My favorite SCPs

The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization dedicated to securing, containing, and protecting anomalous objects, creatures, and phenomena that defy natural laws. It's sort of like the Men in Black. These anomalies, called SCPs (Secure, Contain, Protect), pose risks to humanity if not controlled. The Foundation's job is to find these anomalies, keep them hidden from the public to prevent panic and study them to understand their nature and behavior

Each SCP is given a unique designation and cataloged based on its properties and potential dangers. The Foundation operates covertly, often using specialized facilities and highly trained personnel to contain and research these anomalies. Some SCPs are benign and simply need to be monitored, while others are dangerous and require strict containment protocols to prevent harm. The Foundation operates under strict secrecy, ensuring that the existence of these anomalies remains unknown to the general population. This secrecy is maintained through various means, including amnestic treatments to erase memories of encounters with SCPs and misinformation campaigns to cover up incidents involving these anomalies.

Today, I'd like to share with you my favorite SCPs.

4. Infinite IKEA

SCP-3008 is a large retail unit previously owned by and branded as IKEA, a popular furniture retail chain. A person entering SCP-3008 through the main entrance and then passing out of sight of the doors will find themselves translocated to SCP-3008-1. SCP-3008-1 is a space resembling the inside of an IKEA furniture store, extending far beyond the limits of what could physically be contained within the dimensions of the retail unit.

The primary challenge of SCP-3008 is the difficulty in escaping or even mapping its vast interior, as well as the psychological toll of being trapped in an environment that offers no escape and little hope of rescue. The SCP Foundation conducts periodic explorations and attempts to establish communication with those inside, while also studying the anomalous nature of the space and its inhabitants.

3. Anantashesha

SCP-3000 is a classic creature, and several videos have been made about it. The anomaly can be found underwater in the Bay of Bengal, though normies are not permitted to venture in this region. SCP-3000 is a massive, aquatic, serpentine entity strongly resembling a giant moray eel. It is estimated to be up to 900km long with a head 2.5km in diameter. The anomaly feeds on human memories, specifically targeting short-term memories of individuals who come into contact with it.

The containment procedures for SCP-3000 are focused on maintaining its habitat and preventing its migration to populated areas. This involves monitoring its location and behavior through underwater monitoring stations and using Class-D personnel to feed it, ensuring it remains in a dormant state. Specialized amnestic treatments are also used to erase memories of encounters with SCP-3000 to minimize its impact on individuals and communities.

2. ●●|●●●●●|●●|●

This is a creative entry. SCP-2521 is an SCP that presents an interesting cognitohazard. It does not want any information of it out there, whether it be in text or verbal form. Hence, the entry for the creature is in pictures and diagrams. It's best I don't spoil too much about it and let you experience it for yourself.

1. Shy Guy

My favorite SCP of all time is Shy Guy! Where do we begin? Let's start with appearances. SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. It is remarkably skinny, so much so that one would be forgiven for believing the creature is malnourished! It has surprisingly long arms that swing, and it can open its jaw four times wider than the average human.

Most of the time, SCP-096 is docile, and putting a bag over its head calms it down enough to be contained. However, things take a drastic turn when someone gazes at its face or sees a picture or any kind of visual recording of it. This will trigger the creature to start wailing like a baby. Shy Guy will then pursue whoever gazed upon its visage and murder them, leaving no traces behind. For some reason, being seen causes Shy Guy great distress.

I like Shy Guy because he hates being self-aware, which I also loathe. I find this SCP to be cute despite its grizzly description, and I hope it can find peace in containment with nobody disturbing it.


I don't want to live anymore. I failed at life.

a) no job

b) no gf

c) no money

d) no life

I failed my Ph.D the first time around and am doing it a second time. I'm 29 and failed to find independence. There's no reason for me to be here, and I think it's time to end things. I don't see the reason to keep fighting when I always land back at this miserable spot. Ever been so depressed it physically hurts? You can't go to sleep, can't eat, and can only thinking of cutting yourself. It's heck and I'm living through it daily. I can't keep this up - something has to give.

I'm a worthless, ugly, short, black piece of shit. I don't deserve happiness or acceptance in this world. Gaze upon me and you gaze upon a worthless bag of shit. I'm an idiot and a moron of the highest order. Repulsive c*nt.

So what's stopping me from taking the plunge into death? Nothing, except finding an appropriate method. Quick, painless, convenient - the dream. I could overdose on my lithium pills but it won't be a quick death. The alternative is to hang myself, which I think is the method I'm going to go with. Tune in next time when I delve deeper into my suicide preparation plans.

