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>By not talking about politics, it isn't difficult

This kills the redditor, they literally can't shut up about it

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Seriously, just shut up about it. It's kinda fun to shitpost about online, but politics aren't all that interesting beyond that. :marseyyawn:

!grillers, I don't even know most of my friends' political opinions. The closest we get to political discussion are things like, "Wait, they took the All-Star Game away because of that voting law? That's some bullshit." :marseyishygddt:

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I like sending my rightoid friends rightoid rage bait from here and my leftoid friends leftoid rage bait from here :marseyantiwork:

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Based centrist :marseykneel:


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nah one of my best friends and I argue over politics quite a bit. The difference is you don't live or die by that shit. It's like not being friends with someone because they like the gay butt xbox instead. Like sure you have shit opinions in consoles but there's more to you than just that

Sure he's a hardcore communist but he doesn't think the world is gonna end if communism doesn't take over in the next election

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So much this :marseyblush:

Seriously though, I have the same thing going with my best friend; hardcore socialist, also the most unhinged true-believer antisemite I know, and yet we are literally best friends. :marseyembrace:

He is legitimately smart, though more in the creative fields (he is a big baller "creative director"), but we still love bullpooping politics, even if it ends with us literally screaming at each other :marseygiggle:

I don't understand how people can't wrap their heads around the idea that you just leave that shit behind... Unless your friend is literally a Qanon nutter and could only talk about incoherent conspiracy bullcrap, there isn't any good reason to stop being friends because of fricking ideological/policy differences :marseyeyeroll:

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At most I'll say that I dislike the federal government and would consider myself more libertarian to just avoid it all if they keep pushing, that way they can't get pissy like they would if I said I was a republican or if I said I was a democrat.

They might think I'm r-slurred but it just werks

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Don't talk about politics by yourself unless someone is interested

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Don't listen to this fool. It's great fun to talk about politics by yourself.

Turn off the lights in an empty room and start screaming about republicans. Great fun.

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I used to be friends with a libertarian at work until he got a new job. I thought his political ideas were fricking stupid but we were still able to cordially discuss video games and such. It's called being a decent human being.


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One of my best friends is a centre-leftish social-democrat, but a few years ago he was a borderline marxoid commie, we argued a few times but always respectfully and mostly talked about other stuff (he also doomposted and fearmongered about Bolsonaro on social media back in 2018 after the election). What's ironic is that he's business owner now and still talks fondly about Marx lol.

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I have two distinct friend groups, a progressive group, and a chud group. Which one do you think is more diverse. We'll talk politics time to time, they all come for me since I'm a chadical centrist. To the progs, I'm a conservative whack job, to the chuds, I'm a Bidenite/Stalinist, but I still man the grill at the cookout for God sake.

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On the other hand, if you would really rather I didn't have full civil rights, or don't really quite believe that women are autonomous creatures who should make their own health-care decisions, or don't see the value in ensuring that the whole population, one way or another, has access to education, health care, and the most basic necessities of life

Pro-lifers don't give a frick about “women being autonomous”, they simply consider the fetus a human being endowed with human dignity, so to them, abortion is murder. I don't know why hard line pro-choicers continue to blindly insist people oppose abortion because of “misogyny” or to “control women's bodies”.

Same with the education and healthcare discourse, no one but a few wackos are against it, lolberts and fical conservatives will mostly differ on how said services should be funded rather than the population shouldn't be provided with them (I don't agree with lolberts POV on that but if you want to disprove them, then you gotta understand their argument).

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When Roe v Wade was struck down, several conservative politicians started talking about going after Griswold v Connecticut and banning contraceptives (and note, contraceptives were banned in the past, hence Griswold). Sure seems like they have a problem with women hoeing it up, not just a right to life.

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That's a minority position even among pro-lifers. But the argument against contraception is more rooted on religious grounds than cartoonish “LET'S ENSLAVE WOMEN HUA HUA HUA” stawman positions.

For instance this is the Catholic Church's position on contraception

The Catechism of the Catholic Church specifies that all s*x acts must be both unitive and procreative.[8] In addition to condemning use of artificial birth control as intrinsically evil,[9] non-procreative s*x acts such as mutual masturbation and anal s*x are ruled out as ways to avoid pregnancy.[10] Casti connubii explains the secondary, unitive, purpose of intercourse.[11


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>the argument against contraception is more rooted on religious grounds than cartoonish “LET'S ENSLAVE WOMEN HUA HUA HUA” stawman positions.

!dramatards @Corinthian one of my favorite comments on /r/Drama was written in Sep 3rd, 2019 by /u/aqouta, who wrote:

Lol the real reason is that they're religious cucks. The whole "hates women" reasoning is the stupidest fricking take. People who unironically believe conservatives give a frick about "controlling" women are as stupid as 9/11 truthers, the painfully obvious motivation behind pro-life people is that they're brain dead religious zealots. And other rationalization is r-slurred narrative building.

No Sally, no one gives a frick about controlling your 300 lb vegan body or they wouldn't have let you get in the horribly offensive state you're in (:marseydarkxd:), they genuinely believe that a big dude in the sky created the whole universe for them but put down some ground rules, one of which was don't kill fermented semen. Now this is of course r-slurred as well, but not in the way to justifies your moronic victim complex that conservatives want to "control" you.

