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What are some tips for a job interview :marseyklennysuit: (especially for a shy, socially inept person)?

I need help.

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Make sure you got a good answer ready for the basic questions, link previous experience or study to something relevant to the job in your answers, dress well (look up their website to see what they wear), don't mention circumcision or rdrama

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don't mention circumcision

Why not? What if the interviewer ask his belief system?

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It's an unfair world and fighters for justice will be discriminated against :marseysulk:

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I mentioned I bully NMS anons online and instantly got the fricking job

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Don't bullshit, be honest but unapologetic if you don't know the specific answer, haven't used some particular tool

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Good advice, but I'd add that if it's a tool similar to one you do know, feel free to mention it, like "I don't really have any experience with X, but given my work with Y and Z, I'm sure I can get up to speed".

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Snort a line of cocaine and a shot of whiskey directly prior. I'm being unironic here. This advice has landed me jobs way above my skill set at the time.


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what about a line of rittarall and a shot of rum?


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Might do the trick. In my experience, however, cocaine makes me more sociable and charismatic while adderall makes me more focused and brings out a little more autism in me. So it depends on the type of interview.

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how does one snort a shot

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It burns a little but you can do it

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Maintain eye contact and don't appear too nervous.

Print out 3 of your most upmarseyed posts and staple them to your resume.

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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staple them to your resume.

Staple them to your body like that juggalo.


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I usually start batting my eyelashes if the interview isn't going well. :marseyflirt:

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this and unbutton the top button on your shirt while making eye contact


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This only works if you have boobs tho

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17278347330109043.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282249849557173.webp

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Those are some hypnotizing moobs :marseybeandizzy:

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I ussually skip my morning dump so that im certain to be early/show punctuality. Since im eaely I then take a massive stinky dump in the bathroom nearest to where the interview is happening. This puts other interviewees who have to use the bathroom at a disadvantage. I also reccomend wearing eye glasses even of you dont have a perscription as they can become a handy prop when talking and makes me feel less anxious when making eye contact. I also keep a small mcdonalds fries in my pants pocket so that the smell of mcdonalds makes people hungry which makes them want to just hire me to get the meeting over so that they can get to lunch/dinner. Good luck @sneedman!


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Lost 321 coins

I only take advice from winners. :marseyindignant:

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also the advice wasnt for you :marseyindignantturn:


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I hope you learned your lesson. It certainly was expensive enough.

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learned your lesson



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Bring cookies to show them how much you appreciate the opportunity, then tell them if they liked those cookies that theres more where that came from if you hire me.

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If, by the end of the interview, your interviewer does not FEAR YOU, then you will have a guarantee you did not get the job.

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Don't be r-slurred

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Its not the end if you fail or bomb, its a learning expernice that makes future interviews easier.

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Take benzodiazepines before

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especially for a fricking shy, socially inept person

Learn to fix these issues. Social :marseysjw: interactions can be learned and gamed.

If you refuse :marseyredflag2: to do this then you will have to have good references and experience/education that can overcome this issue.

As you have a fricking masters in English :marseyqueenlizard: and no job experience that's gonna :marseyvenn6: be tough. What kind of work you looking :marseyflirt: at, b-word?

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Hmmm you got a fricking shot. Like others said learn :marseyreading: your basic :marseysymbol: interview :marseyklennysuit: questions and answers.

You'll probably get a fricking few outside :marseygrass: of the fricking basic :marseysymbol: questions but they should :marseynorm: pertain to your field :marseytradwifedaisy: so you should :marseynorm: know it if you're good.

I wish you luck buddy

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Your life won't get any worse if you bomb the interview. There's zero reason to be nervous.

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Employers look at gaps in work history under a month and relevant expierence first. Be prepared to answer things like

Why did you leave that job?

Why were you unemployed from here to there?

Tell me about a difficult situation you did at work.

Dis you get along with coworkers/ management?

Never ever say they were bad people or bring up drama.

Also put your opinion on abortion and 2024 elections on your resume

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Two shots of vodka with some mouthwash beforehand, actively listen to their questions instead of just thinking what youre going to say next and dont be afraid to pause and think before responding, ask questions like how will my productivity be measured or what does an average day in this job usually look like. And bring a notepad and a copy of your resume with you.

