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yo it my birthday :marseywithcake: today :marseyclueless:


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Someone was speculating recently that you're @HeyMoon or someone like @UncleAbortion who's clever enough to stay in character constantly, but regardless, you're not an !neurodivergents you're just someone obsessively searching to find people lower on the social totem pole to look down upon which is why you jerk yourself off about :marseytrain2: and :marseywoodchipper2: and why you'd call others basement dwellers despite owning up to the fact that you're an unemployed ex-convict. :marseyprojection:

Stop pinging me! :tayaaa: Even if your accusations about @Spiderman were true you're a villainous mirror image with all the same faults! !friendsofspiderman I am normally friendly to all but I'm gonna block this :marseysatanworship2: :marseyjanny: so it's up to you now. And @DWHITE___________DYNAMITE putting DMs out somewhere for this guy to use is a bad look. :marseyindignant:

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these werent DMs they were chat messages and posted on my wall


except for the one where literally all the messages are hidden

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  • DickButtKiss : I told you all the guy was no frickin good and everyone was up my butt

Ok. :@dwhite___________dynamitepat: I wasn't really targeting you, pal, and I'm sorry if I included you in my rare moment of blasting a user here. You know I love you and your cats. I'm just :soyjakferal: at the moment because I feel like Moon is all of the worst tendencies (obsessive :marseyprojection: hatred of internet weirdos, anime PFP "libertarian hunting", janniesjanniesjannies hypocrisy about reddit, insulting others while literally living in a basement, etc) of this website aggregated into one especially mean-spirited user.

I was saying to @IanMurdock the other day that I've lost respect for people who've buddied up to him immediately but going after :marseyspiderman2: is the last straw. I almost want to go back and upmarsey @Patsy telling him to :marseyrope: even though that's cruel and out of character for me. :marseymad:

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This is some Prot :marseyschizowall: readings of Scripture invited by the lack of a coherent Magisterial authority but :marseyupvote: because it's at least a novel and humorous variant of :marseyschizotwitch: I hadn't heard before. Please share more religious content with me in the future, friend.

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Its from the book of Enoch lol so schizo.

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Oh. It's 4 AM here so I didn't really think about where she might be getting it from.

Fun fact the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians consider Enoch canon and the Epistle of Jude (certainly) as well as the Epistle to the Hebrews (likely) make direct reference to it.

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Intriguing. Maybe it was like fan fiction and folk were like thats interesting so referenced it or something. Like how movies sometimes reference other movies.

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and the Epistle of Jude (certainly) as well as the Epistle to the Hebrews (likely) make direct reference to it.

Both Catholics (Catholic Answers) and Protestants state that only because a text is mentioned in a canon book of the Bible, it does not automatically means that the mentioned text should be canon, by this logic, then the works of Greek philosophers such as Aratus' Phenomena should be canonized because Paul mentions it in Acts 17:28.

!christians !catholics

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Ateneighbors be like the !Mormons of Ancient Egypt fr, Amarneighbors invented Globohomo art 3000 years earlier than previously believed:

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ed/8f/a9/ed8fa9ea63cb12d4bd583a0aca161c0c.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/474x/31/c0/38/31c0384d5bae345c4fb863ed37b8f019.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/474x/0b/58/62/0b5862c81fe769061da2f68f7f28ce7e.jpg :#marseyglobohomo: !historychads

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tfw when no ebony schizo gf :marseygiveup:

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@Corinthian This is like when I talk to you about religion except I'm not extremely painfully sexually aroused by you. :capynut:

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For the record I do like spiderman when he's acting like himself and he knows this


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I'm not "going after" Spiderman, you absolute moron. Spiderman, out of literally nowhere, started going after ME trying to extort money out of me. What do you expect me to do? Just give him all of the free money that he demands? Sorry, but that's not gonna happen. @Awoo gave Spiderman money when he demanded it, yet Spiderman and Patsy STILL harassed him afterwards. I'm not making the same mistake. So take your phony moral self-righteousness and shove it up your fricking butt. :marseyfuckyou:


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Spiderman takes from each man according to his means and he uses the money to do good works for the community - like figuring out that the casino must be rigged. Such investigations are not cheap.


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trying to extort money out of me

How in the heck is it that I know all these crazy people going on wild adventures around me and I never even notice? :marseygiveup:

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I've posted proof of my identity on here numerous times (e.g. here), and I've been diagnosed with autism by experts from Chapel Hill, the world's leading autism research center. I don't seek out people lower on the social totem pole to make fun of. I don't go after libertarians because of some social hierarchy. I go after libertarians because they hurt kids, you fricking r-slur. But that's completely irrelevant.

I never said a single bad thing about Spiderman until he suddenly started making these pathetic attempts to extort me out of rDrama currency. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. But, if you try to outright extort me, I'm not going to be nice anymore. And, truthfully, I could be a lot harsher on Spiderman right now - he is lucky that the worst he's getting for his pitiful attempts at extortion is some mild mockery.


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I've been diagnosed with autism by experts from Chapel Hill, the world's leading autism research center.

