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New York Times: Does America Need a President?

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Evidently not. It turns out Biden is a walking corpse and he's had the most effective administration of my lifetime.


They should just get a cute figurehead to be King and sign stuff and shake hands with foreigners.

Edit: I read the article and Ross Douchehat disagrees with me and the headline writer but agrees with the dramatards who will doubtless be :marseyrage: about the NYT without clicking.

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Only two (2) new wars!

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He ended America's longest war.

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That shit was over in 2013-13 with the Retrograde under OBAMMY

They effectuvely halted combat operations (which is what allowed Terry Taliban to dig up his buried AK-47 and get back into politics)

There is no American president within the last 30 years that has utilized the Armed Forces in a way that I would say isn't r-slurred.

I wish we could just get Eisenhower back, unfortunately we only get two choices. Globohomo option 1 and Globohomo option 2

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That was Trump sweaty.

Biden just kept his policies in place when he left office.

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Trump could have ended it, but didn't.

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:marseyakshually: DDR continued Obama's policy of saying he was going to end the war and then not ending the war. And here's why that's a good thing...

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This is actually true. One of my deployments was with USFOR-A when shit was winding down there, they kept reducing then boots on ground numbers to make the media say the war was concluding while at the same time filling the gap with contractors as best they could. That and "turning things over" (abandoning shit) to the Afghan forces. But the media would report

"more troops pull out of Afghanistan as they turn control over to the Afghan government :marseyreportercnn:" and Redditoids would be like "great, we can stop colonizing Afghanistan with our white supremacist Army" while the educated Afghans were like "pls don't leave us"

All anyone in DC ever gives a shit about is optics.

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Trump signed the order to withdraw from Afghanistan, which was planned to start six months later during Biden's term.


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Neighbor when's the last time you reached out to your family. You should.

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Eh, none of our troops are fighting anywhere and would be more at risk at a parade in Chicago

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Biden never should've invaded Israel :smh:

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This is what I don't understand about the 'democracy is on the ballot' argument.

If the position is so important, then it matters that Biden is a major problem.

If it isn't, then Trump running isn't an issue.

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But I guess the counterargument is that DDR will bring a bunch of rslurs and racists to run things while he golfs, whereas DDD has competent technocrats minding the ship during his long spells of napping/cornpopping/staring vacantly into space grappling with his mortality.

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Isn't that kind of mask off though?

It was never about Trump, it's about the hatred of the right.

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Its hatred of the maga right specifically. People on the left clearly dislike the right in general but the frenzy which trump inspires is pretty unique.

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>They should just get a cute figurehead to be King and sign stuff and shake hands with foreigners.

In Germany we have this, the president in practice is a figurehead whose role consists of making appearances while the chancellor holds executive power.

I don't think it helps since people only think about the chancellor instead (which in our case the drama is pretty boring, c*m-ex arbitrage, possible fraud).

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Ireland has this too but they have a funny accent and aren't krauts. You should have given Ireland as an example instead and for your mistake I will downlois your comment :marseylois:

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Erm the President in Ireland is the head of our ambassador corps essentially. He's a figurehead of the establishment but he's also a primary point of diplomacy for foreign governments and officials. The first President Douglas Hyde was also a member of the Gaelic League movement and a prime powerbroker in the arts here and has been ever since.

!chuds :marseyhibernian: Michael D Higgins is a popular dude in ambassador circles since he's a huge patron of the arts. He's always meeting embassies and holding concerts, talks and galleries. The President also has powers similar to the British Monarch where the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) comes forward to be accepted as PM by him after election. He could theoretically refuse to accept him! He also appoints cabinet members and supreme court judges :marseyflamewar:

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OH MY SCIENCE it's just like le heckin' Star Wars with Vader and the Emperor!!! :marseysoylentgrin:

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I dunno, the last 4 years were hardly the best.

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he's had the most effective administration of my lifetime.


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Vote Dasha for president!


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:#marseyagreesuperspeed: :#dasha: :#marseyslurpfast:

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4 years to frick every single world leader.... I believe in her :marseyexcitedgif:

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Dasha and Sanna Marin :#marseycoomer:

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No longer in power.... but divorced :marseynotes:

:alexjones: needs to be filming it all from a closet btw for... uh, blackmail purposes.

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why bother reading an article? all the relevant info is in the headline 100% of the time!

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If only our dramatards were capable of reading

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>most effective administration of my lifetime

lol, lmbo even.

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I've always somewhat wanted this. It'd be neat to have a cool nonpartisan figure that everyone respected, and American royalty would make for a lot of good Hallmark Christmas movies.

