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Where do I find femcels to get to know and talk to???

Xrothers and xisters I am serious. I'm tired of chatting up normalstrags and doing the normalstrag dating dance (IRL or :marseydepressed: online). Surely there's SOMEthing out there for this. Probably there's something I'm missing. Obviously I am desperate because I'm asking rDrama for help. So please help! :marseybegging:

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you can find them on ovarit

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I know of Ovarit and Reduxx but those don't exactly seem like good places to strike up a conversation. What I'm looking for is a way to find socially outcast women who are in a similar position as mine - tired of normalshit but not hateful. Like a chatting or dating site, ideally.

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You're literally in the best place for that, right now, according to recent metaposts that I didn't pay too much attention to

But yeah, try groomercord for {your local place}

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just go outside then.

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Bars are good fun but the peepeedance of modern normaltard dating wears on me. Just can't see myself doing it seriously for much longer.

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it doesn't matter, the flavour of autism you are looking for is rare among women and the other option are literal SA :marseydeadinside2: victims, considering you are looking for social recluses. I think you have to stick with the so called "normies" if you want someone who is not a slut, you're going to have to date upwards. :marseythumbsup: good luck!

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