
Klenny diet progress update: A grab bag of ways my life has improved since I went from 307 pounds to 195 pounds.

One thing that comes up a lot in my diet progress threads is whether I feel different and healthier now that I'm 100 pounds less fat and truthfully for the most part I don't, I have about as much energy as I did when I weighed 307 (which isn't a lot, I'm a big napper).

So that got me thinking well if that's the case why did I lose 112 pounds and I got thinking about the good stuff that I do like about having lost weight so here's a list of things and maybe if you weigh a lot this will motivate you to lose weight too.

  • No longer ashamed to look at myself in the mirror

  • Don't mind occasionally taking photographs (I still don't like the way I look in photographs, 180 or die trying)

  • Can buy clothes in any store instead of having to shop specialty sites that carry gigafat-person sizes

  • Get complimented frequently by people who knew me before I lost the weight

  • Decreased risk of diabetes (my mom is diabetic so this was a big motivation)

  • Decreased risk of heart disease, a bunch of other shit I forget

  • Knees don't hurt anymore (they used to hurt a lot)

  • Fingers aren't fat anymore (it was really depressing as I was getting fat when I first realized my fingers were now fat)

  • Peepee looks slightly bigger due to FUPA receding (doesn't hurt)

  • Enjoy buying and trying on new clothes instead of it being a depressing chore

So those are basically the ways my life has improved since going from morbidly obese to just ordinarily overweight. I'd definitely say it's been worth it and I'd tell anyone who's heavier than they want to be that there's no time losing like right now.



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-chicks everywhere

-cops let him off speeding tickets

-baristas (male, female and woke) always comp his drink

-ability to tame wild animals with his thoughts

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do you have a lot of excess skin that flaps around? :marseydejected:

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Nope. I lost the weight pretty gradually, over the course of about two years, so I think my skin's had time to unstretch to fit my current weight. I have some sag in my belly but that's just remaining fat.


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nice :marseyaward:

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great job king


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congrats on the huge peepee

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Well done, lad :marseyklennyclap:

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Great job, king. Self-improvement is its own reward

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Gotta go play ball and go gym bro.

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Gotta go play ball and go gym bro.

Yeah, I lost all the weight by just dieting, without doing any exercise, I recently got back into swimming to get myself into better shape.


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Fat people legit have high self confidence

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>Knees don't hurt anymore (they used to hurt a lot)

This is big, I think. It's like preventative maintenance to avoid problems down the road.

Like how much less weight and wear and tear will be put on your knees over the next 5 years / decade.

You don't want to be mid 30s/early 40's with completely blown out knees.

It's like your teeth. Take care of them now, because you only get 1 set and once they're fricked, that's it.

Also, great job.

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