:mar#seyxd: :marseylaugh#poundfist:

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Give me 500 dc :marseyrubberhoseshauiby:


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Someone was speculating recently that you're @HeyMoon or someone like @UncleAbortion who's clever enough to stay in character constantly

That someone is a complete r-slur and I'm beginning to understand carp's frustration with the conspiratorial alt accusations :marseynoyou:

This would have required HeyMoon/UncleAbortion to hack Goldberg's twitter account cited in legal documents and larp for a couple of months under the account, in the off chance somebody from here eventually messaged him after he was invited to soyjak.party

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I dunno why anyone would think @HeyMoon would do that. The guy is a fricking legend of gayops, this would be way too low-end for him. @UncleAbortion I don't get either. If he's good at "staying in character" he's been doing it for several years way back into /r/drama days. And maybe I was just out of the loop (as always :marseyrain:) but I don't recall any accusations of him being involved in meta nonsense.

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That was me who said that. I don't see why you need a twitter account to impersonate an unhinged schizo on here. His "proof" that he links to is a Florida driver license with literally everything blurred out except the word Florida.

It's so mind numbingly stupid that it loops around to being a point in his favor because no normal person would think it was convincing

If it was really him, why does he claim he can't post a selfie for fear of doxing himself. Really makes you think :marseyhyperthonk:

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I didn't want to specify in case you were reluctant to get in on the action. :marseywave2: Also because I didn't care about him being disgusting until he came for the king. !friendsofspiderman is @MoonMetropolis even who he says he is? :marseythinkorino: Who is the puppet master? :marseyevildoll: What are his evil goals, and why is he so hellbent on destroying an icon of justice? :marseyspiderman:

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:marseyworried: is it possible that someone who spent the entirety of their waking hours making tons of fake personalities might be capable of lying??

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On balance I think I believe it's him but bringing up your comment made him mad. :marseythumbsup: Admittedly not a Christian behavior to give into frustration like that, but having read that he bragged about posting maps used by a mass shooter he egged on before telling the FBI to dip nails in rat poison for a home grown bomb set off in a crowd :marseyunabomber: I think he legit belongs in prison, given that he went right back to it and clearly doesn't have too much remorse for having ruined his life being too online.

His testimony to the :marseyglow: was that he wanted to be a journ*list which adds a layer of irony to his :marseyrage: persona. :marseyxd: Young :marseymoonman: was able to heckin' troll (and potentially participate in getting actual people killed) in 2015 when boomers and normies got their first taste of the internet with smartphones but now he's relegated to "trollops" of hanging out on kiwi and creating the 11th "r/___bountyhunters" subreddit. :marseyclappingglasses:

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That's very thoughtful, but I'm not losing sleep over rdrama users getting upset :@corinthianpat:

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That was me who said that. I don't see why you need a twitter account to impersonate an unhinged schizo on here blah blah blah :marseypop2: :marseypop2: :marseypop2:

Because we messaged him on the Twitter account listed in his arrest docs r-slur

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:marseysigh: I'm sure I'm just getting memed on at this point, but feel free to clarify what part you seem to be skeptical of. Do you think I didn't tweet him or do you think MoonMetropolis isn't the Twitter account cited in his original arrest?

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Did the account there actually confirm that our dramatard is him? If so that's good enough for me.

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This is literally the gayest metadrama I've seen lol

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When you get pinged on someone's comment chain after blocking them it gives a notification but you have to check the comments tab in order to see it. :marseyhmm: @Aevann

Anyway, get 'em, @Patsy. :@patsypat:

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can u elaborate pls

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Uhh when @ULTRANIGMATIC-MEGAVAMPIRE and a couple of the other people who responded to me commented it didn't show up in my notifications inbox but I saw the red flag so I checked the new comments tab and was able to see them that way.

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id like screenshots if possible

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Well the red notifications are cleared now but I can confirm they once existed. My inbox skips from @DWHITE___________DYNAMITE's response to me to our exchange about Spartacus to some ping from Kaamy about loving boomers.




I'm not being schizo or trolling, a few responses from Ultra/Patsy didn't show up in my inbox but some did (?).

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>trying to extort a jew

:facepalm: @Spiderman wtf are you doing dawg

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I have autism

Opinion cancelled neighbor

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I'm not reading allat

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I've seen your face r-slur you're a paleface unlike some of us :carphotep:

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If it clarifies anything, he apparently has no idea who you are


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He saw my 2018 mugshot and commented on it, so he had to have some idea.

Also, @RedactorO baited him into this? Really, Red? :marseysmughips:

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The guy who's gimmick is impersonating other people is doing me right now. (The one who was doing @JimieWhales before which made me feel violated, like in that Star Trek TNG episode when that alien sicko is going around thought-raping people, where you see their name and get really excited that she replied to you and then a few seconds later you're reliving that time when the Borg cut into the engine room and killed all those people. :marseyrain:)

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:marseypikachu2: this is a lot to take in bruh

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Honestly, at this point, I'm done even responding to these tards and their :marseyattentionseeker: bullshit. Any future DMs from Spiderman will simply be ignored rather than posted. These motherlovers are just boring as frick. :snorecat:

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Just give him the MBX I don't see why not? Seems fair to me? :marseyquestion:

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They gon' kill you.


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I'm already dead. :marseyskellington:

Also, having spent nine years in prison, I can assure you that I am not intimidated in the slightest by literal r-slurs typing vague, empty threats at me from behind a computer screen. :marseysmug2:

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