The economic :marseystocksupdown: illiterates of r/FluentInFinanance fight :marseypunching: over St. Bernard :marseysanders:
Redditor :soysnoo: calls on all Walmart :muttscooter: employees to unionize :marseystalin:, doesn't really how a union works :marseyshrug:

Some highlights:

OP wants to include management in the union. Other Redditors point out how r-slurred that is and that union bosses can be just as bad.

Redditor points out that people be too catty to unionize. Delusional Redditors take umbrage.

Self described Typical lesbian communist is sad people that people are swallowing the anti- union propaganda.

Average Redditor (seriously, check xheir profile) agrees with OP other Redditors think xhe is stupid

OP calls for REVOLUTION!!


!grillers !jidf

How were normal people poor ten years ago.

Outside of life events like fires, accidents, etc. How was a normal adult working a normal job unable to pay off their house or condo within ten years.

I'm legitimately baffled. I live in the midwest near a city. Housing prices have gone way up but they're still achievable. As in, if I work for 20 years I can't see how this won't be paid off. Which is how it was explained to me 10+ years ago. But there's a problem with that.

I make 40k a year and my job only required some time at a community college. 40k a year is not impressive. But the wages haven't kept up with the market. Even if I were only making 20k a decade ago, that's more than the price of an entire condo from back then.

Where did these peoples' money go. When I was growing up we knew a family that went on vacation 1-2 times a year. This was because "their house is fully paid off so they have more money to spend."

My whole life I kept thinking about how smart they must have been with their money. Motherlover, how was this not the default state of every mentally stable adult? I could outright buy a shitty 2 bedroom house (from ten years ago) in my hometown right now. I've only meaningfully saved for four years.

I've heard some excuses over the years but now that I have perspective they're all dumb.

>"The more money you have the more expensive life gets."

No it does not. Do you know how much I spent on groceries five years ago? A couple hundred. Do you know how much I spend on them now? A couple hundred + inflation. When you are making 80k a year you are not obligated to buy some r-slur subaru new off the lot every summer. You can keep buying normal used cars. You actually don't need to go to a steakhouse every weekend. That was a joke but I knew a family that went to rainforest cafe every weekend because "the kids like it." They LOST THEIR HOME, got hooked on coke, and died. Bi-weekly visits to gamestop and Toys R Us too.

>"I just like to spend on myself, so I have less savings."

What in all that is holy could you possibly be buying that eats up tens of thousands of dollars a year. Especially in current year. Literally what. I don't even have a guess. Am I naive and all my small town midwest neighbors are secretly crackheads?

>"We're being responsible and putting it into savings."

Oh okay good that's great why are you still working into your 60s and 70s again where the absolute frick did this money go.

>"Insurance, bills, blah blah blah."

What insurance policy do you have that eats up 10k a year. Are you just blasting your hose and space heaters 24/7? I used to take hour long showers almost daily. My water bill was not financially crippling. I heard this excuse so much that I was afraid to go to the doctor or dentist for years once I was on my own insurance. The job I have covers it. I pay $0 to have my teeth cleaned twice a year. I am not obese so I don't have crippling ailments.


This one might be feasible but based on how much utter bullshit was behind literally every other excuse I've heard this also seems like it could be a stretch. Again, if the kid is not crippled in some way where could the money possibly be going. I easily spent less than 1k on myself over the past year for fun. You're telling me that you can't pick up some toys from a garage sale and maybe buy them a console/ bike every couple of years? How much do youth leagues cost for sports, $80 a season?


This whole rant was made assuming someone lived in a single-income house and I just realized that it's even worse than I thought because all these families I'm remembering were dual income.

Bag holders :marseywallst:, Funko collectors :marseyfunko:, and part-time dog walkers :marseydogwalker: Sneed :soysnooseethe: at Sigma's :!marseygigachad: grindset.

Sam, 26

Michael, 28

Rio Grande Valley

Personal Life/Career:

  • Recently married, April 6th this year

    • Engaged for 4 months

    • Dating for 4 years

    • Never talked about finances before getting married?