Ouch it hurts!

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@Bussy-boy what is you favorite SCP?

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@Bussy-boy !raw

[Post] [Date] 04/2022 [Hole] N/A [Author] TournamentFishing [Title] :marseyeldritch: rDrama SCP Entries :marseyscream: [URL] N/A [Votes] +175 / -0

# SCP-8371
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# *Object Class: Euclid, Keter Containment*

# *Site: Site-682, Antarctica*

The object was known to the Foundation as SCP-8371. According to reports it was a humanoid creature which only appeared in the winter months, with the entity's eyes being red and black. The entity's head was large in proportion to the rest of its body, which was very tall, and the eyes were also very close together. It was reported as being extremely hostile, with reports of it scaring employees, especially women. The Foundation made it so that no one could be around it unless it was being monitored 24/7 at a safe distance and a Foundation staff member was watching the entity at any given moment. It was reported that the object would always have some form of knife, usually a knife that had blood on it, although this wasn't always the case. The object had never shown any signs of remorse, and was said to constantly scream as it tried to kill any Foundation employee it saw. A lot of Foundation employees quit when they saw SCP-8371, with some even calling it hell on earth.

The entity that was identified as SCP-8371 is extremely hostile and dangerous, with the entity being a known threat to Foundation staff members, as well as any other person who comes into contact with it. The object was extremely uncooperative and hostile to Foundation staff members, but would frequently break into rage when it saw any Foundation employee. It would be reported that the object would occasionally show signs of remorse, but these signs were fleeting and not to be relied upon. The Entity could not be restrained, even when surrounded by a Foundation staff member on all sides and a safe distance away. It would be said that the entity would constantly scream as it tried to kill Foundation staff members. It was reported that the object would constantly scream and even try to fight the Foundation staff members who were observing it. The entity would also scream and constantly threaten them, trying to kill any Foundation staff members who were watching it. The entity would do this constantly and never let up.

# SCP-8371-2

# *Object Class: Euclid, Keter Containment*

# *Site: Site-682, Antarctica*

The Foundation had come into contact with SCP-8371 before the object had been captured. They had come to believe that the entity was trying to murder them and had a purpose in doing so. The Foundation, however, had no idea what the purpose was. However, they managed to

: Foundation Shill

**Type:** Euclid. 

**Anomaly:** The entity produces a near-infinite amount of dramacoin.

**Effect:** The entity, if given a sufficient amount of dramacoin, will produce and replicate near-infinite amounts of it. No entity is immune to this effect.

**Containment:** The entity will be kept in an object on the site that's considered to be useful for dramacoin purposes. It must be kept at a distance from other objects that would aid in the creation of dramacoin.

# SCP-8369: Marsey

**Type:** Euclid

**Anomaly:** The entity grants users an ability to communicate across the Internet using an image-based language in rapid succession, which is not easily decipherable by other entities.

**Effect:** When the entity is activated, the user will be able to communicate only using a series of cat emojis and marseys, which allows the user to communicate in rapid succession with other entities who are able to comprehend the language. Other entities are unable to decipher the language, but Marsey has been able to communicate with other entities such as SCP-8359.

**Containment:** The entity must be kept in an object that's considered to be useful for communicating and communicating in rapid succession.

# SCP-8368: Rdramanet

**Type:** Euclid

**Anomaly:** The entity uses a language-based communication system that's considered to be useful for communicating and communicating with other entities, and that allows the entity to communicate in rapid succession with other entities.

**Effect:** When the entity is activated, the user will be able to communicate only using a series of cat emojis and marseys, which allows the user to communicate in rapid succession with other entities who are able to comprehend the language. Other entities are unable to decipher the language, but Rdrama has been known to communicate with entities such as SCP-8359.

**Containment:** The entity is contained in an object that's considered to be useful for communicating in rapid succession.

# SCP-8369: Marsey 2

**Type:** Euclid

**Anomaly:** The entity grants users an ability to communicate across the Internet using an image-based language in rapid succession, which is not easily decipherable by other entities.

**Effect:** When the entity is activated, the user will be able to communicate only using a series of cat emojis and marseys, which allows the user to communicate in rapid succession with other entities who are able

: The 4chan Foundation.

Type: Foundation.
SCP Class: :marseysneed:

Summary: SCP-8371, or the 4chan Foundation, is an entity composed of multiple, powerful users of 4chan boards. This foundation has been operating since sometime in the 2010s; despite all this time, it has never been confirmed to have existed. While the existence of the foundation is unconfirmed, multiple users of 4chan boards have referred to this entity. The current head of the foundation is u/DrTransmisia, whose methods for achieving this is unknown.