The comment has been long since y'alled, but it can still be read on pullpush, here is the original link of the comment just for convenience if it may still work on unddit or something :muttobese::


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The lib mainline Protestant->atheist pipeline really has caused a lot of them to forget we actually believe it. :marseyagree:

!Catholics !Christians

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The New Covenant is the covenant for the remainder of time, until He returns. And you know what? Its interpretation is important. It does not change, its meaning is both clear and unfolding. We obey His will AND discover it over centuries. Sending women from camp during their menstruation, originally an instruction to desert savages encouraging basic sanitation, was later understood to be instruction for chasteness and care for women for men in stone houses. And both were right. Every word is INFINITE WISDOM and INFINITE FORESIGHT pressed into perfectly selected tongue and handed down to men.

I don't have the scholarly background to confidently define the word. I am just a flawed human. I accept that whether I properly understand the word or not I am a sinner and must humble myself. But I don't think people are wrong for trying to interpret the word.

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@aqouta GOOD comment :marseysoypointtrips:

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https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a5/33/fe/a533fe1cb1ff37e6075cc98038bc4521.gif https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/c3/e7/0dc3e79b80fcbe6aa9e8919fe1386e89.gif https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ab/6f/8e/ab6f8e0399e97fb7cc9e14e7702c2853.gif

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I don't remember making this comment but I do endorse it.


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  • Arran : welcome back queen

Yes was super awkward listening to my religion teacher go on about the evils of anal s*x and why we catholic schoolgirls should not resort to it to preserve our virginity. She was surprisingly factual though (risks of tears and infections - very effective fear factor in an HIV ridden shithole). Pretty sure the message we all got was, it's not gonna work anyway so just use the front hole and condoms.

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Tate Reeves, the governor of Mississippi, is a Methodist. Marsha Blackburn, a senator from Tennessee, is Presbyterian. Both have expressed a desire to go after contraception. This isn't that fringe a position, and the opposition isn't based on Catholic doctrine.

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No it isn't. They didn't even give a shit about abortion until about 60 years ago. Learn history cute twink.

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Lol, it's documented. You can't make up your own facts, r-slur. Abortion and birth control were Catholic issues and they didn't give a frick.

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Yeah I'm sure that's why abortion and contraception were illegal in every western country until the 60s

This is what happens when you get your knowledge from amateur quote makers :#marseydisagree:

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Not if you call them a filthy chud, block, and report them! Works every time! :soyjakanimeglasses:

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That's the big disconnect between pro-choicers and pro-lifers. They both just prioritize different things. Pro-lifers prioritize the life of the fetus over all else and pro-choicers prioritize the autonomy of the woman over all else.

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By default, none of my friends share my political views. :marseyno: I have no real convictions, so I always just take the opposite view of whomever I'm talking with. :marseyretardchad:

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I'm similar but I only disagree with people when they seem really sure of what they're saying.

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Strong convictions are for strags


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But what if your friends have sincerely held beliefs? Wouldn't that make them the opposite? Bet you didn't think about THAT one smart guy!

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I have been bamboozled and bested. :marseykneel:

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i had a subset of friends who didn't talk to me for 6 months in 2018 after they found out i voted for trump 2 years before lol

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Sounds like u were blocked sweaty

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Why were you hanging out in the bywater?

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lol i lived in br at the time, they were friends i grew up with and went to private school with

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They sound like strags

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I actively halt friendships with anyone who starts talking politics.

There a time and a place. Anonymous and ironic wingcuckery on the internet is fine, but striking up a real life conversation along the lines of "Soooooo, how about them Tories huh, pretty fricking fascist and bad huh?"

No thanks.

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I'm a libertarian working in Silicon Valley. I would get James Damore'd out of my job in 5 minutes if I opened my mouth. Thankfully I don't have to deal with obnoxious political people at work.

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Is your move to grindmaxx in Silicon Valley for like a decade and then retire early to somewhere affordable?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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idk about retiring early, I'd rather earn more money. But yes I don't see myself staying here forever. Rough plan is to work until I burn out, spend 5-10 years traveling the world, then retire to SEA and bang working-class asian girls until my heart gives out and I will all my savings to some sort of effective altruism charity.

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Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I am unironically probably the most leftoid of my friends and they are all pretty much center right but they are also grill pilled like I am.

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When all you get is positive feedback and "that's so hecking valid" :marseywholesome: how do you know your friends are even real? :marseythinkorino: If you never disagreed on something before, how do you know they will stand by you when you do? :marseydisagree: :!marseyagree: Friends are about loyalty to one another above other concerns. :handshake: More of it makes you better friends. Might remember this lesson from childhood. :marseybaby: Maybe Reddit thinks their idealistic world will come if they just stick harder to their ideology. :marseybigbrain: But it won't come. Ideology doesn't reward loyalty. :npcfront: Neither does it take disagreement well. It's probably good to have friends that don't put it first.

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On one hand I agree but on the other it's a bit hard to talk about abolishing most of the government, blocking / deporting immigrants and executing the rich / social degenerates (hobos)

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"Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important."



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