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[Bimothy-19] holy frick what difference does the exact bug he has make




It has mutated and it's not that big of a deal anymore. ??? It's not like HIV, it's a self-limiting illness.

Btw I was covid negative this morning (just tested bc I had some I had ordered last year and was curious) but I did test positive for Bimothy-19.

Are you sick with something now/within last two weeks?

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I'm sorry. I share custody with my coparent of our 8 year old. He had our son this weekend; I was out of town so we agreed he would drop him at my house Sunday afternoon with my mom (grandma, who is recovering well from lung cancer surgery and lives with me.) He wasn't feeling well, came in, dropped off our son, hung out with the dog for about an hour, then went home and took a test and notified us that he'd just exposed everyone to Covid.

>leaves, potentially exposing myself to Covid

>have a 8 year old who is constantly exposing himself to Covid

>ex-husband just wants to see his kid and pet his dog

>ex comes down with Covid, likely from the kid

It's all his fault

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