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I told my psychologist :marseydrkatz: about my inceldom

She told me I should :marseynorm: focus on my studies for now, and that I'm still young. It didn't really :marseythinkorino2: help and I've got serious :marseysnoomask: urges to cut because I'm so depressed. I hate my life.

Sorry for all the circumcision posts. I'll stop now.

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Aevann pin this too

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She could have solved it by blowing you right then and there, she will pay for her inaction.

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I think you have dysphoria. Try wearing women's clothes

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I'm confused, why not just have s*x? :marseyconfused2:


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She told me

change to a moid psychologist

Also don't focus on your studies, college is the best chance to lose your virginity, focus on that instead


I want to seriously help you, what is your main struggle with women? Do you have trouble making contact, talking to them, making conversation? Tell me and I will help you out

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Heavens to Betsy!


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You're goddarn right, Eleanor.

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>lol don't worry bout it just focus on your work

doesn't sound like a very good psychologist

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i'm usually in favor of the whole self-improoovment grindset thing but sneedman can't get laid because he is literally 5 feet tall. even the best psychologist in the world can't give any copium to fix that. for dating that is a debuff on the level of micropeepee, severe paranoid schizophrenia, or burn victim. unless he becomes wildly successful and famous there is no route to being competitive in the heterosexual dating market under these conditions.

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He can develop a midget fetish and target them specifically, or move to a place that's full of very short people, or get really fat and jacked and grow a beard to dwarfmaxx and pull LOTR fetishists. Even without any changes he could probably find a shota fetishist (p-do) woman. I dunno, it's a huge impediment, but it's not impossible in a world where guys in worse positions DO manage to pull women occasionally. Heck, I bet at least one of the resident biofoids here would bang him at least as a one-off

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move to a place full of short people / target niche demographics from a larger pool of population

unfortunately i'm going to guess that geographic mobility is not one of south africa's strong suits :marseyconcerned:

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Fair point. Can we get a biofoid shipped out to suck him off? Or at least write ‘sneedman' on their tits and send him a photo? There is at least one on here that's willing, I'm certain of it

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She should have told him that he is

Not entitled to women

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He told the female quack he was an incel expecting sympathy and meaningful help :marseyrofl:

!incels !truecels She knew long ago, resident BIPOClet

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You do realize that I can see your height right


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I'm not a woman hater but a male psychologist would probably be more helpful in this situation

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Serious question: what do you want out of life? It's hard to answer, I know, but I truly think that getting to the bottom of it is the only path to happiness. Find out what you want out of life, and then pursue people that advance that goal. Don't cut, you're worth more then that. Also if you get some kind of infection and die from it I'll be without my favorite effort poster so don't do that.

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Me too king me too

I dont even do anything any longer

I just deserve to die and honestly I should hsve roped ten years ago

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dude your team is in the champions league finals wtf why are u so mopey lol

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Him caring about cute twinkball should be enough

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:#marseyfluffyannoyed: !football kill him

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Yeah, it does. American (real) football is better

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Football :marseyblackknightsmascot: Americano > Football :marseyyellowcard: > Hockey :marseycanada: >= Basketball :marseydunk: > Women's Basketball :marseychaosdunk: > Curling > Baseball :marseyderanged: >>> Bowling > Softball > Cricket :marseygossipunsure: > Pickleball

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Out of that list i only recognize football, basketball, and hockey as not being a cute twink

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Curling is pretty :marseyglam: tits tbh

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Tfw you tried to save him :#marseywall:

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Hey don't do anything :marseycoleporter: too hasty. Make sure to set up a livestream first :marseywinner: and carefully plan everything out so that you don't end up horribly deformed

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always remember to take some people with you :marseyfedp#ostyes:

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@sandkwinn wants you

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:marseyrofl: very true keep yourself safe cute twink

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Don't be so hard on yourself... It's rough out there. Put some effort into your own cultivation; The more you do, the more you'll end up liking yourself. When people see you liking yourself, they'll take that as a cue and do the same.


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if you are a midgetcel your only out is o make enough money to be able to afford a vapid hoe or to go back to India to find a 4"11 foid from a good family.

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He's African, they have Pygmys he just has to take an adventure to the heart of darkness to find himself and a wife

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He likes white women so maybe he could bicyclemaxx to sweden like that one Indian guy


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>I have this issue which is bothering so much that I can't even focus on living my life

>"Umm, have you tried focusing on your life?"

Terrible stuff, you work up the courage to open up to someone else and they don't get you at all so you end up feeling even shittier than before.

I wish I could give you some tips but I didn't get over it myself. The only thing I can tell you is that it gets a bit better by itself as you grow up :#marseyembrace:

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Your psychologist is shit. Their job isn't to give you advice, but to help you come to your own conclusions that make you happy.

Also it's not like you cannot focus on your studies and try to get laid at the same time. Unless of course there's a deadline or something in your studies as in "have this super important test in 4 weeks", then sure focus on your studies.

That said she's not completely wrong. iirc there are basically some pillars in everyone's life and you can be happy if a pillar is broken, but if too many pillars are broken you have issues. job perspective/career, family/friends, health (mental, physical), necessities (housing, food, ...) are the one's I recall. If I recall you have issues with most of the pillars (lost phd, mental health & drug addiction, lack of intimate relationship, ...). Only some parts are going well (you mentioned your sister in a positive light).

You can only work on so many things, so chose those wisely. And I would ask you if you consider yourself (mentally) healthy & stable enough to be in a long term relationship. You cannot expect a partner to fix you and until you have stabilized more you would most likely hurt your partner. Having a partner that cuts is not a nice thing to have - cause you will feel powerless to help.

Also work with your psychologist to learn different skills that you can do instead of cutting. Or look for an online self-help book for those.

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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A real doctor would have had s*x with you to cure you, she's a total hack SMDH

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Cutting will surely solve it and make you more attractive to others.

:strongsoymarsey: How about you stop being fat

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Pointless thing to tell a foid psych, inceldom doesn't exist in women's eyes, it probably didn't even register in her brain.

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Try to look at things as they are rather than how you feel about them or want them to be. You cant improve external factors as easily as you can improve yourself.. Do ypu think that youll feel less depressed if you simply got laid? Becoming happy may coincide with that, butt you have to make the decision to be happy for yourself and I reckon if you were happier(butt more importanly stoicly content) with your situation, then your vibe would be such that ypur odds of getting laid will be higher. Rather than cut yourself ypu should work out. It provides the same catharsis as self-harm, butt less negative side effects and a bunch of other positive results. "Whether you think you can, or you think you cant, youre right." Mindset is everything @sneedman

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I've got serious :marseysnoomask: urges to cut

I'm severely depressed but I've never understood this, why not just skip to the end or stay masking instead of doing something with the disadvantages of both (both still being alive and suffering, but also people knowing you're mentally ill and therefore someone to be avoided and never trusted)? It seems like most people who cut do that because they want people to know that they're depressed, yet they always deny this, often even claiming that the real problem is people telling them they're just looking for attention (telling them the truth).

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I think you cut yourself because your foreskin was cut :marseyfreud: you're constantly recreating that symbolic act of genital mutilation on your own body. Also the general impotence you feel is a result of being rendered a spiritual eunuch by your parents :marseyagree:

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You are a p-dophile.

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Surely she already knew

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how old are u again?

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remember, down the street, not across the road

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>She told me


:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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