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Election model :marseychartscatter: whiz and Goomble God :marseygambling:, :marseynatesilver: Nate Silver :marseybadgejew:, fires the first salvo at 538's :marseynatesilverfoxgenocide: shitty model. Neolibs :marseysoylentgrin:discuss.


!neolibs our boy is back to stir the pot.

Nate is bald. Nate is a compulsive gambling addict. Nate is gay. Nate is a libertarian. Nate is a furry (unconfirmed).

There is nobody I trust more when it comes to modelling elections.

GEM is a pretender wearing 538's carcass.

Nate is literally /ourguy/ someone with a xitter account and or a paid subscription to his substack invite him here. I will give him 50k DC so he can indulge his goomblemaxxing addiction.

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Dismiss him at your peril. Nate has entered his cool poker guy era


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Incredible glow up. Norwoodcels take the baseball hatpill.


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Politics destroys your soul. !goombling is good for you


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!slots 1000

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Please tell me that's shopped

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Zoomer doesn't remember the 2016 election memes


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lol its not even his worst picture. nate is hardcore ugly. https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/nate-silver

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17213626135023284.webp :marseydicklet:

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>sells his company

>Becomes degenerate high stakes goombler

Holy frickin based :#marseygigachad:

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>Sell your company to r-slurred journoids for a gorillion dollars.

>Laugh from your yacht as they make it worthless within two election cycles by trying to use it to push copium.


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trying to use it to push copium

can we get snopes to factcheck this? :marseysmug2:

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no way

He went from unmarried saddest uncle who lives alone in a condominium (ex wife took the dog...)

to the uncle that is the father of your butthole cousins that you don't want to hang out with but they have REALLY good snacks and an above ground pool

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Nate Silver 🀝 Tim Pool

Wearing unnecessary headgear while everyone knows you're bald.

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Nate silver is 100 times more Chad than Tim Pool

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>Yankees fan :!marseysquint:

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It's a requirement of the religion.

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Yellow teeth tho

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if you don't look like you smoke cigarettes it's impossible for you to play poker well beyond an amateur level

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Based catty shit stirrer

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Kino Marsey


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I remember when Nate silver used to be roughly in line with /r/neoliberal but now it's /r/israelitrangenders so they pretend he's secretly a chud or something

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Lmao Nate's a libertarian. To the petty authoritarians with dirty goon caves of /r/neoliberal he's a gigachud. What earned him this reputation was an article dabbing on the progressoids. This also earned him the nickname "Nate Bronze" amongst the most soylent of the sub. The old 538 podcast was great whenever he was on there. You could tell the other hosts didn't like him because he wouldn't push the narrative. That and he bullied the other hosts. Truly a nerd amongst dweebs.

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Nate Silver used to be a leftoid darling. All his most liked tweets are leftoid talking points and fevered conspiracy theories

Example: https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1310590994744856577 (Drumpf taxes BS)

https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1082294659320348672 (Socialist congresswoman said "we will impeach that motherlover)

https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1007384638082428928 (Mainstream media is actually biased against Democrats!)

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Models that agree with me: objective truth, literally impossible for it to be wrong

Models that disagree with me: Lol nice cope nerd

this guy said this unironically. Amazing self awareness from the self proclaimed smartest sub on reddit

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? Every top comment is calling silver a chad

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Same article

8 months ago

Last month

This is a recent phenomenon. You'll still see some cope about Nate Bronze.

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The 538 subreddit has been constantly dunking on the 538 model for being completely disconnected from reality in regards to polling. Trump is absolutely bussy blasting Biden in polls and 538 has been showing Biden's chances increasing lol.

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someone linked to this thread https://old.reddit.com/r/fivethirtyeight/comments/1e54o4l/by_my_findings_at_least_737_of_the_simulations_in/

this guy actually checked the simulations they posted and 75% dont make any sense, meaning there's some serious flaw in the math

as I said in another post, data analytics is a classic womans tech job where your job is to agree with the boss. And 538's new boss is 100% an ego driven lefty

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>Here's how we can still win

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Meanwhile all the lib cope subreddits are desperately pointing to the 538 model as validation that Biden's chances aren't in the dumpster.

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"bussy blasting"


Up 3-5, statically insignificant change from before the assassination.

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I'm looking more at the swing state polls and in general not specifically post assassination attempt. And Trump is decently ahead.

Like this recent poll.


