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I was welding galvanized steel while wearing my nice watch and got a piece of slag embedded in the crystal. :marseysippingsad:

I'm fuming but also fumed.

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Perhaps you should be wearing PPE and not your watch :marseyunamused#:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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I hope you were doing it outside too because of the zinc fumes

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I was doing it in my garage and holding my breath.

Now I've got the piece sitting a big tub of two different rust removing chemicals mixed together giving off some weird steam.

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the second part is correct, you can easily remove with caustic acid, but you should put that outside

under no circumstances should you ever weld that shit indoors without a shop fan and Flux-Core mig or something

I did something similar when I made my dad a shitty lamp by welding chains together, but I fully removed the zinc coating with muriatic acid, outside


what were you welding ??

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Cool lamp.

There's this bracket on the Volvo undercarriage that provides support for the driveshaft and contains the main exhaust hangers. It rusts out in about ten years and they stopped making them back in 2018.

By this point all of the good ones have been salvaged or are rusting away pressed between the ground and underbody in some junkyard, forever inaccessible. Without it the car is basically totaled, unless you want to convert to FWD and rig up some other kind of exhaust support.

It's like the only part of the car that rusts, aside from easily changeable suspension components.

I have the driveshaft taken out right now in preparation for a new exhaust system so I figured I'd fill in the rust holes and give it a good coating of epoxy paint while it's out.

The exhaust had to be custom made because they don't make those anymore either and as a result I'm putting a $2k stainless system on a $2k car.

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Cool lamp.

Thanks :marseyblush:

I have the driveshaft taken out right now in preparation for a new exhaust system so I figured I'd fill in the rust holes and give it a good coating of epoxy paint while it's out.

The exhaust had to be custom made because they don't make those anymore either and as a result I'm putting a $2k stainless system on a $2k car.

Ahhhh ok thats sounds forgivable, all the people I kinda know who advise me on welding that aren't bubba are frightened by the fumes, whether that's appropriate in all cases idk because I just do it for shits and giggles

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Give Arandas Tire a call. There's like a dozen of them in Southwest and they've done custom exhaust shit for me for very very cheap in the past.


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I already have a custom stainless one from Vast Tuning on the way, and am going to do the install myself.

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What's the steam :marseyfreeman: smell :marseysniff: like?

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real sigmas rawdog that shit

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1. Start trolling against disabled on work account.

2. Weld galvanized steel indoors without PPE.

3. ???

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Yeah i think that ones on you r-slur

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I hope your tuxedo is alright at least

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Why are you like this? :marseysigh:

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This is why I wear Casio watches while working. The high volts can also just frick with the electronics inside most smart watches.

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I'm an r-slur, not a nerd. I don't wear a smart watch.

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Guess that often makes me a nerd and not an r-slur :marseyletsgo:

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Watch is at home but here's an old pic.


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