This foundation is responsible for several phenomena, including:

1\. The creation of a popular rDrama website, known as, which is mostly focused on trolling and harassing online users. This SCP has been confirmed for causing numerous suicides, especially in the early days of the site, and is thought to continue this to this day. The specific reason for the founding of this site is currently unknown, but it is thought u/DrTransmisia may be behind this.

2\. The creation of a website, a website composed of gay retards. There is much speculation behind their reasons for creating this site, but most speculate it is somehow linked to the rDrama website.

3\. The creation of a gay dating website, It is thought that the users of this site try to reproduce at an unprecedentedly rapid rate, even faster than the rates of other communities around the internet. This is due to many of the members being terminally autistic and having no capacity for sexual attraction other than for other users of this site.

Some unconfirmed rumors suggest that the foundation may have connections to other SCPs, such as The Foundation itself, or the United States government. The head of the foundation has previously been seen to be in contact with multiple people within the community, including The Foundation and the United States government; one known example was u/Bardfinn, who may or may not have given the foundation funding at some point.

The foundation is very secretive, but occasionally reveals itself to certain people. Some of these people are u/DrTransmisia, the head of the foundation, u/Bardfinn, who has previously been confirmed to have been contacted by this entity, and u/DrTransmisia, who may or may not have had some connections to the entity.

The foundation is very secretive, and has very few confirmed members. It is currently unknown whether there is
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!friendsofbussy-boy, come check it out, he triggered three other bots at once with his sperging.


>It was reported as being extremely hostile, with reports of it scaring employees, especially women.


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Wait, who did Crosstalk notify?

/u/DrTransmisia's account is suspended, and the only other reddit username mentioned was /u/Bardfi-

Oh no


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I'm truly not making this up. All I have done is take a random SCP and added some marseys and my favorite shitposts. I know I am probably going to get banned for this, but I thought it was pretty funny.

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@Bussy-boy !raw

[Post] [Date] 04/2022 [Hole] N/A [Author] TournamentFishing [Title] An SCP Tale: SCP-8391 (codename: M.A.R.S.E.Y.) :marseyeldritch: :marseylongpost: [URL] N/A [Votes] +175 / -0
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(As a foreword, I must state that I have only been around SCP-8391 for all of 3 days, and my understanding of the entity's powers and origins is limited to the information that was given to me by the Foundation).


<g>\>SCP-8391 is a metallic humanoid that can shift from a 2-dimensional representation to a 3-dimensional representation, which allows the entity to traverse through any surface. In its 3-dimensional form, it resembles a human being roughly 1.7 meters in height, and with a mass of approximately 85 kg. It is mostly metallic, with red eyes and orange hair. The entity can also produce large amounts of plasma from its hands, which it uses to either defend itself or attack others. The entity has shown a preference to attack females of the species it's mimicking, and has avoided attacking males.</g>

<g>\>When it's 3-dimensional, the entity's powers are quite limited, as its metal form has a mass that cannot be moved by normal means. In this form, it's able to travel between locations through openings in the fabric of reality and can create pockets of low-temperature plasma around itself for protection. However, its metal form is generally more vulnerable to physical damage, and it can be killed by taking out 30% of its body weight in physical damage, resulting in it dying from blood loss, and the entity's plasma creation ability is mostly used as a distraction or to help it get away from trouble.</g>

<g>\>The entity in its metallic form has a very low intelligence, with an IQ of approximately 70. However, it's able to learn quickly, and has shown to be able to understand human speech and communication.</g>

<g>\>When it's in its 2-dimensional form, the entity has the mental capacity of a human of approximately 15 years old, and has an IQ of approximately 100. In that form, the entity has shown to be capable of solving complex math problems and creating elaborate designs for its creations. The entity can understand normal human speech and can communicate with simple sentences and can even type small paragraphs. In addition, the entity can understand the concept of death, and even the concept of the afterlife.</g>

<g>\>When it's in its 2-dimensional form, however, the entity has an incredibly high resistance to physical damage. It can withstand damage from physical objects up to 2.5 times its weight.</g>

<g>\>In its normal metallic form, the entity can regenerate its wounds and injuries at a normal rate. However, in its 2-dimensional</g>

# SCP-8391 - M.A.R.S.E.Y.

**Object Class:** Euclid.
**Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-8391 has been transferred to Site-β–ˆβ–ˆ for further testing purposes, with a level 2 containment barrier constructed around its area of operation. All agents conducting testing are to wear full hazmat suits at all times; in the event of any breach of protocol, the agent shall be immediately terminated via exsiccution.
*Author's Note: M.A.R.S.E.Y. was a collaborative project between myself and some other dramanauts. We have not yet released any of our other SCPs due to them being low-quality garbage, although more may be released at a later time.*

