmarts work fine for most poor people, no matter how trashy.

My local one is filled with :marseymexican:s and who could be deported any second. Everything is extremely cheap.

despite that, Chicago ones go broke because the local community robs them too often

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Are you implying it ISN'T an issue of purely economic factors?

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Anyone who's seen a poor Mexican neighborhood with Japan tier crime rates and compares it to baltimore has ingested one of life's giga blackpills.

There's a reason why Brooklyn :marseymexican: got gentrified and not O block

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Darn white supremacy

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It really is interesting how a poor white neighborhood is like an order of magnitude more dangerous than a Mexican one

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@jamal_ginsberg been to the tcoup walmart recently?

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my gf with no preservation instict likes to shop there. its ghetto as frick and im pretty sure they filmed the wally world video there

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I went to a Walmart outside of Austin and saw zero black people. It was very bizarre.

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Absolutely no one would steal from a co-op!

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Would pay money to watch granola mayos explain why urban juveniles shouldn't steal from co-ops to their face only to watch in horror as they keep stealing/ being violent

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!nooticers These places will be shitholes, robbed daily and with insane turn over rates only to keep operating because they can pilfer from the the tax coffers

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I hope they will make them vaults with a walk up window that only sell fresh food and basic ingredients

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omg I would pay to see a black sperg out over getting sold flour and not bread

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Self leavening too, no yeast so you cant make hooch

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cant make hooch

Now hold on a minute, that's just obscene

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Just scrape some yeast off your feet. :marseyshrug:

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Maybe community coops would be a better idea

um :#soysnoo4:

!neolibs co-ops are good and Brazil (as many other South American countries) for instance has large and successful agro co-ops but theyre run like literally any large company and theyre literally all profit driven, large ones and small ones

The romantic idea redditors have of co-ops on the other hand is extremely soy but go off i guess

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I guess this would work if you let the community owned co-ops gun down criminals with community owned glocks

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if the city owns it, the guards can be actual cops who don't need to worry :marseyveryworriedfed: about liability over stopping theft

won't turn out that way, but would :marseywood: be interesting :marseylaying:

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We should have a community run group of people who have guns. :marseythinkorino:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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i mean thats what chaz did

maybe they are right, just take the guns from the police and hand them to disabled queer trans bipocs who will do the same killing anyway, crime solved

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ok so Thats the beauty of the free market, and You can go full commie and fail if you want

You can also form a coop and realize low wages arent actually caused by some monopoly men taking your money to have yachts but its whatever

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I should post some more drama with our mayor. He's one of the least competent mayors ever and he got elected on a super progressive platform. Also relevant: his job before mayor was literally being a paid shill for the teachers' union, that's not a joke, he was unironically on their payroll as he was running for office.

They've tried subsidizing stores but the theft and crime is so bad that even with subsidies they wind up closing, plus ironically a lack of demand. The title mentions Walmart and Whole Foods but they also lost a Target. Oh and that Whole Foods wasn't a normal Whole Foods - it was a special one with much lower prices and shittier products aimed specifically at the target demographic, and it still went bust.

Oh and one more tidbit - when they say "food desert" in the context of Chicago, what they typically mean is "no full-service grocer within 1 mile". Yes if your nearest supermarket is 1.1 miles away, congrats, you're in a "food desert". Basically they don't really exist in the city and I challenge anybody to come up with a valid residential address in Chicago that's just too far from any kind of grocer.

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Oh and one more tidbit - when they say "food desert" in the context of Chicago, what they typically mean is "no full-service grocer within 1 mile". Yes if your nearest supermarket is 1.1 miles away, congrats, you're in a "food desert". Basically they don't really exist in the city and I challenge anybody to come up with a valid residential address in Chicago that's just too far from any kind of grocer.

!bumpkins lmao imagine living less than a mile from a store. Literal hellscape

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Well in Chicago the bipocs can't walk more than a mile to the store without stumbling into a gun battle with a rival gang so maybe they have a semi reasonable point

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Sociologists will call a place a food desert because they have fresh produce but not enough variety by their arbitrary standards. Anything to avoid admitting that poors and browns are fat because they genuinely like KFC.