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² 2024 GE: @EmersonPolling


πŸŸ₯ Trump: 48% (+5)

🟦 Biden: 43%


πŸŸ₯ Trump: 48% (+5)

🟦 Biden: 43%


πŸŸ₯ Trump: 45% (+3)

🟦 Biden: 42%


πŸŸ₯ Trump: 47% (+7)

🟦 Biden: 40%


πŸŸ₯ Trump: 47% (+6)

🟦 Biden: 41%


πŸŸ₯ Trump: 46% (+5)

🟦 Biden: 41%


πŸŸ₯ Trump: 48% (+7)

🟦 Biden: 41%

β€”#9 (2.9/3.0) | 7,000 RV | July 15-16

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If I was a wingcuck I'd be suicidal or ecstatic, but, instead, all I care about is getting more money so I can sleep on it :moneypile:

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Oh well when you said they've been showing biden's chances increasing, I assumed you meant as compared to before the assassination attempt. Yeah the swing states are not looking good overall, though I think Michigan and Wisconsin are still competitive

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I was referencing this article libs have been sharing around as copium. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-polling-data-five-thirty-eight-1926226

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Aren't 5% leads like the one he has in Wisconsin huge?

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Yes, especially when his polling error is historically +3 to +5 in his favor lmao

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As a rule of thumb, Biden/Dems needs to be winning by at least 3% nationally for the electoral math to be favorable. Looking at the swing state individually shows some of the picture, but the national temperature checks right now are really bad for Dems.


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The polls are very good for Trump rn but the Democrats' electoral machine in swing states can't be underestimated. 538 puts weight on economic fundamentals but comes up with nonsensical simulations.

I think people will continue to dislike the economy (particularly inflation and cost of living, but labor force participation isn't great either). But giving Dems a +3 due to mail-in ballots and how they don't have to get BIPOCs to go to the polls would make sense

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snappy quote

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:marseyakshually: The Titanic didn't capsize

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I didn't know Nate was gay, a lot of things make more sense now.

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He rides the thin line of participating in homosexual s*x but not being gay


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Lmao, from the same people who called a guy with the literal last name of "Booty Judge" not queer.

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Idk. I happen to be a closeted Pete truther. I heard he thinks of women when he's blowing his husband.

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>he thinks of women when he's blowing his husband

Do those :quote:women:quote: also have peepeees?

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:#marseysmughips: What difference does it make chud? They'ed still be women.

Feminine peepee is real gussy :marseyclapping2:

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It's still pretty gay if they have a peepee.

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That's fine. It's still pretty gay.

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>The moment a WOMAN decides she's a WOMAN she is a WOMAN.

yeah that is true.

I support trans rights.

I supported the blt community before most of these chuds were born.

I'm not real.

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The real gay is not believing ALL front hole havers as well as the back hole non birthing havers like @pizzaJill

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Pete is too gay to be gay

Could you imagine him at a leather bar or chatting young twinks up on grindr?

He's born to be dominated by a homely woman

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>Could you imagine him at a leather bar


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I heard his maiden name was Kitty Hound and the DJ played

"I used to know the bride when she used to rock and roll"

It was the scandal that got him paid to the tune of $100 borillion dollars

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What a load of progressive hypocritical essentialist nonsense that only makes sense in the post-Enlightenment West

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fr if having gay s*x made you gay id be a flaming cute twink

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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He exclusively tops and calls the bottom a "total strag" before kicking him out so that's straighter than most men

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Straighter than any man that has gone down on a woman.


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If eating kitty is gay then I don't wanna be straight. Top 3 favorite activity.

Seriously, if I could disable my attraction to women, I would.

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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gay is okay


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Yeah but i REALLY want a vagina on my face. constantly. It never stops.


Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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He's one of those borderline chuddy gays that never, ever publicly talks about being gay unless forced to by a journo, like Tim Apple. I was aware of him and 538 during 2016 but I didn't find out he was gay until 2 years later.

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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not talking about your sexuality :marseymicrosoftpride: is normal. it's not like straggots go around talking about how straight they are.

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do we even know who Tims husband is?


Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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It makes his bad fashion sense a lot more confusing, though.

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A gay nerd is still a nerd

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Nate has been malding that Biden won't step down for the last 2 weeks. How much money do we think he's lost betting it so far?

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>two weeks


More like the past year, and at least $50k

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Nah the new models great. Stay the course Joe, you are doing good!

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!slots 1000

Always bet on Silver

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Nate GOLD babay!


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Nate nickel?

!slots 1000

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Nate cobalt


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Nate Platinum

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Nate Brass


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Send me some and I'll win. Fr :#marseyexcited:

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sure let me just se-


whoops i tripped and goombled

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:#bigsmilesoyjak: :#marseybegging:

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!slots 102

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Nate....Tin? !slots 538

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