
I got an Endorsement

here's your periodic reminder that so long as you say things people like they mostly stop caring about the rest of your personal details (until you say something they don't like again)

Not much else to see at the source but here it is

@idio3 there, i posted it :marseywholesome:

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Yeah I don't know how it works, I had websites years ago and no one would read them. And then one guy wrote me like "you are funny like Charlie Brooker" (the only funny essayist, back then,) and then "South Park" did an episode about my book, and no one cared, still.

Weird juxtapositions of unrelenting nothing and mediocrity and ludicrous improbability. I read Jesse Singal's Twitter all the time and half of it is about making pizza or some shit, but he's not a hack. Does anyone care? Some people? It's 2023 and for that reason especially you wouldn't want to be tied to a corporate HR death cult. But is there a market for really caring? Being interestingly right, or wrong? I don't know.


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