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i think :marseyphilosoraptor: poor obesity is caused more by frozen :marseyunresponsive: food and instant ramen.

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Nothing within a mile is pretty bad. Like obviously you can walk farther but that isn't normal for a city.

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I think a less than 10-minute walk is fine. You can get a bike or scooter if you want to get there faster. These items are very cheap if you're on a budget (buy them used) and you don't need a dedicated parking space for them.

Sure you could argue that having a grocer within a 5-minute walk is nicer than within a 10-minute walk but to argue that having to walk 10 minutes to the grocery store is some sort of existential crisis is r-slurred.

Also most of the "food deserts" in Chicago are on the south side of the city which is much less densely populated. Most people there drive cars because the train lines don't go that far (it's REALLY far south from downtown), it's basically a quasi-suburb.

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Well yes, but a mile is closer to a 20-minute walk.

I've never been to Chicago though so :marseyshrug: maybe that makes sense.

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a mile is closer to a 20-minute walk.

My walking speed is 6 miles per hour, easy. :marseysonic:

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But what about quadriplegic single moms working 18 jobs who can't afford a scooter?

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people should :marseynorm: at a minimum live 15 minutes walking :marseyskinnedwalk: distance to a shopping center. having to rely on vehicles for basic :marseysymbol: goods is cancer.

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people should live minimum 15 minutes driving distance from the nearest person. having to put up with neighbors is cancer :marseythumbsup:

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All the cope about rampant theft not being an issue is insane

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Does Chicago have one of those 'we won't arrest if it's under ~$900 worth of stolen goods' policies?

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Not only do we but it's actually a recent change. Used to be like $100 but our SA (basically a DA) bumped it about 10x.

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Citizens realise new policy means no arrest will be made -> don't bother calling the police anymore -> city announces drop in crime

Chuds BTFO

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Is their DA a Person of Basketball funded by a Person of Nose?

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The Chicago mayor was a black woman funded by soros soooo close enough!!!

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lmao what do you think i mean by person of nose neighbor

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Italian? :marseyconfused:

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It's kinda crazy that people will read something like this and first thing question how it could be profitable. Like maybe the point is more people fed?? Capitalism has really rotted peoples' brains

Obesity is the leading killer of Americans, no one needs to be fed more.

Maybe because people are able to think beyond the opening year and wonder who is footing the bill for all the food and wages when the theft rates have chased out leaner private business operators?

buh muh commie-ops!!!!!!

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The kids in school aren't been fed because the parents literally don't feed them. No one is starving, the parents are just buttholes.

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>It's kinda crazy that people will read something like this and first thing question how it could be profitable.

Because the alternative is that you're asking taxpayers to shoulder grocery bills for people who live in slums and perhaps they might have some objections to this..

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What would Beetlejuice do🤔

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@Aevann @X every third time Beetlejuice is mentioned site-wide, that person should get something similar to Vampire Bite but beetlejuice-related

Maybe stripey text?

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I'm talking about the mayor of Chiraq, not the other guy.

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Former mayor sorry

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Should give the user lightning effects and maybe Beetlejuice (:marseyderp:) pops up on the screen like the Homoween effects

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Not a terrible idea if they have to fairly compete with private firms.

But this is Chicago, so lmao.

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reminder that anyone that calls this socialism probably cant even define the word, and if they can it's bad faith.


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!commies we're back


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It would never be this bad with Lightfoot :marseyindignant:

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It's unironically impressive that the progressives managed to find a worse mayor lmao

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Delusional. Kill all Chicagoans .

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Of course I want to spend more of my tax money to go toward allowing the historically disenfranchised people of the city to steal whatever they need from the comfort of their own neighborhoods

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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I wonder how many millions into the red they'd run each year

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BIPOCs lmao

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