  • Assistant Manager (Her) timestamp

    • 2'100 a month roughly
  • Truck Driver (Him) timestamp

    • 2'400 a month
  • She is currently in school? timestamp

    • Studying Social Work? Doing a Masters

    • She has student loans but I did not catch what they were


  • Combined finances less than a month ago, she added him to her account

  • "Different opinions" on spending timestamp

    • She says she's more frugal, he likes spending on electronics and vehicles

    • He Upgraded to new iPhone, FOMOS into newest thing

  • How do their financial conversations go? timestamp

    • She says she wants to pay off debt quickly, "to zero as fast as possible" even if it's 0% apr

    • "He sees zero apr and he's like oh, we don't gotta pay anything at all"

  • They have zero in their savings (paid off some cards recently)

  • She paid off a few things that were at 0 instead of another 0 that was about just hit the interest period timestamp

    • "To be fair he signed up on a property without me knowing" :marseyxd:

    • 120'000 property? He told her he was going to look and he ended up buying it on sight? "Owner to Owner financing"

      • Before marriage

      • Paid 117'000 with financing?

      • Applying to refinance "soon" timestamp

        • Currently at 12% over 30 years

        • they want a lower monthly and fewer years

    • Specifics timestamp

      • 6'000

      • There's another 6'000 that went to paying the parents?

        • Paying back parents for wedding?
  • Built a 860 sq ft "frame house" on the property timestamp

    • Property is 3 acres

    • Building the house cost $37'000

  • Score timestamp

    • He says - 8

    • She say - 4

  • Credit Card 1 (Wells Fargo) ($4'120) tiemstamp

    • $42 minimum payment

    • 0% interest until October

    • 92 in new purchases

    • CC was opened because she wanted to start a business timestamp

      • Coffee cart selling expresso drinks outside markets

      • "Got busy" so she couldn't keep doing this, sold all equipment - didn't make money? timestamp

        • Awkward laugh when asked what she got from the sale? Got 2500 back?

        • Spent 10'000 on this?

        • Got a job because this wasn't working well?

  • Credit Card 2 (4'028) timestamp

    • Interest about to start accruing

    • Paid 5'000 - claims she doesn't remember where she got this

      • Balance was 9'000

      • After getting pressed, says it was from a 20'000 personal loan

    • 92 in new purchases

  • Personal Loan (21'749) timestamp

    • 21% interest

    • Gets pressed hard on why she traded 5'000 at 0% for a 21% :marseyxd:

    • more info timestamp

      • In her name

      • They didn't know it was $21'749

      • Weren't able to make any minimum payments because of his motorcycle? timestamp

        • He doesn't even use it and now it's busted - front shock went out and it would be a 2'000 repair bill
    • Paid off the bike with this timestamp

      • 227 a month

      • 7'000 balance on it

      • 7% interest rate :marseyxd:

      • Bike's used value is around $9'000

  • She remembers why she paid off his credit cards timestamp

    • She did not like the monthly minimum payments?

    • "I don't know what I'm doing"

  • Credit Card 3 (Lowe's) timestamp

    • Paid off, one of the things in that personal loan

    • Would have been interest free for another couple months?

    • Ate a late fee at some point

    • Was 2'000

    • Paid for a washer/dryer on here? timestmap

      • 0% financing at Lowe's

      • Her dad had given money for washer/dryer, he used it for the wedding and 0%'d the washer/dryer. She did not know about this and thought they were paid for in cash?

        • Her parents are divorced :marseyxd:
  • Credit Card 4 (Discover) ($10'656) timestamp

    • To build the house - he clarifies that it was finishing the interior of the house

    • "Because we didn't have the money for it" :marseyxd:

    • He has never watched the show before - she has

    • Roughly 3000 a year in interest accruing on this?

  • Credit Card 5 (City Simplicity) ($5'909) timestamp

    • His, she paid this one off as part of the personal loan

      • actually this was with the wedding gifts? 6'000 in wedding gifts? actually the wedding gifts and some savings?

      • Actually it was a different much smaller card she paid off :marseyxd:

    • 0% interest :marseyxd:

      • He thinks this ends by August

      • Actually it ended 3 weeks ago :marseyxd:

    • $59 minimum payment

    • 29%

  • Credit Card 6 (Home Depot)

    • Paid off
  • Credit Card 7 (Capital One Savior One) (Paid off) timestamp

    • A bunch of Amazon purchases on this one - for the wedding?

      • Lights, table covers, etc?
  • Credit scores -

    • His is 630

    • Her's is 695 (last she checked)

  • "How did she convince you to come on this show?" timestmap

    • He didn't want to come on :marseyxd:

    • He didn't watch the "on-boarding video" because "she didn't tell him about it" :marseyxd:

    • they try to justify their financial opinions timestmap

  • Purchased a water slide timestamp

    • He is trying to make money with this by renting it out?

