Greta, but based

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Unidentified eco-terrorist opening fire at the 2024 G20 congress.


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I'm really coming around to the trans color scheme now I've seen it in camo on an AR15

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Public school camo

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trans rifles matter

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When’s the last time we had some good old-fashioned eco-terrorism? Or is that passé?

For legal reasons, I must clarify that the above is a tongue-in-cheek observation and not an endorsement.

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Ecoterrorism is stupid because it only targets low-level workers who don't have any say in influencing decisions at the policy level. Imagine how based it would be if the eco-terrorists switched tactics and instead started assassinating high level targets like CEOs, politicians, and their loved ones? That would be unfathomably cool.

Go Greta go! You can do it! Just don't get caught - you're too valuable to the cause. I recommend using drones so that they're less traceable.

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Oh no a CEO has died, whatever will we do, replace him with another?

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Yeah, but the next one may behave better when he (or she - I don't mean to be sexist here) finds out the reason why the previous occupant vacated their position.

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Eco-terrorism is stupid because climate change is a hoax

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Kim Stanley Robinson has some sci-fi novels in which people do effective eco-terrorism. He's a commie but I always liked that aspect of his books

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The Ministry for the Future is a climate fiction ("cli-fi") novel by American science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson published in 2020. Set in the near future, the novel follows a subsidiary body, established under the Paris Agreement, whose mission is to act as an advocate for the world's future generations of citizens as if their rights are as valid as the present generation's. While they pursue various ambitious projects, the effects of climate change are determined to be the most consequential. The plot primarily follows Mary Murphy, the head of the titular Ministry for the Future, and Frank May, an American aid worker traumatized by experiencing a deadly heat wave in India. Many chapters are devoted to other (mostly anonymous) characters' accounts of future events, as well as their ideas about ecology, economics, and other subjects.

This sounds like one of the worst "books" ever written :#marseydisgust:

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Yeah all his books are kinda pozzed, but not in a Disney Corporate Way s If you don't sperg out at the sight of lefty politics and can laugh at some of the more r-slurated concepts instead of becoming angry, his terrorists and extremists are always top notch and can make the books somewhat enjoyable.

The Red Mars Trilogy's terrorists in particular are radical for the most r-slurred reasons but they lobotomize people as an act of terror which instantly redeems them.

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Yeah, I ama rightoid but I still enjoy his books (seriously who wouldn’t enjoy reading about someone blowing up a space elevator)

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or give everyone lyme disease and turn them vegan

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Meat-eating is not the main problem causing environmental pollution though

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insert the stonetoss panel

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Demand for goods from poors is the leading cause of environmental issues.

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That sounds like exactly what a corporate shill would say, but I know that you're sincere. Thank you for bravely speaking out on behalf of corporate CEOs everywhere to voice their perspective! I know multi-billion dollar corporations are often underrepresented and don't have anybody to speak on their behalf against the powerful Poor lobbyists who are forcing these corporations to pollute the earth (against their will, naturally) so that the greedy Poors can have have lots of low-quality crap. I'm sure that the CEOs of these corporations don't want to do this at all (regardless of the obscene amounts of money they make from it) but sadly most CEOs are unable to act upon their conscience because they lack a seat at the bargaining table.

Fricking Poors, man. Somebody really ought to do something about those oppressive monsters. They can't keep getting away with it!



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Everyone who has seriously studied the issue has come away with the conclusion that the only way to deal with environmental issues is a massive contraction in population. If we were to attempt to do so, its only natural that it would be primarily poors who would find themselves contracted. This is how it should be.

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I agree, because I've seriously studied the issue. But it would be a lot easier to disincentivize the poor from having tons of kids rather than killing them, and it would have exactly the same effect. So why take the hard approach when the easy approach would be just as effective?

Also, as long as we're being totally honest about the overpopulation problem (so refreshing to have an honest conversation about this for a change!), which specific group of poor people are you talking about? Because you might be the kind of wealthy bigot who doesn't see any differences between poor people and thinks all poors are exactly the same, but I'm more of a nooticer type and I see very clear differences between the poor of different nations. :marseynoooticer: If we're being honest enough to discuss the overpopulation problem, then let's also be honest about who's most guilty of this overpopulation: Africa and China. They're the primary culprits, so before we talk about reducing the population of American poor, what's your plan to cull the foreign poor who are the real problem? Why should American poor be unfairly punished for the irresponsible behavior of foreigners in some badly-governed third-world shitholes? This is pretty relevant to modern political debate, except that the conversation gets framed as "the open border crisis" instead of what it really is: the belief of wealthy liberal elites that poor people in the western world should be punished for the bad choices of foreigners living under shitty dysfunctional governance, vs the justified pushback against it. Doesn't that feel almost like treason to you? As if the rich liberals in America are saying "Frick the American poor, let's help the poor in Africa instead!" (Even though American poor are generally more deserving and often - but not always - make objectively better choices.)

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Promote birth control, and maybe slip something into the water to sterilize certain populations.

For legal reasons, the above is a tongue in cheek observation and not an actual endorsement.

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There's just so many of them

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unlike that other terrorism with valid targets

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Physical terrorism and financial terrorism are morally equivalent: if the rich don't want to experience the first kind of terrorism, then they shouldn't inflict the second kind.


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Ecoterrorists are now too busy arguing about pronouns and DIE efforts

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Eco terrorism was a couple useful idiots funded by the Soviets and a larger amount of Glowie activities to sell the idea of ecoterrorism to get more budgets

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I called the cops on you but they told me, and i quote, "you sound fat" and hung up.


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Do you really think glowies will arrest you for typing that?

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I typed a disclaimer so no


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eco-terrorism takes actual work and commitment

it's much easier to whine on twitter and fly around the world in a private jet

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treestrags can hop in the wood chipper with their beloved.

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Wtf I'm now anti-climate change (I was pro everyone dying slowly before.)


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>Click image to enlarge

>It gets smaller

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webshit magic

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bomb has been planted

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this shit starts playing

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eco-fascist Greta is one of my favorite memes

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Same, never fails to make me laugh

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False, European greens love natural gas and russia. Nuclear energy is fascism btw.

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This shit is pissing me off so much its not even funny :marseyraging:.

Just look the the fricking frogs, they went big on nuclear like 50years ago and have been reaping the benefits of cheap, non-polluting, constant energy on a daily basis since then.

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Why does she look like this

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She is unda da wata

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Mommy couldn't put the glass of wine down for 9 months

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Eurasian genetics.

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GrEtA BuT bAsEd p:

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Hi! It's good to see you're woke to the inherent micro-r*pe that is your sexuality, and it's even better that you've chosen to be a non-harming shut-in. I wish more white cis men would do this!

You should consider estrogen supplements to make yourself less predatory. As a white male, you having kids is problematic, yes, but have you considered adopting PoC children and trying to raise them non-binary? Just make it clear to them that any white cis male sexuality you accidentally display despite your estrogen supplementation is shameful, and just make it a habit to say "I'm so sorry. I am so very sorry." after every offence. You should also consider exploring cuckolding (with a marginalized minority man/woman/otherkin of course) if you still find your sexuality to be uncontrollable.

Good luck and welcome to the right side of history!

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