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I got shadowmogged by Chad the other day

I was waiting in line at target and was looking at my shadow when all the sudden a much larger shadow approached from behind me. I turned around and saw a 6'4” Gigachad behind me waiting But what was crazy was his shadow. In addition to dwarfing mine it was incredibly dark. Like seriously the darkest shadow I've ever seen. Black as the void of space, it made my shadow barely look like it was there. I was terrified, “how can shadows even get that dark” I thought to myself. I could see Chad was not even focused on anything, apparently it takes him no concentration to make his shadow that dark. Meanwhile shadowcels like me spend their life's trying to make our shadows better.

To make matters worse there was a qt pie who was checking me out but the second Chad's shadow walked by I could see how much interest she lost. She took one look at his shadow and it was game over for me. I could hear a few people in the other line talking about it too, saying how much better his shadow was than mine… it was humiliating.

I ran to my car after purchasing and was crying. I've been shadowmaxxing for two years and now that I know I'm a shadowlet I think I'm gonna LDAR

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