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My earbuds are broken

Now I have to brave the audiophile forums and talk to people who insist that spending any less than $500 on some placebo shit with a fancy case is unthinkable.

Audiophiles are funny to observe but annoying to interact with when you actually need to get useful information out of them.

I wonder what the psychology is behind that tendency to suggest the most pointless overpriced stuff. Do they all get duped into overspending and recommending otherwise requires them to admit their mistake?

The ones I'm using at the moment cost about $20 and lasted about 4 years. They were fine but now the right ear is buzzing.

Are there any other earbud users on rdrama? What sort do you have?

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theres no point in spending a lot of money on speakers that will be receiving audio through blue tooth, just buy something cheap

also sorry for your loss

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