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A parody account that's supposed to be headlines from the NYT. Run by people who think the NYT works for Trump. This is the kind of crap that's popular with the people who rule us. :marseyyikes:


Apparently a lot of White House staffers think this is the height of comedy. No wonder they've done such a bad job handling Biden. They're r-slurred. :marseysad:

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Holy shit I remember this guy from the Bush era, he (or someone who ran with him) ran this Jon Swift blogspot and is associated with Balloon Juice, a blog which dates back to the Bush era and had a number of trolling operations associated with it (which was pretty funny because most of its userbase were cat ladies who hated trolling and fun). Some of the good trolling operations from it include:

It seems clear that it may occasionally be convenient to assume that the calculations of Copernicus and Kepler were mathematically sound. However, for both moral and theological reasons, we should always bear in mind that the Earth does not move. If it moved, we would feel it moving. That's called empiricism, the experience of the senses. Don't take my word for it, or the evidence of your own senses, Copernicans. There's also the Word of the Lord:

They also messed with FreeRepublic a lot.

This particular guy's obsession has always been with "the truth, as usual, lies in the middle" journ*lism which was secretly pro-conservative - it's kind of weird that he has this 20+ year long obsession with David Broder and Maureen Dowd (immediately found a tweet mocking Dowd), especially since they are increasingly becoming irrelevant. He was definitely the least funny member of that trolling clique and his obsession is bizarre considering that now everyone is a hyper-partisan.

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