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:marseysoylentgrin: In your opinion, why has Trump/MAGA been so normalized? - r/neoliberal :!marseysoylentgrin:


Reasonable response sitting at -3 at time of reporting.

With a reply of it's a good thing, chud.

I will pay 2000DC, cash on the barrelhead, for gigacute twink /u/Independent-Low-2398 's permaban.

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A lot of libs, me included, acted as if the sky was falling during a lot of the Trump administration, and looking back I feel like that helped to insulate Trump. I think a lot of us followed every tweet he'd make and all his crazy statements and everything and worked ourselves up into a frenzy, but we're the minority. Most Americans hardly even follow the news! Given that things were relatively good, and that a lot of people freaked out nevertheless, I think a lot of people tuned out the criticism and helped normalize Trump

I mean, so long as you were not a Muslim, an immigrant child separated from their parents, a black dude who needs to breath, a woman who needs an abortion, etc.

But yeah, life was just peachy so long as you were the right kind of person!

>Moderator of /r/neoliberaldebate


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They just cannot help themselves. It's like getting mad at my dog for pooping on the carpet. That's what my dog does. It will shit on the carpet.

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Yeah but drumpf and skibidi hitler

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I too remember how heartbreaking it was to see Trump slowly choke the life out of George Floyd.

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Dont forget when Trump himself came out and killed all those cops on Jan 6

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a black dude who needs to breath

Trump personally ordered Chauvin to murder George Floyd

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This is actually a photo from the Minneapolis police break room

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If Hillary was president, Chauvin would never have knelt over Floyd and the White Supremacists would be too terrified to come out in the streets to murder BIPOCs. Trump voters, you have blood on your hands for 2016!


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Trump :marseyliberty2: voters, you have blood :marseyelisabeth: on your hands :marseyjewoftheorientglow: for 2016!

!edgelords sounds pretty :marseyglam: rad

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Frickin /u/groovygrasshoppa. Proud member of the suede denim secret police.

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Excuse me fellow neoliberal, are you a black person that needs to breathe?

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I mean, so long as you were not a Muslim, an immigrant child separated from their parents, a black dude who needs to breath, a woman who needs an abortion, etc.

Can't even remember what he did to Muslims (I guess cozied up to SA too much?), not a voter, probably a felon so not a voter, :marseybiden2:

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Travel ban I think?

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Yeeted the cucked escalation portion of the rules of engagement in Afghanistan so troops could immediately fire on sketch people instead of just sitting there and waiting to get shot at/bombed first.

Its why he's so popular with Combat Arms.

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Implemented Obama's proposed travel ban from a few years prior.

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TIL Trump told that cop to kneel on Saint Floyd's neck

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I'd go farther and say that a significant portion of America's population are just straight up shitty human beings who dgaf about things unless they are directly impacted by them

Literally me.

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The other side of the coin is caring intensely about things that won't impact :marseyventi: them at all.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk on the differences between :marseyzeldalinkpast: the left and right :marseygroyper:

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The funniest part is how quickly most libs chud out when their theoretical altruism starts to actually impact them.

Just look at how the good leftists of the PNW feel about homeless people after living with them for a few years now.

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Once again, 0 self awareness that openly hating half of America isn't always a winning strategy

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literally most people


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Literally my political enemies


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Holy shit, mine too!

Wanna go to my place? :marseyflirt:

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This is literally every normal human being on the planet

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The MSM not acting outraged enough due to being terrified of the "liberal media bias" label.

:marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Yes CLEARLY the issue is the media is too scared to report negatively on Trump

Holy moley what world do these people live in

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What they want is not more passive wokescoldery, they want actual media-aided cancellations of base Republican voters who have base Republican beliefs, similar to what we've seen in tech, jouranlism, the arts and academia. White collar Trump supporters need to be systematically shamed and deprived of employment opportunities, and after that we can get to blue collar workers and service sector workers.

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silence is violence!

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Part of me wants for them to get what they want. As long as I'm not living in the same country as them, it will be hilariously dramatic whenever the next douche in power uses all of that against them and they can do nothing about it

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>"The pendulum will eventually swing back."


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The pendulum isn't gonna really swing back because libtards mostly exercise control through soft power (media, academia, etc...). Libs trying to actually implement their gay morality through even more obvious and visible hard power which doesn't leave them the plausible deniability of 'freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences' and the like could actually cause a chud chimpout large enough that the pendulum would genuinely swing the other way for once.