    • $1'600 total

    • Hasn't been able to rent it yet? :marseyxd:

  • Bought some pc fans timestamp

    • He's been playing Helldivers 2
  • Attempts to convince them not to be r-slurred timestamp

  • He has 3 vehicles timestamp

    • 1 at his house

    • 1 at parent's garage

    • 1 his dad uses

  • Checking Account ($31) timestamp

    • Disastrous amount of eating out :marseyxd:

    • It's like they think credit cards are literally free money

    • 453 just on going out to eat :marseyxd:

    • Phone bill is $185 (they both owe on their phones)

  • An attempt to explain how interest works timestamp

  • Budget time timestamp

:marseysoylentgrin: r/neoliberal :handshake: r/antiwork :marseydogwalker:

/u/acentooate will delete their top comment the second someone presents a counterpoint because xhey're a coward.


Jordan, 31, Houston TX

Personal Life/Career:

  • What does he do? timestamp

    • 3 Jobs

    • Full time Software Engineer (Govt Agency)

      • $119'000
    • Computer Science Instructor at a Community College

      • $44 an hour

      • around 2'500 a month?

      • Year round classes

    • Computer Science Instructor at some company?

      • 10 weeks long, once a week, 4 and a half hours weekly

      • $95 an hour

      • Seasonal

  • Career path timestamp

    • coding boot camp from 2021

    • Worked at Coinbase for 9 months but left in 2022 when they didn't convert contract to hire

      • 1 year unemployed - was also working at community colleges part time teaching prisoners to code?
    • Govt job started in January

  • Suffers from 'anxiety' timestmap

    • Was an agoraphobe for a year 'could not leave [his] house'

      • Pre-coinbase
    • Caleb mentions that he also has this meme disease


  • Self Scored 1/10 timestamp

  • Lifestyle Inflation timestamp

    • He has not heard of this term before :marseyxd:

    • He flew in from Houston ($350 plane ticket)

      • Justification for flying timestamp

      • 280'000 Honda CRV probabaly wouldn't have made it there

  • Thinks Food is his main spending timestamp

    • He is right and it's not even close
  • Credit Card 1 (Bank of America) ($12'911) timestamp

    • $13'052 - $423 payments + $0 new purchases + $282 interest ==> $12'911 new balance

    • 785 credit available

    • 408 minimum due next month

    • Maxed out all his cards after losing coinbase job, decided to go traveling on credit

  • Credit Card 2 (Chase Freedom) (2'082) timestamp

    • Almost entirely eating out

    • $2'486 - $2'486 payments + $2'060 new transactions + $22 interest ==> $2'082

    • Some credit cards he pays off every month - he doesn't pay off the Discover and BoA

  • Credit Card 3 (Discover) ($1'576) timestamp

    • 301 interest accrued

    • no new transactions

    • Does he budget? timestamp

      • No

      • He used to but said "frick it"

  • Credit Card 4 (Discover) (10'647) timestamp

    • $13'346 - $3'000 payments + $3000 interest ==> $10'647

    • $322 minimum payment

    • A few apple bills

  • Credit Card 5 (American Express Blue) ($932) timestamp

    • $40 minimum payment

    • mostly grocery stores

    • Paying for hinge premium and not actually using the app

    • Caleb seething over his own dating failures

  • Credit Card 6 (Krogers)

    • This one's paid off and irrelevant
  • Loan from Parents ($6'000) timestamp

    • Parents do not know just how much he is spending

    • While he was unemployed, hasn't paid anything back to them

  • Loan from Friend ($4'000) timestamp

    • This was money he used for Europe trip/world cup stuff?
  • $260 on Google Ads timestamp

    • Monthly

    • His ex-gf left him for another man

    • LONG story about his ex's friend's mom owning a pharmacy, going to jail for fraud, the ex paid millions for a pharmacy he thinks is worth a hudnred thousand?

    • She's in debt for 3 million???????

    • he decides to make her a website and pay for her google ads

    • "my friend's like don't be a simp blah blah blah"

    • "She refuses to talk to me" :marseywtf;

    • They were on and off for ten years

  • $1400 a month strip club habit tiemstamp

    • March or April of this year

    • went to a strip club in the middle of the day and fricked a stripper at the club?

  • Buys stuff for the jail students when he hits the grocery store timestamp

  • Caleb gets into the online dating blackpill timestamp

    • Manlets btfo

    • This worm is 6 foot 4

  • Federal Student Loans ($52'939) timestamp

    • No money currently owed

    • Govt Agency he works for might pay all of this if he sticks around for 3 years?

