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Lately I've been going multiple days not eating above 500 calories, should I look into multivitamin if this has consequences?

I don't want to suffer hair loss or loss of energy, but I need to lose the last bit of fat I have in my thighs :marseybutt:

Considering getting multivitamin supplements so I don't have to worry about protein and vitamin as much, and can just go most of the week off of a loaf of wheat bread.

Thoughs?, Recommendations?

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As long as you're getting enough water and aren't eating some incredibly strange diet to get those 500 calories you'll be fine.

Just fast though. Limiting yourself to 500 calories a day is more miserable than just fasting. Unless you're fasting for over a week you don't need to worry about supplements.

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I have to eat a little something to take some of my medication so sadly that is not an option.

Idk, I know I don't absolutely "need" the supplements but I want to both be relatively healthy and decently underweight at the same time if that makes sense :marseyshrug:

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