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Any tips for getting a second wind after lunchtime/in the afternoon?

I swear I am brain dead and also physically tired by like 1PM most days.

Does anyone have any strategies beyond adderall for this?

How can I become a post-lunchtime rowdy???

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xtra carbs will contribute to fatigue regardless of caffeine / adderall intake. If coffee would bring you to 90% without a bunch of carbs, it will bring you up to 70% with a bunch of carbs.

Drink half the coffee before the meal, eat, then finish it off with the rest of the coffee... the caffeine won't hit you in time to stop you from being hungry, but it will kick in as you finish your meal & then you top it off with the second dose, which will stack.

The biggest way people mess up caffeine is by having bad timing. You can't really make practical use of coffee without knowing when the fatigue will hit... which you do, so use that info to time the boosts & dampen them.. if you get too low, it's gonna be extra effort to get back up-- but if you don't dip too low, you can just cruise

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