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How do rightoids not realize that their countries economy is dependent on immigration?

They want to ban all immigration but there aren't enough people being born in their nation states to sustain continuous growth. Meanwhile these same people also want their quality of life to constantly improve but that's only possible as long as the total population increases which helps to increase total production and consumption and grow the market and labor pool.

The western economic model, to succeed, requires either, a naturally growing population ( which it does not have ), or a continuous immigrant inflow higher than the total natural population loss rate.

How have the rightoids not learned from the time when they banned the immigrants and suddenly there was nobody around to do the cheap work on the farms.

They aren't just stealing your jobs, they are doing the jobs you wouldn't have willingly done anyways at the prices those jobs pay, because those jobs only exist at those low prices.

The US is going to keep bringing in more and more immigrants over time, So is Europe. This is because the only alternate option is to slowly fall into continual decline like Japan.

Most of the anti immigrant crowd doesn't understand the privileges they get only because they are currently number one in the rankings for largest economy. The moment they fall they begin to lose those privileges.

Already, more than 1% of Germany's population worth of immigrants move there every year, and their population growth is still stagnant.

The US similarly needs more than 1.5 million people moving in every year to sustain itself.


The west needs millions of immigrants every year.

One day the west will become the highest population region of the world.

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Are you familiar with the phrase "we should have picked our own cotton"? People are not fungible, how does importing a ton of black slaves work for the US today, economically and socially?

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it grew the US gdp.

people are fungible

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it grew the US gdp.

Are you sure about that?

First of all, have you ever wondered how this idea, that slavery was very profitable, squares with the common narrative that the North crushed the South in the civil war due to the much higher economic output?

Second, what happened after the cotton-collecting combine was invented? Are blacks currently contributing to the GDP growth at all, not to mention per capita?

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yes to all of the above.

blacks contribute to society.

Thats because the blacks fought for the North

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blacks contribute to society.

Are you sure that they contribute more than they use?

Thats because the blacks fought for the North

LMAO, there were negligible number of blacks in the North.

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kanye west

they fought for freedom. morale boost

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Coming from one of our most famous Pakistani posters this means a lot.

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he's obviously not a paki

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Culture has a value too. Average IQ/ productivity is also important. India has many more people than US+Europe, but it has shit culture (i.e. everything is filthy, (caste-)nepotism is accepted) and a huge low-IQ population that make many national projects impossible, so their very big high-IQ population either has to build gated communities to keep the riffraff out or just emigrates.

Apply that same reasoning to rdrama. We could just accept infinite reddit immigrants, the site will be very active, but if we can't assimilate them fast enough, the culture will change in a way that the natives perceive negatively (imagine rdrama being like the default reddit subs)

I'm personally willing to pay a moderate monetary price if this means I can live in a high-trust culture. Otherwise I would've already emigrated to a low cost-of-living country and retired.

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Culture has a value too


Average IQ/ productivity is also important.

Take in the competent immigrants.

India has many more people than US+Europe, but it has shit culture

Wrong. The britishers fault.

so their very big high-IQ population either has to build gated communities to keep the riffraff out or just emigrates.


Apply that same reasoning to rdrama. We could just accept infinite reddit immigrants, the site will be very active, but if we can't assimilate them fast enough, the culture will change in a way that the natives perceive negatively (imagine rdrama being like the default reddit subs)

We do take in whoever we can get though?

I'm personally willing to pay a moderate monetary price if this means I can live in a high-trust culture.

but most rightoids who complain about immigration are not?

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>Take in the competent immigrants.

this is much different than mass immigration and I'm in favor of my government doing this (with the caveat that total immigration still has to be below some threshhold so these high IQ immigrants have to assimilate). That said, I think global norms against this would be prudent as brain drain will probably lead to never seen before global inequalities that will be impossible to recover from until the next god-level tech (embryo selection, AGI)

I'm personally willing to pay a moderate monetary price if this means I can live in a high-trust culture.

>but most rightoids who complain about immigration are not?

Many people are too r-slurred to think in terms of utility and tradeoffs. That said, the dumb rightoids are often in direct competition with low-skill immigrants, thus will be materially better off even when the rest of the populace has to pay a higher price for a more inefficient economy.

Higher income people have a strong revealed preference to pay more money to live in high trust environment. See white-flight in US or gentrification for the europe buzzword. They'll pay incredible amounts of money to be far away from disfunctional people. I'd argue this is one of the biggest reasons to become wealthy.

>[rdrama] do take in whoever we can get though?

we bully outsiders, during the sharty "raid" we enabled countermeasures to filter them. A reddit mass migration would get powerusers whining and I'd bet we wouldn't get censorship rules instanted for them to keep that population around.

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What you said. You win this round. I will get ya next time.

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The secret is you just accept immigrants that are net tax contributors

Unless you're any country other than the US of A then you're fricked lmao, we're gonna take your native tax contributors too

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Only problem being the USA isn't big enough to take all the net tax contributors in time.

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Not wanting illegal immigrants =/= not wanting immigrants.

