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of course i do it and realize the benefits but it's bad for poor people.... because... uh this made up scenario in my head where they do it wrong

Keep yourself safe r-slur

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yeah next youll say that poors should take out an auto loan instead of just buying a used car. Benefits dont always outweigh the risks for everyone dumb frick

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They should take out a loan to buy a used car yes. They need an emergency fund and holding onto the cash is insanely important for them.

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they could just not spend their entire emergency fund on a car and get ine that is cheap butt works. People like you are the reason we have such a credit card debt problem in the US. I know you hate poor people tho, so it makes sense.

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I never said the car shouldnt be cheap. I said they should use a low interest secured loan to buy the car instead of losing cash.

You're the reason for credit card debt

No you are. Once they buy that car cash they have no more cash. Now they'll have to use their credit cards in an emergency.

I love that your hypothetical person is a crack head that will max out their credit cards but somehow has an emergency fund and a car fund. They have perfect self control and planning until they touch a credit card or car loan. Schrodingers poor person if you will.

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poor people have a significantly harder time getting low interwst rate loans. With your strategy theyll have to pay 10% more for rhe car and if they cant pay the loan bc of an emergency their mode of transportation gets repossesed and then the poor cant get to work and loses their job then defaults on muh credit card/maxes em out.

No you are.

says the person who thinks every expenditure, even for poor people, should be on credit. You are such a dumb shit its not even funny, butt im laughing anyway :marseylaughpoundfist: I bet you think poors should have kids rhey cant afford too :marseyxd:

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How would they get the cash for the car? And don't say savings poor people spend every penny they get.

every purchase should be on credit

It should be. Are you r-slurred or something? Keep yourself safe poor

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How would they get the cash for the car? And don't say savings poor people spend every penny they get.

people who lack the discipline to save lack the discipline to use a credit card the right way

It should be.

wrong and youre a dumb loser

Keep yourself safe poor

im the opposite of poor, and im super safe bc i have a great security team. Bye :faggot:

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people who lack the discipline to save lack the discipline to use a credit card the right way

I know. I told you that r-slur.

My security team

🀣 ok bardfinn.

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