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:marseyboomer: Boomer - Zoomer :marseyzoomer: Intergenerational Dialogue Thread

The point of this thread is to foster intergenerational solidarity between the boomers and zoomers of rdrama.net by getting to know about each other's generation more. Boomers ask questions about zoomers and zoomers answer them, and vice versa.

I'll start.

Is it true that each zoomer has their own personal Groomercord server where they invite their friends? Like, you don't just have one Groomercord server for your entire friend group, in addition to that, every single one of you has their own personal Groomercord server, and you all invite each other into your personal servers?

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Is it true that boomers hate their wives? :marseygrilling2:

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:marseyakshually: Boomers take it as implicit that every man loves his wife, and so they feel no fear when they joke about hating her. From their perspective, they're just pointing out the frustrations and difficulties that inevitably arise when two people are deeply enmeshed in each others lives. The Boomers are reacting to a very idealized, very saccharine, mostly Christian image of love and marriage they were presented with in their youth, and they're still thumbing their noses at it to this day - even after many of the people who pushed it are dead.

Younger generations don't have this background, nor the same assumptions, and tend to see Boomer jokes as more spiteful than intended.

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The Boomers are reacting to a very idealized, very saccharine, mostly Christian image of love and marriage they were presented with in their youth

This is also what shows like Married with Children and The Simpsons were originally aiming at: deconstructing the ideal "Leave It To Beaver" family depiction the post-war period. However, at some point the cynicism became the norm. I blame 9/11 and the 2000s for "locking in" this cultural cynicism.

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:marseyakshually: The Christian image of marriage isn't some lovey-dovey fairytale. What you're describing is the pop-culture interpretation of marriage.

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Behead zoomers

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Yes and no. Normie zoomers are probably gonna have one groomercord server for their own friend group, while terminally online friend groups might have up to half a dozen, each with mostly the same but slightly different user bases.

I also know of some situations where there's several servers with the "main" group jannying all of them, with the lesser friend groups making up the rest of the user base.

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So has groomercord become the new group texting? Is it a common mistake where someone goes to shit talk a specific person but they mix up which groomercord is which and shit talk in the wrong groomercord ?

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Nah, group chats still exist. Biofoids don't use groomercord.

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Nah, people would generally make an effort to go to a specific private channel in order to gossip, or DMs if they're a perm-less peasant.

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It's worth noting that zoomers will create their own groomercord server if they're trying to become internet famous. Whether they're trying to be big name streamers or fanfic writers with 100 AO3 followers or whatever the frick else, they believe their own personal server is an important step towards facilitating that.

Indeed, any fellow zooms that do notice them will often suggest this so they can talk to each other. It doesn't matter what kind of chat features the website they're already using has — it simply has to be through groomercord.

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It's so fricking annoying, I really don't understand why everybody is so obsessed with this service. Literally any small community will always have a discute server advertisement, and all I can think is "Why?".

Sometimes it's wholesome, I saw a pair of friends form in the cooment section of an AO3 story, and those two ended up writing a story together. Just a shame the guy stopped uploading, his workflow is so slow he hasn't published anything in literally a year. :marseysigh: He quit before finishing his story. :marseycry:

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I can't remember what I was watching but some zoomer on youtube said they just created their own personal groomercord to write notes and upload images they liked which I guess is a clever way to do things if you don't know how to use a file system.

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Grandma tier computering lmao

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it's an r-slured way to use free cloud storage, not a replacement for their hard drive

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I do this. I have Groomercord on my phone and three different computers (home computer, work computer, and laptop), so when I find some funny meme image or a copypasta or whatever on one device I can just save it there and have access to it on all devices. It's very convenient. :marseyshrug:

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Telegram :marseytelegram: literally :marseyme: btfos groomercord :marseygroomer2: for thisb

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Just put onedrive or dropbox on all three.

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>onedrive or dropbox


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It's not like I'm using Groomercord for it exclusively. I'm mostly using Groomercord because most of my friend group chats have moved on from Skype, Steam chat, small scale forums etc. to Groomercord. Why would I use a specialized program for stuff like this when I have one that I already use for other stuff that works perfectly fine?

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what the frick lmao

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Also what did boomers do to piss off daddy when they were young?

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They went cruising on the main strip. Teens use to drive in circles over and over again blasting loud music at night. It became so annoying that when I was a teen, if a cop saw you pass the same spot more than 4 times in an hour he would give you a ticket.

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Here's another one. Is it true that !christmaschads once had to wait until just a few weeks before Christmas to enjoy the most wonderful season of all? :marseyscream:

In any case, I'm glad we've since seized our necessary autumn lebensraum

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We had to fight for the right to celebrate our holidays, but thanks to the generous sacrifice of thousands of Christmas warriors we now can celebrate it as soon as november hits :marseythanks:

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do you have to setup groomercord servers manually like for teamspeak?

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it takes like three clicks to create a new server, why do you think it got so popular, its certainly not because its hard to use

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so a groomercord 'server' is essentially a subforum/subreddit/hole?

i must be a :marseyboomer: because back in my day to setup a 'server' one must buy hosting from some rando webhosting company and then type in arcane commands to bring it up

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Yeah they literally aren't servers, it's pretty funny. All of it is hosted on groomercords own servers, the "servers" are group chats that allow for more than 10 people.

I think it's because some Zoomers began to think a server was just something that you could join and didn't realize it's tied to a physical server.

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free to use, simple to make and manage, no wonder it took over the internet

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Hey you broccoli-headed cute twinks, we should get together and flay, hang, behead, or necklace those pansy millennials.

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@Redactor0 teach us things

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My ancestors fought the Quantrill gang. I don't need some c*nt from an HBCU to validate me. When some poor bastard shared a can of beef stew the morning before Kursk it came on one of those shipments from Portland

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I have covid and my brain hurts

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How do you catch :marseypokeball2: ‘rona in current year +7

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I dunno, i had flu just before this. I want my life to end.

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Did you take the vax?

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Yeah last year but I didn't get boostmaxxed for this year.

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You need the next 15 or it doesn't give you a 50% chance to avoid :marseynope: Delta variant smdh

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It should actually be Xoomer and Zoomer :marseyill:

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@Boomers, do you really think we're not going to attestupa you once the Social Security bill gets too high

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