It's not that difficult. With legal immigration, you can screen for prohibited characteristics like felons, and incentivize economically valuable characteristics. You can control flow to an ideal level.

With illegal immigration, you can't do any of those things.

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Europs politicians implemented legal immigration in bad faith. Legal/ illegal is not all there is to it

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Obviously yes this isn't a dichotomous issue, but the general throughline that has existed forever is that rightoids are pro law and order

(as described by historical expectations of law, i.e. don't steal, murder, etc, and specifically not as described by uniquely modern interpretations on law, such as heavy handed regulation and the tip-pooling equivalent of economic regulation)

and illegal immigration was seen as flouting law and order, or weaponizing modern law and order against them

(breaking citizenship laws, escaping criminal punishments from origin countries, or employing illegal immigrants, 'took er jobs').

If a government decides that they're just going to make it legal for everyone to walk in, that mildly alleviates the "they're breaking the border and citizenship laws", but it does nothing to alleviate the other concerns, and it adds a concern that the government is now attacking law and order, etc.

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I agree, most rightoids don't.

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Japan is doing fine and has a good society while western countries are falling apart. The only disaster is a completely fictional money line. We "need" immigrants to keep the "infinite growth" going but we shouldn't want that in the first place, the amount of actual work going on in America hasn't really changed since the 70s it's all just finance voodoo

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What about 8% growth in my 401k YoY every year for 50 years?? How else will I retire


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Shut up, weeb. Go watch Izasuke Kazai IV or whatever you nerds do.

I'm buying electronic components from the Phillipines today instead of Japan just because you said that gay shit.

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Japan is doing fine

lol. Lmao.



while western countries are falling apart.

lol. lmao

the amount of actual work going on in America hasn't really changed since the 70s it's all just finance voodoo

lol. lmao.

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Okey, why does it have to be MENA and other african :marseyblack: muslim :marseystoning: countries?

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I never said it did, but if you must know, the EU probably focused on one Islamic country at a time in the hope that it could assimilate the population and make that nation state less culturally middle eastern over time. This strategy ofcourse failed and Turkey is the only reliable Islamic nation for the EU to take in citizens from.

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who else has excess people willing to leave?

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I imagine every impoverished yellow :marseychingchongitsover: asian :marseydragonnewyear2: country :marseypalestineflag: would :marseywood: be a good start. Latin :marseydayofthedead: America :marseyusa: would :marseymid: also be miles :marseyspiderman: better :marseygenetakovic:

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alright I was kinda r-slurred there. true enough

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They want to ban all immigration but there aren't enough people being born in their nation states to sustain continuous growth.

Using immigrants to fix your country's demographics is like cutting off your peepee to cure the herpes. Yeah, it will technically work, but the cure is by all metrics worse than the disease. I personally don't appreciate if the people who are fixing my demographics are also robbing, murdering, raping, and terrorizing those same demographics.

They aren't just stealing your jobs, they are doing the jobs you wouldn't have willingly done anyways at the prices those jobs pay, because those jobs only exist at those low prices.

The reason those jobs exist at low prices is because there are people willing to do them at low prices. Do you think employers offer the best possible salary they can afford to their employees? Of course not, they will try to offer you as little money as they can. If there were no people willing to accept those salaries, they would have to raise them.

Why would people who employ illegal immigrants to pick oranges ever hire native workers whom they need to give minimum wage and whose worker's rights they have to respect when they could just hire people who have no rights in the country?

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I personally don't appreciate if the people who are fixing my demographics are also robbing, murdering, raping, and terrorizing those same demographics.

Fake news.

The reason those jobs exist at low prices is because there are people willing to do them at low prices.

They raised the minimum wage in the US, those jobs got replaced by robots.

The every job pays high experiment has already been tested in France and Europe. The US model clearly works better.

Why would people who employ illegal immigrants to pick oranges ever hire native workers

When trump did the remove illegals thing the farmers tried hiring home grown Amerilads to do the cotton picking, turns out fats cannot do jobs that require being out in the sun irrespective of wages.

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Fake news.

REAL news

They raised the minimum wage in the US, those jobs got replaced by robots.

If it was that easy, everybody would have been replaced by robots by now. The cost of running thousands of Robots can often far exceed the cost of simply hiring the workers. Not to mention how unreliable machines can be, so you would also need to hire people to maintain thousands of machines, as well as control their work. Only the most basic menial jobs can be replaced by robots. We will always need sexy indian dudes for tech support as well as thousands of other jobs that require a person to comprehend human interactions.

The every job pays high experiment has already been tested in France and Europe. The US model clearly works better.

It doesn't need to pay high. It only needs to pay a bit higher than it would have if there were no people willing to work for less.

When trump did the remove illegals thing the farmers tried hiring home grown Amerilads to do the cotton picking, turns out fats cannot do jobs that require being out in the sun irrespective of wages.

Turns out that it's really hard to maintain the pace of the production when you need to respect your worker's rights.

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okay you win

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"In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant."

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