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New York Times: Does America Need a President?

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This is actually true. One of my deployments was with USFOR-A when shit was winding down there, they kept reducing then boots on ground numbers to make the media say the war was concluding while at the same time filling the gap with contractors as best they could. That and "turning things over" (abandoning shit) to the Afghan forces. But the media would report

"more troops pull out of Afghanistan as they turn control over to the Afghan government :marseyreportercnn:" and Redditoids would be like "great, we can stop colonizing Afghanistan with our white supremacist Army" while the educated Afghans were like "pls don't leave us"

All anyone in DC ever gives a shit about is optics.

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Trump signed the order to withdraw from Afghanistan, which was planned to start six months later during Biden's term.


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Nigrix, that's meaningless. It was already happening since Obongo, the retrograde was already going on in 2012.

But sure, he "ended it". Regardless, no president should get credit for anything regarding Afghanistan in the first place, since it was a 8 trillion dollar clusterfrick from top to bottom. They served more to place political constraints on the operation "you can't have more than 10k BOG troops in theater", because the Pentagon had already determined how they wanted to construct their shit sandwich without the input of the useless as tits on a boar hog political appointees (with the exception of Jim Mattis and a few others).

On the other hand, the clusterfrick wasn't really Orange Man's fault, either

And yes, I'm a proud r-slur because I hung around for it.

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Better to authorize the actual ending than to prolong it.

:marseyshrug: :marseysipping:

:!marseycrayoneaterpat: :marseycrayoneaterpat:

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You seem really invested in giving this to Trump. Why? The pullout of Afghanistan was terrible, Trump didn't start it, he didn't finish it, and like the above said, Trump's link in the chain wasn't winding down American involvement either.

You're confusing.

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Troll harder, sweaty. :marseythumbsup:

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You don't think that, those ideas averaged five words each. And those were reasonable objections :marseyindignant:

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Trump ended a dumb war. Simple as.

If Hillary won, she probably would've prolonged it. :marseyshrug:

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He didn't. But Hillary wouldn't have either, and might've done worse than nothing.

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Yeah, that's called leaving a shitshow for the next shift to deal with.

Ever wonder why DDR couldn't manage to pull out in four years?

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So Drumpf purposefully lost in 2020 so he could let Biden deal with Afghanistan?

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He "ordered" the withdrawal for mañana so he could deal with it later (or cancel it again after he won) like the lazy fricker he is.

US was in Afghanistan for 20 years - what makes 2021 the magic year? Why not 2017, or 2018, 2019 (or 2012 for that matter)

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Well, he wasn't in office in 2012 for starters. And I don't know why it took two presidents and 13 years after Bush left to finally leave Afghanistan, but that's not what we were talking about now was it?

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>he wasn't in office in 2012 for starters.


>that's not what we were talking about now was it?

It is what I'm talking about. Obama and Trump just kicked the can down the road, Biden finally ripped off the bandaid and ended a pointless forever war.

But Biden gets no credit, and rslurs like yourself want to give DDR credit (why not Obama? He also claimed he was getting out) - and instead someone upthread is trying to somehow blame Biden for wars started by Russia and Hamas.

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(why not Obama? He also claimed he was getting out)

Obama never did anything that even remotely suggested he'd get out of Iraq or Afghanistan

But Biden gets no credit, and rslurs like yourself want to give DDR credit

Yeah because it started several months before he left office lol

What was Biden gonna do? Cancel the withdrawals?

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>Cancel the withdrawals?

Uh, yes? Just like Obama did or Trump x2 might have...

Obama Backs Off Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan: Thursday's announcement to keep more troops in Afghanistan marks an abrupt turnaround from a plan President Obama outlined last year.

You act like no President has ever reversed course before.

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It's funny how that's a direct result of Obama's actions.

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:crap: :!marseyno:

Bad bait.


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>hey ive ben on since 9 this morning and I didn't clean the men's room but I scheduled you to scrub the john 30 minutes after you start.


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