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  • GhoulishWails : :marseymutt: still economically illiterate
  • Count_Corpula : ^ Please do not report my posts in bad faith. This is a warning ^
  • FormerLurKONG : Bad faith report :marseysmug2:
  • Not_BimothyX2 : I will OWN the LIBS @jimiewhales
  • J : Vaccine misinformation
  • Healthy : rDrama Poll: Healthy has the lowest care about this post in over 10 seconds (before i read it)

:marseyitsjoever: ABC Poll: Biden Has Lowest Approval in 15 Years, 71% Say Economy 'Bad' :bidenshocked:


Link to actually ABC report

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17055104800285382.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17055104802475739.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17055104804747267.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17055104806990564.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/170551048092448.webp

Course no /r/politics thread, wonder why :marseyhmmm:

edit: nvm :marseyhugpeepeehands: found it

funny picture


related r/neoliberal cope: Don't count Biden out: January polls are historically unreliable

Sistas discussssss :marseynails:

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That's why the White House needs to crack down on misinformation. The actual facts show that Joe's presidency has been very successful.

The problem is there is no law against Fox news lying about the economy or immigration or COVID.


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lying about the economy

Who are you gonna believe, chud? The heckin Experts or your grocery bill?


I'm not up on what the current NPC talking point is. Is it that there is no problem at the border? There's a problem at the border but it's Texas's fault somehow? Shipping a couple thousand to NYC is human trafficking (and devastating apparently despite Texas dealing with 10s of thousands every single month)? It changes so often it's hard to keep up.


Yeah, it was Fox News lying about Covid. A lab leak is an impossible racist conspiracy theory, chud. Masks don't work, chud. Masks do work, chud. Putting Covid patients in nursing home makes perfect sense, chud. Two weeks to flatten the curve, chud. We're all going to die, chud. We totally didn't want lockdowns, chud. Yes we should throw that mother in jail for taking her kids to the park during a heckin pandemic, chud. Safe and effective, chud. haha What do you mean you expected the vaccine to prevent you from getting Covid, chud? This one I could go on and on.

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All of that covid stuff happened under Trump. It's amazing how he can just pretend it didn't and the public is too r-slurred to remember even 4 years ago.

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Biden should probably just announce Trump has secretly still been President all this time and run against him like he's challenging an incumbent.


  • Fresh faced 81 year-old insurgent against an unpopular incumbent with an (apparently) terrible economy

  • Half of Burgers too stupid to remember what happened last week, so they'd buy this.

  • Magatards forced to admit they were lying when they've been saying Trump was the legit president for the last 3.5 years OR

  • Do mental gymnastics to explain how the terrible Biden economy was actually secretly the fantastic Trump economy

  • Trump would probably play along because the alternative would be admitting he lacked power and influence.

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Ironically Trump is (or used to be) big mad that MAGAtards weren't giving him credit for the vaccine and were instead pretending it happened under Biden.

It's my favorite example of how rightoids worship what's essentially fanfic.


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Warp speed was trumps most successful policy but he can take advantage of it cause he fanbase is r-slurred

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if trump :marseybootlicker2: won reelection democrats would :marseymid: be the antivaxxers.

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Mega cope

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What does Trump being president during Covid have to do with lockdowns in California? Not like Rightoids made those policies. Rightoids weren't sending the police (ACAB) after kids in parks.

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Issue is that Democrats at the time were saying Trump wasn't doing enough or blocking those efforts and Biden fought for a variety of vaccine mandates.

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Never been more happy to live in a rightoid state than during Covid.

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I'm not up on what the current NPC talking point is. Is it that there is no problem at the border?

All I've seen is that the US caused all issues in South America so they should let all of them in, just straight up appeal to emotion saying no human is illegal, or mockingly saying aren't Christians supposed to help people.

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The actual facts show that Joe's presidency has been very successful.

This is your brain on evidence based policy

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>umm actually GDP is higher!

>Median purchasing power factoring in consumer durables, housing and food in a non-adjusted bundle has fallen since 2019


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It's fine, we'll just redefine how we measure purchasing power to make it go up. That's how we avoided recession too!

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Why are you a fascist?

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@pizzashill discuss and refute

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You need to ping the real pizza

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You know it's bad when even ps can't be baited into defending the establishment candidate lol

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White people deserve this and worse

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Jews are whites that steal :marseytrumpitsoverwereback: the heritage from the real Israelites


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>Everyone's poorer since 2019 but we compensated by adding 7 million more poor foreigners to the country so that GDP goes up anyway. QED chud :soysnoo:

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Ok incel

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What happened in 2019


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If I was president, I'd just invade Iran and make a bunch of jobs overnight

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Dear subhuman filth The actual facts show that Joe's presidency has been very successful.

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Dear subhuman filth

Always cracks me up :#boomermonster:

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"successful" is a bonkers word to use to describe a presidency, you get to make up whatever measure you want, like "passing lots of legislation" even if people hate the legislation.

"Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?" is the usual question people use.

It's a stupid measure because most (not all) of what's happening in the economy right now is just the necessary effects of what everyone agreed was good policy during covid. But it's the measure that people always use and politicians have decided not to challenge the voters on their stupidity.

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>refuses to elaborate


He just is deal with it

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mmm can't wait to dust off this copy pasta for another presidential election cycle. also I love spamming "elections have consequences" whenever the D's plans backfire. its just so smug, it deserves to be thrown on them.

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>The stock market is still down, groceries doubled in price, housing cost tripled in price, and wages haven't increased for anyone who isnt a burger flipper.

How could you think the economy is bad. Look at the GDP.


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GDP may be the biggest meme statistic ever invented.

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Stats are ideological?? Wtf??


:marseymiku: This goes out to all you robots across the galaxy

Its time for you and me to rise up and strike back

Don't stop until we dominate

Won't you feel great when we exterminate

All organic life! :marseyglitter:

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The actual facts show that Joe's presidency has been very successful.

Your opinions are misinformation, mine are objective truths.

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Notice how they can never provide these "actual facts" if you ask them.

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People say the economy is bad but they're spending lots of money on non-essential things and the costs of those things keeps going up a lot, but they keep spending money on them.

Their feelings aren't wrong, because people's feelings about the economy is an important part of the economy. They're worried about inflation (valid) and that the economy could go bad suddenly (valid) but their actions aren't what you'd see from people actually anticipating a recession which would be to pull back on non-essentials.

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I would agree but even the cost of other items has gone up by a lot since then, not just non-essentials.

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You aren't wrong, which is why people concerned about inflation have completely valid claims

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Ironic that the people that complain about trickle-down economics are making the same arguments just because it's their team that's in control.

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>slowly realizing you cant afford to eat out anymore or get the car repaired without massive issues

Amerikkka would likely collpase if people spent under their income

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ive stopped 90% of my non essentials and been running a tighter budget to stack some cash to buy a house after the crash. Not eating out, making healthy, but not fancy or expensive meals, im spending like $800 a month for 2 adults. It's ridiculous. Only food waste so far this month was 1/4 of a bag of lettuce, some spinach, and some cilantro that went bad.

Some of my employees are making like 1700 a month and asking for singles on payday to go to the strip club.


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Yeah most people these days have been raised :marseycheers: to take zero responsibility for anything :marseycoleporter:

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Who raised them that way?

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The media :marseyjourno: apparatus

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The Jews

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The (Democratic) government should be the grand arbiter of truth. If you disagree, you're a fascist.

Every single time. :marseybangfast:

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1st amendment out the window at the first convenience .

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Lying is a first amendment right

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