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Where are they now? The rise and fall of cracked.com

Get your dentures ready, stir some metamucil into your monster and make sure you got some fresh depends on, you old fricks, it's time to reminisce. :marseyboomer:

If you were speds like me and @garlicdoors you probably spent time reading content online instead of touching grass and playing sports or whatever kids did before ritalin, e scooters and tiktok :marseyzoomer: Youtube didn't exist yet, video hosting was incredibly expensive and IRC was still king. If you werent fortunate enough to have or borrow a credit card and get onto the somethingawful forums, you were relegated to free sites.

In no particular order, I remember spending a massive amount of time on



McSweeneys Internet Tendency

The Somethingawful front page

The Mirth Canal


Pointless Waste of Time

Maddox's Best Page in the Universe

Between all of those SA and PWOT were the ones that ate up most time by a huge margin. Maddox was in the top 3 but as a one man show his updates were less frequent. SA had an incredible archive of B list movie reviews, bizarre indie games and actually funny content. Every english speaking nerdy weirdo would have had some contact with SA in these years. The forums were like an neurodivergent library of alexandria. Meanwhile, the front page had Fashion SWAT, WTF D&D, roamin' dad and various short stories alongside the weekend web, where they'd showcase bizarre web1.0 sites.

PWOT had a front page that in my opinion was as good and often better than SA. The content was better written, even though it was slightly more normie pilled. The forums were less active and worse, but the routinely good articles made up for it.

At some point likely around 2004/2005 Cracked, a print magazine that had historically played second fiddle to MAD magazine, decided to retool its content for the web. Who made this choice, I don't know, but they were absolutely prescient about the future of content and their decision would without exaggeration change internet content entirely.

Before cracked the entire idea of content was different. Longform articles were king. Most websites were text with few pictures, hand written in HTML and still mostly called web logs as the term blog didn't exist yet. Most of this was due to bandwidth constraints. Anyone who was online at the time was on dialup, and complex content alienated your viewerbase, not only were load times glacial but it wasn't uncommon for internet to be charged by the kilobyte.

Maddox's content was pretty emblematic of the time.


It was just words, maybe a jpg. The format began to change with the advent of DSL and digital cameras, and so content diversified. Something changed and hosting costs became trivial and websites took full advantage. No longer could you store an entire web ring on a single floppy diskette.

The blogosphere took off but content was still esoteric and cozy. I remember this one guy who lived by the mexican border and would post weird mexican grocery store products, or this one nerd who designed a 555 timer circuit to trigger the camera he attached to his cat's collar. Now you can probably find thousands of hours of cat POV content :marseyflushzoom: but he might have been the only one to do it back then.

What does this have to do with Wong? He had cultivated a large following on PWOT and had by this time written at least one novel. His work ethic was admirable and he posted regularly and as far as I know wasn't involved in drama. He wasn't irony poisoned or egomaniacal, like Lowtax or maddox.

Him and most, if not all, of the PWOT writers were hired on by cracked. At first the articles followed the standard format at the time:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1699107197114486.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16991071975423644.webp

But some point around 2006 Wong struck gold with the Listicle format. Normies were flooding the net now, everyone was on facebook, eternal september was irreversible. Youtube was taking off and most sites were pivoting to video. Most notably CH and the Onion, who's content then declined dramatically imo.

It's fun to shit on listicles now but 2006 era cracked was good. The authors wrote long, informed and entertaining articles about all kinds of weird trivia. Traffic to cracked skyrocketed, proto redditors flocked to the site. There were still some essay posts and older style content at this time, but it was getting rarer. The format got clicks, and other sites took note. Almost overnight it seemed that the entire internet was just listicles.

But cracked's golden age wouldn't last. The content soon turned entirely to listicles and the well ran dry. I'm not sure if they ran out of good writers (how many people can condense an entire 101 history course into 6 funny paragraphs?) or if Wong saw that normiepilled content drove more views. Soon the topics were exclusively vidya, comics and pop culture.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16991071979253702.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16991071982387362.webp

Apparently it still pays the bills and Wong is still executive director and has not done anything notable since, to my knowledge. The site exists but the content is the worst it has ever been:


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I used to read cracked when it was funny.

Here's a 2008 article "Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians."

Bruce Jenner was #1 :marseyxd:

The images haven't loaded for years, they used to be there.

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Man I remember posting that to Facebook back in 08. Good times, great oldies.


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Back when Something Awful was cool. WTF DND slayed me

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It was really frickin good

My all time fav is


Looking at it now it's really tame and banal, but we have all these places to dunk on fashion dorks. Back before Vice i don't know where you could find this shit and I had never seen ANYTHING like it

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Thorpe had some of the funniest music articles for Your Band Sucks too. God I miss 00's somethingawful

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I caught myself naively wondering, "what happened to Dr. Thorpe? Why didn't he write more articles" and then I realized, oh yeah, Lowtax probably mistreated him like he mistreated everybody in his life.

