:soycry: :marseycope: M-more people voted against Trump than v-voted for him :soymad: :soyjaktantrum:


That's called winning the popular vote.

Winning popular vote is meaningless if you don't also win electoral collage we have never elected via popular vote

What level of cope even is this? :marseycope:

"Trump WON the popular vote, first time a republican has won in two decades."

That's one way to say more Americans supported @HillaryClinton in 2016.

More weird :marseyseethe:

This makes no sense considering Trump crushed Kamala in a landslide victory.

Donald Trump's Mandate Is a Myth - cope article

Actually, he barely managed to win everything in America, chud. This proves he's not as popular as you claim :soyjakanimeglasses:

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Just admit that you lost and prepare a better candidate next time.

Unless... you are telling me that there are no better candidate left...


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Tulsi and RFK left to join Drumf. All they have is Bernie and he's old. Everyone else fricking sucks except maybe that Shapiro guy but their base is anti-jew

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I read an article saying Shapiro was too ambitious, which is why Harris picked Walz as her running mate over him - good ol' governor Tim was happy to be her lapdog, whereas Shapiro wanted to use the VP position as a jumping-off point for his own presidential run later, and that didn't suit Queen Kamala at all.

I guess now Shapiro is delighted he dodged the bullet there and is free of any association with that disaster of a campaign so he's free to throw his hat into the ring for 2028.

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There's a few Democratic governors they could pick, but none are super inspiring.

I know these guys promised to be a sock salesman and not a politician



but if the DNC asked really nicely, maybe one of them would be like :marseyblush: :marseyscream: :marseycrying: :marseyblush: :marseysaluteusa:

(It's the guy that does the crash course videos, and his brother who wrote "A Fault in our Stars", they fricking love science, and can public speak)

Either one would make a interesting VP

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youtuber president is the ultimate :marseyaware:

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the DNC is in that bad shape, I don't know what to tell you :marseydoomer:

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It'll probably happen in our lifetime :#marseyfacepeel:

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You managed to make an even worst pick for VP than Biden did.

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yeah they might have an accuate portrayal of a panic attack lol

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Calarts bean mouth ahh politicians

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The Covid stink is going to hold on a lot of those governors

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Too gay

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it's current day and i thought trump is gay

edit: unironic heckin bi erasure :marseyakshually: Hank came out bi

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Shapiro and Whitmer are the names I see some throw around. The more radical even propose Newsom but I agree with the view that he'd get gaped in the general election.

There's always Hilldawg I guess.

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Hillary could barely walk straight in 2016. Then again, she's not senile like Biden, so she'd probably be better off than he was.

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They don't even have Bernie, because there's no way in heck they'd let him win the primaries and his disillusioned base knows it.

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He exists literally just as a puppet to fleece the commie-left of their bennies lmfao.

I doubt he even wants to be president himself. Never mind that I doubt he'll even see 2028.

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There's no way in heck he win the primaries because he would lose the vote in the primaries :marseystare:

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let him win the primaries


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I think now is fricking finally Corey Booker's time, motherlover! Plus we'd then have Rosario Dawson as first lady, motherlover!


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If their politicians were fricking anti Jew too I'd support the fricking Democrats tbh

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I know the dem candidate pool is lame but Tulsi Gabtard and R-slur Fredo Kennedy leaving are hardly a loss


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Blame the DNC for going all in on :marseyhillary: and completely neglecting to nurture a bench of up and comers.

Coin toss whether this was deliberate to prevent another Obama figure from rising up to challenge her and steal the nom, or just good old fashioned incompetence.

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A bit from both columns. I think HIllary ruthlessly suppressed any hint of possible competition when she was going, because it was Her Turn Now and she'd spent long enough waiting while that upstart Obama took her rightful throne. Any kind of competent rival was totally unacceptable, and her grasp on the DNC was such that they just did what she told them to do.

Though the DNC of the time seems to have been a bunch of incompetents, so that was also in play - they fell under Hillary's control because they were up to their necks in debt, and her campaign promised to bail them out if the DNC just say "How high?" every time Hillary said "Jump!"

I still can't believe Trump won that election, but given the way Hillary was so sure it was her victory and how visibly impatient about having to ask the plebs for their votes she was, she deserved the loss.

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Republicans didn't take that advice and it worked out well for them

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It's working out well, because of Trump's outsized influence. What happens after Trump remains to be seen.

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True, but Trumps base can't begin to be compared to Kamala's in terms of devotion and enthusiasm (for better or worse). The math was very different.

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Unironically their best bet is probably Mayor Pete or Whitmer. People say Newsom but he's so fricking slimy (and a Californian) that he'd turn off most of the country.

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I think Whitmer is probably their best bet if they want First Female Ever, but you know the progressive wing would scream blue murder about picking a white cis het woman.

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Embrace the Cenk :marseytunaktunak:

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I think Newsom is gonna run in 2028. But again, does the prospect of President Gavin excite or depress you? All depends who the Republicans run then and if the Democrats can manage not to back-stab each other and run a candidate people actually want to vote for. They won't be able to go "At least he/she/they/xe isn't Trump!" for the third time, which I think is why all the doom about "Trump is gonna make himself dictator for life!" If they don't have him to run against, they have to field a candidate who isn't a sack of turnips, and I don't think they're capable of doing that.

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Biden was the last democrat that could sell the idea that he was "Scranton Joe" or blue collar or palatable to non-freaks. The democrats really don't have anyone on the bench that can win over normal people.

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