Considering the bongs though, I feel like our royals would find a way to frick it up too

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Let's get Lenny Kravitz as King of America.

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Your royals are the kardashians, trumps, and assorted other tasteless reality-tv whores.

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How about we compromise by appointing the Trumps as America's royal family? Trump has only ceremonial power but everyone has to pretend to respect him, and he gets to live in a giant palace. Biden or Hillary can be Prime Minister and make the actual laws

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I miss when people actually respected the head of state (in public at least) and weren't disrespectful little frickheads

"Frick Blormph/Obongo :marseyracistgrandpa: :soyjakhipster:" Like yeah I get that you didn't vote for the guy, but he still represents us, could you root for the home team once in a while?

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Yeah, this is the problem I have with rightoids. At least leftoids outright hate america. I don't get how you can be a nationalist and badmouth the president every sentence.

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Being a nationalist :marseyfloch: doesn't mean you peepee ride the government. like the entire purpose of nationalism :marseysaluteusa: is the keep the nation strong :marseybuffbipoc: so they're obviously going :marseysal3: to react :marseyawkwardparty: strongly to government incompetence.


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Sounds like a funny tv show tbqh.

Im down with it :marseykino:

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That's the canadian system. I have no idea who the current governor general is. :marseypixel: All i know is it was julie payette and she screwed up somehow.

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There's lots of unemployed European royalty that would love to cut ribbons at events and do as they're told

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We have one - the highest position in our government is the Governor General who is supposed to act as the King's proxy in Canada. In theory the GG has the power to dissolve governments but never will it's just a meme that if that happens the prime minister asks him / her to do it and he does.

I don't even know who the GG is right now, but I do know he / she costs millions of dollars a year to do nothing.

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It'd be neat to have a cool nonpartisan figure that everyone respected

Hmm I wonder who they would pick for such a role.


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The white woman with the biggest booba

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most effective administration of my lifetime

Obama and Clinton were better. Get better b8

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Obama was such a disappointment. A+ candidate, C+ president.

I was too young to really remember Clinton but he had an intern blow his saxophone so I guess that's p cool.

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Clinton is hugely underappreciated, which is hardly a surprise considering he was America's first and last black president

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what are your opinions on NAFTA?

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The Belgians are notoriously incapable of forming governments and just coast on pure administration and it seems to work out reasonably well. :marseyshrug:

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Just make Chris Evans the PR "President" while we just become honest that a conclave of neurodivergent bureaucrats drives this bus

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he's had the most effective administration of my lifetime.

Lol, LMAO even. This administration didn't have enough decision making capacity to get rid of Biden before he became a gigantic embarrassment. It still can't get its shit together and decide one way or another. There's nobody at the helm and it's bad.

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>thinks Biden's campaign staff runs the executive branch


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Whoever runs whatever, they really dropped the ball on this and continue to embarrass themselves and the country. That's what Douthat pointed out: all right, the DMV or something can keep issuing licenses in zombie mode, no problem, but whenever there's some sort of crisis, the buck is supposed to percolate up to the Oval Office if necessary and stop with the guy there.

It's comforting to think that even if the guy is busy pooping his pampers, there's a shadowy cabal of competent handlers that can take care of that job. But the very situation that is unfolding in front of our eyes demonstrates that no, there is no such thing. Any half competent cabal would have noticed that Biden is sundowning increasingly often months ago (see this: ), decided on possible replacements, and smoothly got everyone to get along with the plan. An incompetent cabal could have at least deal with the fallout, instead of every newspaper in the country talking about it as if Biden is definitely finished while his twitter intern posts that he's definitely still running.

It's not even as bad a crisis really, in terms of the consequences or what would be required to mitigate it, it's not an external threat or anything, the only people who really have serious stakes in it are Biden's family who will suddenly become literal nobodies. But it is also by no means a nothingburger that could be allowed to unfold however it wants. So the fact that is was not taken care of is deeply concerning, do you think that if China sinks a US carrier this revealed headless chicken of a country will suddenly get someone competent in charge and calling shots?

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They've done a very solid job of outmanuvering and boxing in China to date. The CHIPS act is a giant "frick you" to Xi. They've denied the CCP access to critical technology, forced the rest of the world to pick sides right now (while picking the West is still the obvious smart choice), and supported Taiwan while simultaneously building up domestic manufacturing that makes Taiwan less critical.

Anyone who claims China and Russia are outplaying the US under Biden is either a propagandist or not paying attention.

(FWIW, I agree old Joe needs to go, but because he's old and frail and likely to lose to Trump)

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Are you feeling okay bud?

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