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Best race mix is Asian, white, and Latinx

The Asian makes the white smarter, while the Latinx gives healthier family values while the white balances out and allows the latinx to let their family have some space without becoming too distant.

Black is okay, at 10% for better physics. Any more and the mutt starts running away from responsibilities.

No middle easterners please. No good blood there. No good values. No good achievements. No good work. No good intelligence.

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best race mix is 100% jewish

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Wrong. Jews don't breed enough and are too savage by nature. Too much arab and European in the wrong ratios in them.

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If you're going to get into race alchemy you really need to break it down by sub-whites. Germanoids are a good way to add industriousness but you need to be careful to cut it with human values like Scotts. Of course if any French gets into the mix you need to just start over.


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When an adult french woman wants to convince a french man to have s*x with her.

She either makes her voice sound like a childs or greys her hair to match his grandma.

First priority mixing smart Asians and whites.

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