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If you have a fatty :marseychonker2: to snitch :marsey69: on, leave :marseypeaceout: a comment :marseysoypointdubz: below and I'll give you a 200DC reward.


Hi, we take thinness VERY seriously here so we'll be exiling any and all suspected fatties :marseychonker2: from this hole starting meow! :marseymagdump:

Your bail will be 200dc + arm photo proving your thinness. If you suspect you have been exiled incorrectly, you may whine to me or @WrongHoler but you'll probably still have bail depending on how much we believe you. :marseyxd:

Have a great day !thin !verifiedhot

Has anorexia :marseyskinny: helped anyone else's anxiety?

My thoughts used to race a lot but when I started restricting more my brain :marseyconfuseddead: became really :marseythinkorino2: quiet. Now because I don't have the mental :marseyschizowave: energy :marseyreactor: to spiral :marseybeandizzy: like I used to, my anxiety :marseyveryworriedfed: literally :marseyme: went away. I used to have panic :marseyworried: attacks in class and didn't talk to anyone, even in group :marseymeangirls: assignments I just couldn't get myself :marseycyanide: to speak. I would :marseymid: shake :marseydisagreesuperspeed: just standing :marseyoverallenthusiasm: up in front :marseyviewerstare: of a class for presentations and I was convinced everyone :marseynorm: hated me. That got better :marseygenetakovic: after some therapy :marseytherapist: and actively working :marseylifting: on myself :marseycyanide: but it really :marseythinkorino2: went away with restriction. I literally :marseyme: just don't have thoughts like I used. All I used to do before :marseyskellington: was think :marseygigathonk: and now I still think :marseychildclutch: (obviously lol) but it's more work and more of an action :marseypop: I actively act on than before. And so because I don't have all these thoughts telling me I'm dumb and stupid :marseywomanmoment: and should :marseynorm: stop talking,and because I'm not going :marseysal3: to actively think :marseynoooticer: those things to myself, my anxiety :marseyveryworriedfed: completely died down. I have no problems speaking :marseyhearnoevil: to anyone anymore, speaking :marseyhearnoevil: in front :marseyviewerstare: of a class, presentations, I just don't have the mental :marseyloopy: energy :marseyreactor: to be anxious :marseyhelp: about it anymore. Curious :marseyjannysuspicious: if anyone relates?

trans lives matter less

They made a mouse :marseycursor: anorexic! :ratvibe: :marsey:

So I'm sifting through research articles on pubmed and I just found :marseymissing2: out that scientists have found :marseymissing2: a way to 'make a mouse :marseycursor: anorexic' basically they saw that when they highly restrict the food available to the mouse, it begins being hyperactive and exercises excessively on its wheel, night :marseysamfisher: or day, and starts to opt for exercising over taking food even when offered to them. Then they did brain :marseyheadcrab: scans on these mice and found :marseymimic: that their brain :marseyheadcrab: activity was very similar :marseypamsame: to human :marseycatbert2: anorexic :marseyskinny: patients.

I thought :marseymindblown: this was really :marseythinkorino2: cool because mice are scavengers that will eat whatever :marseytippinghand: they can find, so for their abnormal brain :marseydarkfoidretard: activity to be so strong :marseyshreddedmanlet: that it makes them not take food offered (when they have restricted access :marsey403: and are starving) is insane :marseyschizowave: to me. Its like oh shit this actually :marseyakshually: is a physical disease :marseynurgle: and I'm not just making it up in my head, who'd a thought

side note: I'm really :marseythinkorino2: curious :marseysuspicious: how many people here are interested :marseyschizoexcited: in the 'science' of their disorder, I'm thinking :marseythonk: if anyone else gives a shit I might start a forum just to post the conclusion from research stuff I read to get some legit info on a lot of things we're always contemplating :marseycontemplatesuicide: (weight loss plateau, CICO vs other, HIIT vs low intensity long duration, metabolism of anorexics, body's reaction :marseynut: to starvation, all that kinda stuff

  • your geeky premed anorexic :marseyskinny:
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