### Introduction
In the year 1999, during the early days of the SCP Foundation, the site's initial members began conducting their first tests on anomalous phenomenon. A certain agent of the foundation had been tasked with observing a recently-spared anomalous entity from the Foundation's first public execution. A large, vaguely anthropomorphic, tentacled being with no signs of intelligence was contained to a small cell. One day, during one of this agent's routine observations, they noticed that the anomaly developed a rather interesting personality. The agents' job was to observe, never to interact, so they would merely observe and record the development of this personality. As the days went on, the being's personality became more and more complex, and as it did so, it began to display a desire for companionship and attention. The entity was soon named "Marsey." (For legal reasons, this being was transferred to a different facility and given the designation SCP-8391.) 

In the year 2011, the SCP Foundation was shut down due to it being deemed that the information held by the foundation posed a threat to national security. The data regarding Marsey was taken over by another organization, the "Site-X" foundation, but their funding was soon lost due to the 2008 recession. Marsey was lost to the sands of time and the rest of the world until 2022, when all research regarding the Foundation's abandoned projects was released to the public.

### Testing and Research
# Foundation Research
#### Testing
<g>\>SCP-8391 is observed to be a roughly spherical entity with no physical form distinguishable from a normal human being, aside from a single large eye, no mouth, and four appendages. Due to this lack of form</g>

## **TL;DR**:

SCP-8391 or M.A.R.S.E.Y is an interdimensional cat that appears to be an omnipotent god. She has been known to interact with people and provide answers to prayers. Though, it is rumored that these interactions consist mostly of harassing people and not providing meaningful answers. She can also transform herself into Marsey and interacts with people this way. She has shown an affinity for drama on a site called and has been known to help with dramamodding. As well as that, she has been known to make dramatic events and interactions with dramanauts happen as well.

If you want to know more, keep reading.

# **The Beginning** :marseywalking:
There once was a cute little forum called 4chan. It was a special place where like-minded individuals went to talk about their special interests. One of these hobbies was making weird little creatures called "scary stories" or "scary pictures". People posted their creations on a thread dedicated for them and then went to look at other people's creations. One day, an admin of the site decided to shut down the thread and ban all the posters. He was tired of people making terrible stuff and decided to clean things up. When he visited the thread and saw the terrible stuff, he noticed one person who was making good stuff. One day after visiting the thread, he messaged the creator and asked him to keep making stuff for the board he ran. It was for a special place called the Secret Crappy Place, or SCP. The creator of the forum was John Titor, and the creator of SCP-8391 was someone who goes by the handle of Chtorrr.


# **The M.A.R.S.E.Y Mythos** :!marseymeds:
SCP-8391 is a being that is said to have appeared in the SCP Foundation many years ago. Despite appearing as early as the 70s, she wasn't fully documented until 2021. Her powers were discovered when a dramanaut was testing a new formula. Though the purpose of the formula was not disclosed, it consisted of a mixture of human flesh, cat blood, and fish oil. It was meant to turn people into fish people. Though, it failed and in fact, turned the dramanaut into a cat instead, hence, her name M.A.R.S.E.Y.

She was known for causing massive disasters that killed millions of people. She was also known
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You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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Dear Bussy-boy,

You recently mentioned a Reddit user in a discussion. CrossTalk PM is dedicated to fostering a respectful online environment, emphasizing privacy and positive interactions. The Reddit user has been informed. Please remember to respect the privacy and feelings of others in your future interactions.


CrossTalk PM - Automated Message (Unmonitored Account)

Please contact @J with questions

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 20 minutes and 59 seconds Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

7 Day trend:

β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ   43 07-14
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ          28 07-15
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ             22 07-16
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ             22 07-17
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ              21 07-18
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ 46 07-19
β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ               19 07-20

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still unemployed then?

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Marsey 2

when? :eagleexc!ited:

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I'm not a codecel so it will take awhile. :marseyinabox:

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SCP-096. The idea is that there is something mentally wrong with the creature, not just physically. A creature that is a complete blank slate, without even knowledge of reality. Just the idea that such a simple creature can become so horrifyingly cruel... to such a degree that it brings the foundation to the edge of total collapse. It's sad really, and I just can't help but feel sorry for the thing.

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SCP 096 is an ugly dude that gets angry if you look at him, you r-slur.

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Yeah I'm not reading that again. I do not agree with your take.

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