  • State of Texas loan ($13'000) timestamp

    • Lots of late payments

    • He had initially thought that the federal deferrment applied to state loans :marseyxd:

    • $208 minimum payment

  • Private Loans ($31'146) timestmap

    • Bachelor's in Biochem and "Biophysical sciences"

    • "I was a bad student and I was lost I didn't know what the frick I wanted to do so I ended up staying in school for like 6 years"

    • Had to get private loans because he was on academic probation

    • interned at some labs and didn't like the biomed researcher thing

    • $376 minimum payment

    • 5.54% interest rate

    • refinanced form an initial 10% sally may loan

  • About to a have a $10'000 operation timestamp

    • Cosmetic surgery

    • Hair transplant :marseyxd:

    • In-depth discussion of balding prevention

    • Worm does not want to

    • How is he going to pay for this? timestamp

      • "So I just got approved for an American Express card" :marseyxd:
    • "I know it doesn't make sense but I'm gonna do it anyways"

    • things in the pipepline to help him timestamp

      • Another teaching job at some higher end uni (110 an hour)
    • Cosmetic surgery is next week

    • :mar#seyraging:

Spending numbers tiemstamp

  • Weird $1700 zelle/1400 atm withdrawal

    • doesn't know what these were
  • Show ends early because there's no point in a budget

MOASS will happen any day now!!! :soyjakwow:

Lawd have mercy:

Imagine not using jet engines to dry your laundry lmao poors:

These Twitterinos are almost as sophisticated as Redditors with their soy like expression of knowledge:

In a few decades the europoor will save enough money to buy a house from their Islamic overlords:

Clap them back europoors:


Miles, 25, Lake Mary, FL

Personal Life/Career:

  • IT Consultant

    • Contractor, roughly $65'000 after taxes tiemstamp

      • 65 last year, likely 62 this year

      • $28/hr

      • Thinks he's a little low-balled should be getting $35 an hour :marseysmug:

      • Since January with this current place? Lost his old job timestmap

        • Had "some issues" with a (female) VP/Director at Mitsubishi Power (not the car company)

        • "She's kind of... an issue" :marseysquint:

        • Had old job for 2 years

      • He definitely reports all his income for realsies :marseysurejan: timestamp

    • More old job deets

      • Coworker in that same month "got in [his] face, cussed [him] out" (circa November 2023) timestamp

        • Claims coworker was trying to break a security privacy law related to moving data between different countries
  • Has a fiance and a 9 month old

    • She's a stay at home mom at the moment, no income
  • relationship with parents timestamp

    • "it's a little toxic" :marseyxd:
  • Are you really hard-headed? timestamp


  • "So basically uh, what all kind of happened is I never really took my finances too seriously" timestamp

    • Major story time about family backstory?

    • Was renting from his parents in central Orlando for $500 a month?

    • Had an argument with the parents about them coming over unannounced?

      • "We'll keep coming by whenever we want if you have a problem with it be out by [date]" :marseyxd:

      • "They kept coming by and harassing"

      • They took the TV that they had given to his sister (sister was living with him?) - took the tv while he was watching UFC

        • Parents also took all their other stuff?
    • The actual point timestamp

      • got forced to move?

      • they gave him eviction papers, stuck on doors and windows "might not have been real eviction papers"

      • Had to move by November 2023

    • Moving meant he needed a new motorcycle because he had to sell his jeep timestamp

      • Gas was "$100 a week"

      • Parents bought the Jeep for him when he was 18 (13'500 for it)

        • Used the money on the motorcycle and the move
  • Self-score 6/10 timestamp :marseybrainlet:

    • He has a "good amount of money saved up" and I can afford rent/food, about a third of savings will be going to taxes
  • "My fiance says I have a shit-eating grin" timestamp

  • Credit Card 1 ($1129/$1200) timestamp

    • $37 Late fee

    • Paid $45 to it

    • No new purchases

    • $73 due next month :marseyxd:

    • Second late fee

    • Why isn't he paying his bills? timestamp

      • He wants to make sure that he still has money set aside???????

      • He tries to justify that he wants to have money if something happens?

      • Because it's like then I'm not gonna have it?

      • "It's hard for me to see the benefit" :marseyxd:

  • Credit Card 2 (Amazon) (5'145/5'000) timestmap

    • $373 minimum payment

      • includes $39 Late Fee
    • $116 in interest charged

    • Originally just a groceries card for Whole Foods

    • Fiance had to go take care of her grandparent, spent a couple months there?

