

I'm a 5'8 severely balding 24M who has been in a perpetual search for a girlfriend which has so far been fruitless.

:#marseyitneverbegan: :#marseyitsover: :#marseygiveup:

it's so bad. I feel like vomiting all the time. I'm holding in a panic attack when I'm awake and when I'm asleep I'm dreaming of punched in walls and collapsed roofs. It feels like a death or a cancer diagnosis. Why did this happen? Blaming myself. When im down I'm real down and when I'm up I'm just getting to the next minute. Realize I still don't have power. I go to where I'm staying, fail at reading a book and sit up thinking how fricked I am, all alone completely in the dark.


my only hope for this evil world is an extreme natural disaster forces the un into an emergency world government that becomes an eco-fascist state and begins to course correct from the path humanity is currently on

:#soymad: :#soyjaktantrumfast:

In good news today was a great day in college football :#marseynittanylion: :#marseylonghorn:


Go get her tigers

Trans women are women


she met him on a dating app, straight up turned him into an orbiter because "she needs more friends," and then is surprised when he still wants to frick her lol



Basically the linked tweets:





Who gives the worst head?

RSPian is actively homicidal :marseymeds: :marseyface:

anybody else struggle with this?

No? :marseyconcerned:

i have a recurring fantasy of being admitted to a mental facility and promptly tackling and cutting open nurses and doctors

:marseyattentionseeker: or :marseychonkernoticeme:? Did xhe have a bad experience w/ psychiatric nurses? No matter what, give this person access to firearms ASAP. :marseynotesglow:

also just people in general, of threatening them / killing them and doubling down / reveling in it when i'm questioned

bc honestly, if you slice somebody open, can you imagine how pathetic it would be if you were like "omg i'm sooooo sorry"

like no. double down. i love it and ive been daydreaming about it for years.

my #1 fantasy is hanging out with friends and they see me bleeding through my clothes. i've never been able to pull this off unfortunately, as whenever i cut myself it tends to stop bleeding before im able to meet up with friends. ive considered slipping into the bathroom to cut while we're hanging out, but that would send me into psychosis and i would probably seriously hurt one of them

:marse#ycutattention: :marse#ycutattention: !edgelords I think we should claim /u/Glittering_Neck5313 as one of our own we need more foids.

Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : Tech is a strag job. Use real cowtools. Get off the computer. Playing game tapes all day isn't a job
  • forgor : :platyoldtalking:

I've been working in tech for the past few years, and my coworkers (especially the Zoomers but even the ones my age who are in their late 20s) are so... spiritually empty! We all work for the big tech corpo downtown and it's almost like these people go into power save mode when they're not working. They are obsessed with FIRE and saving as much money as possible to retire at 40.

They don't go out to events, they don't know anything about pop culture or references to popular movies or TV shows (not that you need to know these things, it's just an example) and they don't seem interested in engaging with the greater city-wide culture at all. And no, rock climbing does not count as a hobby. It's like they all went to school paid for by family so they wouldn't need to work a job while studying and jumped right into a tech career where you don't really need social skills outside of Slack or Google Teams. It's kinda bizarre.

This is the main post

My zoomer cowoerker told me linkedin is his favorite videogame


They're not spiritually empty they're just empty. My ex was one of them. He had a lot of money and I asked him what he was saving for (he could afford a house) and he said he didn't know. I don't even think he cared about being rich or had a greedy personality, I think he just liked collecting the money as a passive hobby because he was so boring. No personality.

:#marseycapitalistmanlet: :#marseybipocmerchant:

kinda amazed at the framing of not being pop-culture consoomer as a spiritual emptiness like sorry but if you need that much activity there's clearly some void to fill in your department


!nooticers can someone ping the codecels and redscarepod?

!sophistry do you think techies are empty or are redscarepodcels coping? :#marseyseethe:


My bf is in his early 30s, been together a few years. We used to have a regular s*x life until the ED put up a road block. Cant even tell you the last time we actually boned to be quite honest. Any attempts at it resulted in a pathetic half-chub-fricking. No matter how much seducing and foreplay i did. Peepee always died. I believe i know what im doing too (s*x crazed whore). I feel like a part of me has died. I need to frick something. Last night i initiated and it never even came up! Bf admitted hes not able to frick at all without V. Claims "im not 21 anymore!" but youre also not fricking fifty. Not motivated to make meaningful lifestyle changes and improve things naturally. Would rather succumb to a pill. Its not like his peepee never worked in our relationship. Also when he announces that hes gonna take V in the middle of things… immediately takes me out of the mood. Sometimes takes it when he predicts we will have s*x like on date nights or vacations. Then just randomly pokes me in the back with his boner, no natural initiation, just a medically induced boner that im supposed to recognize.

Most romantically inclined moid

Smokes cigs and drinks regularly. Works on his feet but no exercise (still overweight).



big tiddy black gf self doxxes

In a previous post she called herself "mid"


parents just don't understand

Anna and Dasha for President

/u/ccelesticca you find him in rdrama. May I introduce you to @pizzashill

Monke Mode

wtf is going on? they don't seem to be limping or injured, and they do not have any kind of cast/brace on.

Ngl, I'm mostly posting this so I can ping the brand new ping group !illnessfakers :bigsmilesoyjak:

They want a psychosomatic illness so so so badly

:marseyagree: Don't we all though? Please doc, I need morphine :marseybegging:

its an instant identity/marginality upgrade you can buy for $29 on amazon that elevates you from being just white

:#marseyxesright: Based tbh

Yep it's some weird thing from tiktok that brain damaged youths have latched onto

but why is it always white women?? no guys. No people of color. What makes the white female mind so susceptible to this contagion


!redscarepod discuss

Anna on why mass deportation is so important


Francebrooooooooos :marseynoooticer: :marseycry: :marseylaughpoundfist:

Queen shit. Be proud!

/u/BPRcomesPPandDSL join rDrama please. Where was the doctor from?


redscarepod poster tops his girlfriend

Met up with her inbetween classes to go grab something to eat with her picking me up since she drives to campus and lives fairly close while i live on campus. On the way back she hits a pothole and just laughs then the car starts wobbling and i hear an obvious hiss so she pulls over in front of the EBII building and her tire is flat. Shes like "you can change it right?" And immediately im sweating because i know i cant but i just poker face it and head for her trunk where she has her spare and some flat thing i have no idea how to use any of it. I just tell her ill call a tow truck and theyre saying wait times of like 1-2 hrs meanwhile i can see her getting more irate as time passes.

Next thing i know we spot her classmate walking down the sidewalk and she flags him down and is all smiley when he walks up and he just nods at me and says "whats up" and doesnt say anything else to me. Dude brings his car and has everything needed to change her tire. Doesnt even take him 7 minutes he even had the drill thing like a mechanic. Most embarrasing part was she gave him this massive 2 armed hug and he just gave her a one armed hug then she kept trying to give him money and he was like "gtfoh" repeatedly. Dude also had like 5-6 inches of height on me it was so embarrasing i just stood back like a background character. Afterwards i tried so hard to act like it didnt bother me but i was just quiet the whole ride back. Later that night she wanted to frick but i couldnt even try to get into any kind of mood so i just topped her (ate her out, i didnt know there was another meaning for this) and she went to bed. Its 5 am and i havent gotten a bit of sleep im so ashamed. Ive floated the idea multiple times that im going to put a baby in her when we finish school and i now i dont even know what i was thinking or how i could even think of myself as father material. Its like me and him were two different kinds of human or something. Idk i dont think ill get over this for a long time

the whole story is funny but this part sent me :marseyxd:

Anna is a man? wtf?
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