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At this point, I've accepted that if we somehow re-elect Biden that we will end up getting some Republican in 2028 that will make Trump look like a moderate because of how much Biden and his clique of r-slurred neolibs are pooping the bed and alienating/antagonizing rightoids into chudding out. Maybe we will end up getting that Ramaswamy nut as President in 2029.


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!chuds don't fall for this psyop, ice cream man will not win!!

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"Sorry Jack, the fundamentals are on my side!"

:#gigabiden: :#darkbidenblast:

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I'm willing to take that gamble. Trump's policy isn't as bad as the fact that he's a petty, dementia-adled gorilla in an institution that relies heavily on norms. I'd rather have a more ideologically radical but mentally stable POTUS.

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The problem with populoids like Trump and Bolsonaro is that they're r-slurred and unfit for office. Trump's ideology is not fascism/nazism/KKKism whatever, his ideology is pure narcissism and nothing more.

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Trump's ideology is not fascism/nazism/KKKism whatever, his ideology is pure narcissism


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Nah, at some point boomers die.

I know there are some young magats too, but they don't have the numbers.

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A lot of randomly generated names on reddit these days. !nooticers

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-The MSM not acting outraged enough due to being terrified of the "liberal media bias" label.

lol people want 2016 cnn back. Crazy


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We absolutely need more trump outrage from the media. I feel like in a lot of ways 2016 was way crazier since they felt it could happen instead of repeating talking point about how he'll totally do it this time

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“How do you eat it? With your hands?” :marseyishygddt:

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I will pay 2000DC, cash on the barrelhead, for gigacute twink /u/Independent-Low-2398 's permaban

Sorry he's an Epstein-ed up asset no can do

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Why are normal political positions of the 90s and nationalist attitudes of the 70s normalized?

The only weird shit is the fascist baiting but you had leftoids blowing things up not too long ago and they become professors and their children DAs, so let the rightoids have their little sperg out and put them on a list, no harm done.

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Of the 90's and 70s? Neighbor the political landscape of 2010 is completely unrecognizable. Imagine telling the OWS protestors they'd be dancing on a rainbow JP Morgan float in 10 years.

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Or people who pooped their pants about Bush and Iraq soying over Lockheed-Martin pride floats. Or the people who wanted to put a boot in Bin Laden's butt soying about the Taliban being BASED and TRAD

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Or people who pooped their pants about Bush and Iraq soying over Lockheed-Martin pride floats

I honestly prefer them that way, it means Lockheed-Martin is 100% secure in the political landscape

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I agree whole heartedly. Its just hilarious to see the flip

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Go watch Team America and then look at the public opinion of intervention in the Ukraine Conflict.

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I thought the majority of the public supported ukraine for exactly two weeks

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Or how the people who were against foreign wars would be screaming for more American involvement in Ukraine and Taiwan.

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Nah the 2010s were a weird hybrid of neolib and neokeynes.

Trumps platform on most things looks like Clinton's did, but his attitudes on immigration etc piss off my parents (young adults in 80s-90s) and I think the 70s-80s were when it became unacceptable to be an open chud.

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iknow so many people who say "he's an butthole but I voted for him anyway" cause of the binary system. IDK the exact percentage but some just vote for him as a bulwark against left wing policies even wit their reservations. Not defending or condoning it obviously but I do think it has contributed to the normalization because they view him as the "least bad" option.

Surprised that this is at the top of the thread. Most people dgaf about the candidate, they care about the policues that affect them. People are either voting for or against gun control, abortion, gays, taxes, foriegn policy etc.


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Trump's policies (like, the literal things he did as president, not the words he says at rallies) are identical to Biden on all those issues excep maybe taxes

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Mmt of the comparison between Bush and Obama



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Trump is mostly against feelings for journ*lists where Biden protects journ*lists feelings first and foremost. Theres a couple of other differences like teump refuses to bomb more muslims in a new region but its kinda minute compared to others.

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>teump refuses to bomb more muslims


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I do think it has contributed to the normalization because they view him as the "least bad" option.

That's how literally every politician get's "normalized". Neolibs just pretend drumpf is unique because reasons.

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What's crazier is those redditors not realizing how far left they've moved. If a Republican ran with Clinton's immigration policies, they'd be calling him a fascist.

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So bad faith voting. Voting on issues and policy is not The Way™. You need to vote for the right person.

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A lot of :marseypearlclutch: in that thread

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To answer the inevitable question of why now is the system buckling after it's been running for ~250 years?

Alexa, google how long ago we had a civil war

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