      • Story time

      • Adjusted to 6 months, he gets pressed timestamp

        • Goes into a story about cash advances :marseyxd:

        • He didn't know how cash advance interest works

        • He was doing twice a month cash advances for weed? $300 to $500 a month on weed timestamp

          • Claims he is not doing this any more

          • Tries to adjust the weed number down to $300 timestamp

      • "Are you trying to piss me off?" "A little bit" timestam

        • :marseyraging:

        • He says he's seen the show "plenty of times"

    • Has never budgeted

    • Got some advice to invest in Ali Baba, $3'000 timestamp

      • From a buddy who does day trading

      • Went from 3'000 to 300

    • Pressed on another missing payment timestamp

      • He paid it a week late
    • $15 in purchases, he didn't realize he'd bought anything this month

      • Some amazon order
    • Awkward shifting after caleb "jokes" about butchering the guest timestamp

    • He didn't know that minimum payments would increase if he got late fees

  • Does not have a retirement account

  • Florida Career College timestamp

    • Owes them $2373

    • "Third attempt notice'

    • Apparently they never gave him the degree?

    • He didn't go to the graduation to get physical the cert? He thought that he would need the literal physical cert

    • He's so stubborn he decided that he just wasn't going to pay because they weren't giving him the cert because he didn't go to the graduation :marseyxd:

    • He was hoping Biden would get rid of them timestamp

      • He didn't know that Biden wouldn't have forgiven private loans
  • Federal Student Loan

    • 5'496

    • Not making payments right now? He's just not paying

  • $939 Phone timestamp

    • 0%

    • $125 phone bill

  • Caleb reminisces about what his own butt looked like when he wasn't as fat timestamp

  • They call his parents on speaker to get their side of things, editor is there to translate Spanish timestamp

    • Parents sound like they did literally nothing wrong and should take more of his stuff :marseyxd:
  • Affirm timestamp

    • "I like Affirm though"

    • Justification for TV "How am I gonna watch UFC?"

      • "I like to have the boys over"
    • What are the interest rates? timestamp

      • Thinks of them are between 25% and 30%
    • The actual interest rates timestamp

      • 36% $500 on one?

      • $600 TV at 30%

        • TV is "not even that good" $400 that he paid $600 for
      • 36%

    • So how does it make sense? timestamp

  • Car (2005 PT Cruiser)

    • Got for his fiance
  • Motorcycle (no debt?)

  • Checking Account $363 timestamp

    • Disney+ (kid likes Bluey?), Spotify,

    • Went to see Nascar?

    • $63 at a dispensary

    • Overdraft timestamp

      • He knew it was going to happen?
    • Fair bit of eating out

  • High Yield Savings (5'000) timestam

    • He thinks it's close to 6'000 (it's almost 5'000 flat)

    • He's paying his taxes quarterly? Thinks he'll end up with 9'000 after his quarterly

    • Thinks he's saving $1'700 a month

    • Gets pressed on whether his savings math is right

Pie Chart - timestamp

  • 1'470 rent

  • Does not pay utilities - fiance's cousin sleeps on couch, he pays utilities

  • $70 for Internet (no Fiber)

  • $230 car insurance

  • On govt insurance? timestamp

    • Question about whether this hits him on taxes?
  • $55 Gym

  • $125 jujitsu gym

Planning to go on a cruise with fiance this August timestamp

  • He hasn't bought in yet

"We actually had to stop you from smoking before you came on" timestamp :marseyxd:

Mentions that he owns some land in Honduras in the epilogue


Jobless Jay Smith needs a job. Brawn not brain job.

If anyone would like me to offer him a job I will.

Fat girl angles, kid tax and Sam Hyde cosplay

Tam stokes the racial flames. Not implicit but I believe it

An offer for a child psych ward

Sage advice

Hunter knows what's up

Self dox


The man came for sympathy. Got nothing but dunks.

I simply cannot imagine a worse way to try to negotiate a raise at one's job than what OP has done


Are there work places that do in fact give 15% raises to keep up with inflation? I've never worked for a place that does this.

Yeah the "fabricated data" thing is needlessly combative IMO. This should have been a meeting not a text for starters and something more like "I did some research and according to this source, relative cost of living has increased 15% in the past 12 months" opens the same argument without accusing anyone of fraud.

OP is a bozo, and bozos never get what they want. There was a 0% chance his, uh, tact was going to work. Regardless, raises are based on the market and performance, not inflation! (+19)

I kneel to whoever sacrificed their account for a Milton Friedman LARP on this sub.

I dunno man, were you trying to get fired?



Athena, 32

Carter, 25


Personal Life/Career:

  • 3 kids, she had 1 prior to the marriage with another man?