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DM me, I'm a business school grad and I help write resumes and field new hires at work. About to start an appointment so i wish you the best! Hope I can help

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Thanks, that would :marseymid: be very helpful :marseybikechainincident: if you're willing :marseywould:

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First step is always breeze through the company site multiple times. Understand the company environment before youre in it logic. Also, be sure to smile if you are able to naturally, and thank everyone multiple times and say how wonderful the interview was (even if it sucks)

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Bring one extra printed copy of anything that they requested you provide just to look extra prepared. Place documents in file folder thats either neutral looking or very eye catching, but stick to your individual tastes of course. You want to be more than anything looked at as good face service in many industries

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Just be yourself

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Prepare responses for questions you know they'll ask. The questions might be online if it's a big company.

That and tactically sip water to buy time to think of an answer if you need to.

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thanks, I'll do that

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What job even is this?

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like at a school? On what???

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university :marseycomet:

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Being nervous is normal and expected. It shows you're taking it seriously enough to be worried about failing - of course, they don't want some spaghetti spilling r-slur, but be okay with being nervous.

If they offer water, take it. If you think the next question will be hard, you can sip on your drink to buy some time to think of answer.

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Have a ready, narrative answer for the inevitable "Tell me about yourself" question. The interviewer wants to hear a compelling story that logically brings you to this job, not that your hobby is posting on a gay cat forum.

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Answer all questions in the S.T.A.R. format and it will be e-z, I promise you.

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What's the S.T.A.R format?

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S - Scenario. Describe whatever the issue/problem at work was.

T - Task. Describe what had to be accomplished.

A - Action. Describe what you did to fix the issue/problem.

R - Result. Describe what resulted from your actions.

Nice easy way to frame your answer, and keep them coherent and concise. :marseythumbsup:

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Tell them about rdrama

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I told my therapist :marseydrkatz: about rdrama :marseylovedrama: and she said I was looking :marseybinos: for social :marseyphoneglued: contact.

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>especially for a shy, socially inept person

You're really :marseythinkorino2: going :marseysal3: to want to fix that.

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I've lost my ability to do well in wagie interviews. I used to get so nervous and would straightup say that I was nervous, but talking to clients has given me more confidence through the years. I see it as a conversation. I think in a way this works well in a wagie situation but you can't say the quiet part out loud like I do now. lol Just stay humble (I was never a smug dev and I think that helped a lot) and admit if you don't know an answer. Crack a self-deprecating joke and be yourself.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Crack a self-deprecating joke and be yourself.

This is a sign of weakness.

If you feel nervous, simply push over the desk and top the interviewer.

Ladies, get an edge on the men in your industry by remembering to pack a prehensile, barbed mythical strap on larger than any man could sport naturally. The extra cost is worth it for the memorability factor alone.

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well, it worked for me. Still does really. I don't think it's weak to admit ignorance in things. rdrama likes to pretend to know everything about everything, but we know that's not really a good thing. You should let experts do their thing and admitting to not knowing something is much better than being mediocre at it. Code monkeys are code monkeys because they refuse to admit they don't know something. That's basically the rdrama userbase.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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well, it worked for me.

biofoid bonus

triggers the "omg i need to help her" response from nerds

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Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I don't know


I don't know but I can find out


Yes I know it. fires burning I know everything. I'm the world expert. No I won't explain you. Because you don't know


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I almost think "I don't know but I can find out" is too expected now. There is something endearing to people in general when you are straight with them. This is how I treat clients (and employers back in my wagie days). But not everything is good for everyone. It depends a lot on personality too.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Sitting in silence is bad.

It's okay to think about a problem / question.

So if you think about a problem / question - talk. Vocalize your thoughts. "I don't know, but my first idea would be to try X, by doing A, B or C. Okay doing A gives us the the problem of Z, so it's not a good idea of doing A...."

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I don't know man, be competent and be casually confident, all that shit they normally tell you. I'm unravelling. I wish you could be in America and not fat and not cut yourself like a teenage girl r-slur and frick Holly Willoughby.

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