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I have really bad insomnia and I don't know what to do. Do you have any advice?

It's getting really bad and taking a toll on me physically (mentally I'm doing well, thankfully).

I drink so much caffeine to cope but I am guessing that's just messing me up more later.

I take melatonin but I don't think it's working anymore. Benadryl makes me depressed the next day for some reason? CBD doesn't really work. A hot shower doesn't help. I have a weighted blanket 🧩 and weighted eye mask.

I am thinking of doing CBT for insomnia (really strict rules around sleep hygiene) but am scared bc it does involve a bit of sleep deprivation while adjusting (no naps allowed). I haven't been exercising much lately but maybe that will help.

Does anyone have any advice? Or something that will help me fall asleep tonight? :/ 100dc for each real suggestion.

Edit: wtf

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You could send me a couple of pictures :marseywink:

Haha just kidding... Unless?

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Pic of my doggy rn

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It's been 2hrs since OP can you still not fall asleep?

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Well ok, here are some things that would help me:

  1. Put yo darn phone down

  2. Cooling yourself off and then warming back up again. I don't know how good of an idea it is to try this in the middle of night cause it will jolt you up initially, but in the evening I find it helps if I either go out into cold weather for some 10-15 minutes with little clothes on, or take a cold shower. It doesn't have to be ice cold, but it has to be 'uncomfortably' cold so you actually cool off. Then you make yourself warm drink like cacao or herbal tea, get under warm blankets, and maybe even supplement it with 1 or 2 shots of something strong (which you can even incorporate into your warm beverage if it's something like sweet liquor). This combo works well for me

  3. If you can't fall asleep because of nagging thoughts, turn on something to watch to grab your attention, but something that you won't feel the need to actually pay attention to so you can drift into sleep. I like those bushcraft videos with no narration for that purpose

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Bro looks like he's about to pass the frick out lol

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