    • 3, 4, and 8

    • 8 year old lives with her father in Florida right now

  • "Tensions are high" pre-filming timestamp

    • Immediate jump into maritial issue kino

    • She sees herself as saving the two of them financially and considering divorce if he doesn't get himself together

    • She's sober 9 years, very into AA, was in military

    • He was sober for a year, met when he was 2 weeks sober :marseyxd:

    • "He's strictly a drug addict" timestamp

      • Is he off drugs?

        • He says "Yeah" she says "No" at the same time :marseyxd:

        • Clarifies that he messes around with psychedelics, she clarifies wit story time about finding him "dead on the floor" four years ago timestamp

        • Mentions missed the birth of his third child because he'd smoked too much weed and had a stomach ache :marseyxd:

          • Hard cut into caleb's grift shilling :marseyemojirofl:
      • Current drug use deets timestamp

        • Mostly Kratom, Weed - "Could be Jamba Juice for a week but nothing's gonna stop him"

        • Some psychedelics too?

      • How he relapsed 4 years ago timestamp

        • She bought a bottle of alcohol to help with an ear infection, someone else suggested this?

          • He chugged it and mixed some opiates
      • She does "hape"

        • "unprocessed tobacco, ash, and different plants from the Amazon Jungle"

        • Both do this but "it's not the same"

        • She works for some Jungle Tribe? She's been there and made it with them? She's "one of their guardians in the world" and distributes it? timestamp

        • Mentions having a stroke where everyone told her she was going to die

          • Brought up again later, says she fixed this "by going into [her] own body" timestamp
    • Had a huge fight two days ago, juicy deets timestamp

      • "I've never smoked crack"

        • "No he smoked Heroin" I think she said heroin the shit getting censored out is annoying. He claims he stopped at 22
      • "I know that if I die tomorrow and there is 500'000 dollars because of my life insurance that I pay I don't trust him with the kids and making the right decisions" timestamp

      • Is it true that he doesn't love her like he used to? timestamp

        • "Doesn't show it like he used to"

        • "Together all the time"

        • He wants to play video games

      • Had a cry a couple weeks ago and took some psychedelics to figure his life out timestmap

        • "2CB" not sure if I heard this right I don't know drugs

        • Decided he needs to not quit his vidya because he will resent her for that?

      • Have they seen a therapist together? timestamp

        • She says - She has tried for years but he doesn't want someone to tell him he's wrong

        • He says - can't afford a babysitter? Too expensive

          • They had 7 cancellations for babysitters but finally got one so they could come on this show?
        • Bickering about money timestamp

          • "oh but we have money for World of Warcraft, we have money for stupid shit like-"

          • "-like massages for my wife"

          • "No okay we're going to go into this because he won't let it go"

          • Combined finances "but he just spends"


  • self-score timestmap

    • Aborted initially to discuss their impending divorce

    • Actual self-score timestamp

      • she says 3 and he says 1

      • he said 7 before but then he watched a couple episodes

      • Mentions that he "adds debt and she doesn't see it" timestamp

        • "I don't even add debt though you can go through and see it"
  • Spent 8'000 to move to Oklahoma timestamp

    • 2 and a half months ago

    • Bickering about who wanted to move

    • He had a 20 hour trip fried his brain and they moved to Oklahoma instead to get a job with his father?

    • She's made $2'000 in May, usually $1'500

      • She "does healing" for the moment - with the magic tobacco?

      • Not setting anything aside for taxes, can't afford to?

    • He makes 2'600 a month (3'000 before taxes)

    • She had a hair license in CA, did not transfer to OK but would have with Florida?

  • She filed for bankruptcy at some point after her stroke? timestamp

    • beginning of 2023?

    • She paid off most of his debt, put things into her name before bankruptcy?

      • had plans to make more money in CA bigger hair salon
    • She had a "successful business"

    • Landlord said he "doesn't work with women" and had serious issues with the building she was in?

    • She usually makes about $100 an hour, 15 hours a week

  • Can their family help out? timestamp

    • His father just had a baby
  • Why not move to Florida? tiemstamp

    • he says moving costs

    • she says relapse

      • she moved out at some point?
  • Combined finances stuff, she took over handling them when she had the stroke, then she took them back after a little but timestamp

    • Total disarray while he was in control

    • Mentions "deferred interest" for paypal, Best Buy

      • "and she says why didn't I pay more than the minimum and I'm like we have no money to pay more than the minimum"

      • "Every time we do have money he thinks it's like okay we can go out and eat we can go get on my red bulls oh not red bulls umm [indescipherable spanish name] every single day"

      • Mentions that she quit her Starbies habit

      • "Like we would have assistance for food and he would spend a lot of that on energy drinks"

  • Credit Card 1 (City Diamond) ($1687) timestamp

    • Minimum payment $56

    • New purchases $43.90

    • $39 interest accrued

    • Lots of Amazon, Apple in-app, Chick-fil-a

      • Apple music?