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Thorpe and all the good writers left probably around the time lowtax's ambien habit took off and he was rarely seen online. That one guy stayed and wrote page after page of samey garbage, i think he wrote My Tank is Fight

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Thorpe was consistently funny for a long time. His fathers day band roundups of aging dad bands always sent me

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My main memory of the SA forums was a video in The Locker Room (the gay porn forum) with the first reply asking if the music is from a bar mitzvah.

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"Sweatin to the Oughties!" :marseyjam:

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Seanbaby was really funny. I remember dying laughing at his Sims experiment from 2009:


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Darn i forgot about Seanbaby

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I remember all the blaaaahgers even gay Perez Hilton calling Bruce a :marseytrain: before he was a :marseytrain:. South Park had an episode that made fun of him too. One of those Hollywood rumors that wasn't really a rumor. He claimed in his interviews that nobody knew until Kim walked in on him in women's clothing, but he must have had a few romps with the girl mode that he won't admit to.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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I think Family Man did it twice themselves too

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Transform your Marseys! :marseywave:

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great find king

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Same with the hilarious "More Fake! More Gay!" video from the (I_forget_the_name) website, which has similarly been scrubbed from the internet.

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Good morning

I'll read this in a bit because I like occasionally checking in on the crackedcels to make sure they're still suffering and irrelevant but I just want to say frick David Wong in particular

Writing John Dies At The End should have been a capital crime

Thanks for listening :marseyfluffy:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I thought his book did well?? I am never going to read it to find out, though.

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It probably did but it was SHIT

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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found the incel

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Eh? Never read the book but I thought the movie by Don Coscarelli was pretty good :marseykino:

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I went into that movie with no idea what it was about and zero knowledge that it was based off of a book. No expectations at all.

I thought that shit slapped pretty hard. :marseyshrug:

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Hey! :grumpycute:

I liked that book

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Writing John Dies At The End should have been a capital crime

Excellent carp opinion :marseyclapping:

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Between 2010 and 2012 I'd check Cracked on first break, hoping for good articles.

Half the "weird fact" claims they made sounded like bullshit and there was never a source

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I stopped reading shortly after 2011 I think but maybe sooner

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Yeah it was about '11 or '12 when it just fell off a cliff

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Cracked had a wonderful period where heavy hitters like Seanbaby would rapid-fire crazy shit but then Wong and everyone else got woke and started seeing "Secret Feminist Easter Eggs" in Portal and other unfunny schizo shit :marseyitsover:

E: Anyway, I should probably read the original version of "John Dies at the End" before it was modified due to being too funny

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Anyway, I should probably read the original version of "John Dies at the End" before it was modified due to being too funny

I never heard of this

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It's a book written by Wong that he had to subsequently edit multiple times due to the changing moral standards of comedy.

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I remember the initial run of the book and even the giveaway on pwot, alongside the generally favorable reviews.

But I had no idea he was so cucked as to edit it.

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Seanbaby's content is too good for the post-Facebook internet

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No one is reading more than 250 words nowadays

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I still Chuckle at the quantum leap article where he took the "easy path" of becoming a whore to solve xers problems every time he leaped into a woman.

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Those "related article" sidebars made my tabs swell in number and drained many precious evenings of my life away. I think I still have some saved browser session from 2012 squirreled away somewhere where I have dozens of open Cracked tabs, never to be read.

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I still have some saved browser session from 2012 squirreled away somewhere where I have dozens of open Cracked tabs, never to be read.

Maybe 1000 years from now this will be found by an archaeologist like that one sumerian clay tablet

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I hope all my data gets archived and Finnish taxpayers fund the preservation and study of my browsing habits.

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I don't. That would mean Finns still exist in a thousand years. :marseyflagfinlandgenocide:

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In a thousand years all Indo-Europeans will be gone and the Finnic peoples will reign supreme. It is inevitable.

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This Marsey but with a cross-pattern skullcap and brichbark shoes, and no buck teeth, bespectacled slant eyes or gook hat.

Remember, the Finno-Korean Hyperwar was fought to a stalemate and devastated the whole globe once before, let's not rekindle that animosity.

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But where are they now? You didn't answer the question :marseydisagree:

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Still at cracked.com, B-WORD


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They all got jobs with Morgan Sachs. They wear suits and ties, which is bad because we're punk we're not mods. They're stooges of the neolibs... neocons... one of those.

Seriouspost tho: The people who wrote for The Onion in the 1997-2010 timeframe must still be alive. They're just not allowed to tell jokes anymore.

I suspect we're in the same situation as Iran where the family friendly holiday puppet shows are hilarious because it's the only outlet for comedy left. You see the same thing here with Arthur being funnier than SNL at times, although even Arthur seems to be getting extremely eunuchized.

