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:purerage: "Gen Z Elders" "Young Gen Xers" "Middle millenials..." STAHP!!! :marseyschizotwitch:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17323845184998777.webp < a random example


there is no such thing

I hate tiktok tribalism :marseyrage:

Tiktok tribalism teaches that there are ASD elders who are the wise old people of the "ASD" community, and they need to be uncovered for advocacy. That makes, some sense? :marseywoozy: (not that much sense though, because they often say it with such gravity and formalism that it's ridiculous...) They use it for ADHD, paganism, veganism, and everything else too. But they also use it for generations now which is fake, which means gen alpha elders exist are like what... 9 years old? 10 years old? wtf?


:marseytrollcrazy: no

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I saw a gen z- er who was completely bald and his beard was starting to grey too. His teeth were all rotted away from years of constant vaping, his eyes were fried from doomscrolling 20 hours a day for years since the pandemic. On top of that, his voice still sounded young and he was speaking to me in zoomspeak. I think he said something to me about being hyped for Dr Doom in the next marvel movie. "When Marvel's back on top it'll be just like the good ol days right oomfie?" He wasn't even 30 yet.

It was genuinely horrifying.

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