      • Might be the extra cloud storage for her phone?

      • Some amazon ad-free thing?

    • "We don't go to Chick-fil-a any more"

      • "That's literally the most recent statement!"
  • Credit Card 2 (Discover) (7'000) timestamp

    • Had it paid off but then it wasn't

    • LA apartment was infested with cockroaches deemed unlivable

      • "When we came back from a healing convention-"

      • Some excuses?

    • 2238 new purchases

    • 142 minimum payment

    • 113 interest charged

    • Fair bit of eating out on here, some amazons

    • Salon statements timestamp

      • this is where she buys things and resells them
  • Car 2020 Kai Telluride ($33'400) timestamp

    • Old car got totalled, he got smashed into and pushed into a semi

    • "actually we got a really great deal on it" :marseyxd:

      • She's actually convinced she got a good deal. It's unreal she actually bought hook line and sinker and won't accept she got taken for a ride. Born mark.
    • 72 months, 12% interest?

    • 2021

    • $739 minimum payment

    • good condition but a few scratches in the front, might be small issues inside from kids

    • Something weird where they need checks in paper or they take the interest out of it? Didn't catch this

    • Underwater by $8'000

  • Upped her life insurance? timestamp

  • She mentions that she is a vegan timestamp

  • Jungle Story timestamp

    • Went last year

    • "How'd you afford to go to the jungle?"

      • "Credit cards"
  • $78 on some credit card timestamp

    • World of Warcraft - it auto-renewed without him knowing?

    • pays 6 months

    • He played until 2:30 am yesterday night :marseygamer:

  • "I have a gift" "I am not of this earth I am in human form" timestamp

    • White woman nonsense about restoring the rain forest

    • I see dead people now I don't choose to see it

    • "You don't see them they pass you a message and you give it to the person and they heal I charge $111 for what I do it's not fake"

      • "Trust me I didn't say you couldn't make money off of that" :marseyxd:
    • "Fine, tell me something about my self" timestamp

      • it doesn't work like that :marseyxd:

      • "It's only when I do hape my higher self will talk to your higher self"

    • Producer Noah will be doing hape in the post-show? I refuse to paypig so no idea how this went

  • Credit Card 4 (Priceline) ($91) timestamp

    • A few Amazon purchases

      • She doesn't think they've made any purchases this month?
    • Some movie rent/buying

    • Father of her first child would not let her control the finances timestamp

      • He was breadwinner in that relationship?

      • She shows some sort of organization of her expenses?

      • "Every month I go can we sit down and he hates it" :marseyxd:

      • "He literally became a man when he met me becau-"

  • Credit Card 5 (Best Buy) (1'883) timestamp

    • "Somebody broke his headphones!" :marseyxd:

    • Food, TV, headphones, iPad repair

    • $348 in new purchases

    • $29 in payments

    • $17 interest accrued

    • Based karen moment fighting the employee on the screen protector timestamp

  • She's been applying to jobs timestamp

    • Only applied to 5 so far, can only work evenings and wants specific jobs? May or may not be getting a job with Texas Roadhouse
  • Credit Card 6 (2'442) timestamp

    • $81 minimum payment

    • $72 in new purchases

    • $82 paid

    • $6 interest accrued

    • interest only just started on this

  • Owes money to his grand mother timestamp

    • She will just send money sometimes to bail them out? Separately from that she lent them a lot?

    • already paid back a lot but still owe 4'000 that she wants to

    • Something about taking in some guy from Turkey but booted him "released him with love" timestamp

      • They have a phoneline that he is paying off?
  • She is concerned with the welfare of the plant, she decides "it's dying" timestamp

    • It's not dying.
  • She gets really ill if she drinks starbucks "since the stroke"

  • $1000 on a mattress remaining

    • they partially paid $2000
  • MetaZoo timestamp

    • Spent thousands of dollars on it? irl card game?

    • This what they spent their covid bucks on?

    • They tried to be scalpers during the covid bubble they are so fricking stupid it's unreal

    • they think the kickstarter box is worth $1000?

  • Caleb presses them on whether they've taken responsiblity for anything ever timestamp

Pie chart timestamp

She's getting 20% disabled for VA ($338) timestamp

Its over for Berkshire Hathawaycels.

