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Just cleaned out some AGP schizoboomer's gooncave (seriouspost)

My pastor asked me to help this rentoid get his apartment ready for fire inspection since his landchad was threatening to kick him out for fire code violations. Being a good boy, I went over there to help him out.

First thing I saw were a bunch of mannequins dressed in women's clothing, with tripods and cameras next to them. His apartment was 96 degrees (I measured it with a thermometer), smelled like old people and cigarettes (he smoked in his room) and was covered in dust, porn (his screensaver, magazines, etc), and fraud. Also a few women's clothing magazines. Apparently he sits around all day writing consumer fraud lawsuits and trying to get banks which are run by the mob or sth. I can't get the smell out of my head (it's literally stuck in my sinuses and I don't have any peppermint oil or smelling salts).


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