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Maddox got buckbroken by based Peepee

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Cracked used to be extremely based. I used to love Seanbaby's articles

Sneed's Seed & Feed (Formerly Chuck's)

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Man, old Cracked was so good when it wasn't woke and broken

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Mostly just Seanbaby at his peak, tbh

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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Yeah, Cracked was good for a while. David Wong really brought that place to life, then let it die a slow death of pop-culture blandness, repetitive articles, and complete submission to political correctness.

I haven't been on the site for a long time now, but every time I go back or see a link to the site's articles, it's obvious that nothing's reversed the trend of mediocrity.

Man, I am OLD.

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I was a Seanbaby devotee and still quote the Dr. Laura board game article

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Dr. Laura board game article


Wanna do a seanbaby writeup, I'll pin it. I'm not up to speed on him at all

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if someone asks me why I seem to date mostly black girls, I don't scream, "Because they're scared of ghosts and can't hold down a job!"

You sound like the kind of person who might accidentally swallow a basketball and jump to conclusions.


I miss this era so much

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His black gf at this time was a 10 too

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Wild. I wouldn't have been able to remember this off the top of my head, but yeah I read all this seanbaby crap too.

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Used to read Cracked.com on the way to work sometime after 2010. Also listverse.com but they used to get some really shitty writers in and flooded it with crap.

More unsavoury was heaven666.org which would host some fricking bad shit.

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I've never heard of this, what is it?

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It was a image and video aggregate website that mostly hosted porn, focused on the funny or bizarre. Think porn bloopers or pictures of extreme body modification. Often it was just promo clips of regular porn. It had a comment section of sorta funny degenerates. It's all gone now, no archives remain.

I still remember one running joke in the comment section:

"She was a ho"

"But she was a good ho"

"Fo sho"

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As far as comment in jokes go i wish the GBS chestnut

yuo = strag0t

would come back, and if we're going there the comedy gas chamber was a phenomenal idea. Ban thread, gas OP

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Seanbaby was my hero, but they neutered his articles into whining about g*mergate. You might as well complain about Frederick Wertham.

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Even before g*mergate the the Cracked forums were taken over by the type of terminally online r-slurs who would become Reddit mods.

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It started happening in a lot of places at once as tumblr culture took off and spilled out of containment.

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That John Cheese guy contributed greatly to its ruination by making article after article about “serious” topics.

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How My Alcoholism Ruined All My Friendships #245 [FEATURED ARTICLE] :marseyeyeroll2:

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"5 reasons why my life is so hecking HARD!"

Straggot should have roped

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To be fair, he gave me the perfect metaphor for opiate shits "like pooping an antler" :marseymoose:

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He wasn't a bad writer but did not have a good effect on the trajectory of the path

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https://jasonpargin.substack.com is where David Wong's writing now. He's still a big listicle guy, but he's now focused on total wingcuck death. His books are also pretty good.

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God bless him, writing for 20 to 50 likes and 2 comments

Most posts here do better :marseylaugh:

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You can post :#marseygigaretard: :#marseyclapping: :#marseyfoidretard: stand-alone and get more engagement lmao

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Dude Dramussy Lmao

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Haven't read yet but I'm really happy to see some crackedlore posted. I was just thinking of them yesterday. :marseyreading:

Some of their articles were excellent for their time and occasionally very funny in a 2010 soy humor sort of way.

I vividly remember when they ran gamorgator articles for weeks straight constantly decrying how evil the heckin g*merghazi were and how that weird ugly depression lady dindu nuffin. I went from reading their all of their articles posted 3x weekly to literally never reading anything they posted ever again.


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I used to watch after hours and hate by numbers and everyone i knew watched yahtzee before that turned kinda sucky after a while.

Playing shitty flash games on newgrounds was good sadly we got mobile games full of apps and microtrasnactions that are infintely worse than those flash games

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Definitely not where I would play knockoff H games and watch shitty cartoons

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16991156311511934.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16991156313351822.webp

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Pretry nuch that and old school runescape in the computer lab

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holy shit Foamy(?) the Squirrell. i don't think i've thought about that since 2006.

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Same. I learned things, actual historical facts, from some of their content. Others were just fun to read. But I don't give a shit about pop culture minutiae or wingcuckery

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The final nail in the coffin was John Cheese showing up and only writing articles like “being poor is sad and being sad is poor and here's another reminder that I'm miserable.”

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Was he the guy that grew up in a trailer park? Some of the articles abou middle America were pretty good and well written.

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Yeah, they were, but they weren't funny which is the whole point of the website. It paved the way for future non-funny articles that also weren't written as well as his.

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Fair enough. I never made that connection but it was definitely out of place and altogether too serious. I think some of the earlier ones maybe were more light hearted? Still wingcucked though

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