Gamestop :rawr: :marseyincineroar: guy is pumping again on reddit :marseysnoo:

Ariana, 31, Corpus Christi TX

Personal Life/Career:

  • Personal Shopper at "Major Texas Grocery Store" (HEB)

    • basically just handling curbside pickup stuff

    • Last year made $25'386

      • Brought in $1'400 dollars last month?

      • Probably closer to $15'000

    • 34 hours a week - usually less than that

    • 3 years

    • Was an English teacher in China prior to this

      • Tried to substitute but did not like the culture in usa
    • Got a raise to $18 an hour recently

  • Bachelor's in Poli Sci

  • Leeching off her mother

    • Mother is 58
  • Went back to school, stenography "to become a court reporter" timestamp

    • Pushback on this because Caleb thinks it will be vaporized by ChatGPT

    • Apparently this pays 6 figures starting? :marseywtf:

      • Caleb fact checks this as around 61'000 starting

      • She was basing it off a job posting she saw

    • School details timestamp

      • 2 years (she thinks)

      • Paid in cash, 1 class a semester $500 each ("per speed level")

  • She tries to explain what she does with her day timestamp

    • Caleb brings up the Uhaul lesbian meme :marseyxd:


  • Financial score timestamp

    • Tries to give story, gets cut off and then says 3/10
  • How'd she get into debt? timestamp

    • Claims majority of it is "taking a lot of flights to Britain"

    • "Trying to save [her] relationship"

    • Wifed an Englishwoman she met in China, separated during pandemic because they went back to their countries

      • Only 3 flights?

      • First time she stayed there 6 months

      • Others were 2 weeks apiece

      • Last went May of last year

      • Divorcing now (just filed)

      • Brit developed "chronic illness" and decided leeching off the NHS was smarter than moving to USA

      • Got married in Corpus last year, she traveled to the USA

  • Credit Card 1 (Sam's) ($5'859/$14'900) timestamp

    • Went and bought a pizza at Sam's before coming to the show

      • Gets pressed on blowing money on the pizza :marseyxd:
    • $100 interest

      • 20%
    • $158 payments (old minimum)

    • $130 new purchases

    • 159 minimum monthly payment

    • Lots of eating out :marseyxd:

    • Tries to justify it because it's convenience

      • usually grabs it when she's on the way out of Sam's
    • Pulls out her stenography machine and she tries to transcribe what he's saying timestamp

      • She's barely 30 wpm. Unfricking real.
  • Credit Card 2 (Discover It) ($1'235) timestamp

    • $625 paid

    • $424 in new purchases

    • $35 minimum payment

    • Interest free until November - 30% after that

    • She claims balances are because of relationship? He pushes back because it's obviously not :marseyxd:

    • Constant super market spending

      • Every shift at HEB she gets Sushi (actually spring rolls) :marseyxd:

      • Has tried making spring rolls at home but fails ever time

      • Roughly $300 a month spring roll habit. She claims she stopped and gets pressed on that because it's obviously not true

    • $75 therapist payment - put on this card instead of debit but this is interest free

  • Credit Card 3 ($0) timestamp

    • Authorized user on this one, it's her mother's

    • Mother is responsible, pays it off

    • "Mother wanted to help her build credit"

    • 690 or so credit score, she thinks this is "really good"

      • Gets pressed for being constantly being confidently incorrect
  • Student Loans ($9'244) timestamp - timestamp 2

    • On a payment plan - all consolidated

    • Not paused because she's under the requisite credit hours

    • Mother paid for most of her degree, these student loans are making up the difference

    • $98 minimum payment, she thought it was $198

    • 6.5% intrest rates

  • Addressing the mother situation timestamp

    • Thinks she's been given $3'000 over the last three years

      • Some for dental she "broke her teeth" while eating at Wingstop

      • Then had to get root canal?

      • Informal on the payment plan, mother is keeping an notebook and writing down all numbers

    • Living with mother right now, free rent

      • Sister also lives there, also going through divorce
  • Car 2014 Chevy Spark

    • 96'000 miles
  • Checking Account ($25) timestamp

    • She takes out "mostly everything in cash"

      • All that spending is untracked :marseywtf:

      • Caleb presses her hard on where the cash goes and she struggles to come up with answers

    • $80 on getting her hair done once a week :marseyxd:

      • She wants to be "platinum blonde" instead of black hair

      • She wants this to be in her budget

    • Started the month with $600

    • Tries to get her to draw a bar chart comparing her spring roll spending vs her income timestamp

  • No retirement account

Budget Pie Chart timestamp

Attempt to design her a budget timestamp

  • At least $57 underwater based on what she's done
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