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It starts with Idio banning a nazi :marseypearlclutch:.


And boy are both sides mad. Carp seething at idio for banning the nazi, rightoids :marseymalding: at idio like always, and idio3 seething at carp because of carp being carp. Who will win? With either one be removed, or will both be removed by :marseycapychad3: for maximum drama? Find out when they come come into this thread and sneed. More at 11.



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Wingcucks ruin the site culture.

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I don't like wingcucks either but I don't feel they're taking over the site in any meaningful sense, and I think everyone bitching about them and pathetically begging for them to be purged would be unsatisfied without turning this site into a copy of reddit where you're literally unallowed to express a wrong opinion.

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The site culture has already gotten better and worse at times because of their presence and purges have successfully been carried out after users complained so I don't see how it's "pathetic begging" to point out we just need another round of fumigation.

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It's pathetic because you are begging for the people who own the site to protect you from people who say stuff that you don't like. It's sad and you should feel bad about what a fricking dork you are.

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The people who own this site don't like you either and take feedback from users the site is meant for when there are too many of you it gets annoying.

You can seethe about it all you want but if you agendapost too much eventually you'll get purged and go shit up another site.

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I've never agendaposted even once on this site (except a left post early on where I defended abortion rights and got hated all over). You're trying to pull the usual dumb bullshit where because I'm defending someone, I must be one of them. Some of us think people should just be able to talk. If you want to know who the fricking problem is on sites like this, look in the god darn mirror bro.

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>Some of us think people should just be able to talk.

Yeah somewhere else.

>If you want to know who the fricking problem is on sites like this, look in the god darn mirror bro.

:marseycopeseethedilate: Your agenda poster buddies will eventually be genocided from our centrist ethnostate.

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You're not a centrist, you literally want to create a copy of reddit for only left people to post on. Just embrace what a pathetic fricking nonce you are and quit trying to pretend you're anything else than that. You're making me feel second hand embarrassment watching you try to act like an adult. Go back to reddit, you'll be happy there.

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You're not a centrist

This is true, I'm a rightoid. I'm just capable of not turning everywhere I go into a boring agendaposting site.

Just embrace what a pathetic fricking nonce you are and quit trying to pretend you're anything else than that. You're making me feel second hand embarrassment watching you try to act like an adult.

This is the most reddit sentence I've read on here in a while and in the next sentence you accuse me of being a redditor. :marseyxd:

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Go off King :marseykingcrown:

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It's pathetic because you are

😴😴 Whineposting in Current Year + 7

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tbf Kiwi Farms going dark has pushed a ton of Josh's speds over here. That's prob why we're seeing extra spicy autism and not just the regular kind.

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I hate wingcucks so much its unreal.

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