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  • Cream_a_da_crop : Israel has not rights but an obligation to leave. Whatever the Palestinians do is justified


I hate Joss Whedon so much. : redscarepod

This gets controversial for some reason

redscarepod has upgraded from soyjaks now
Oh my god
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  • BimothyX2 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama


how to find a woman like this?

asking for a friend


So I'm a 28 year old dude who's never had s*x before and I finally did recently when I met a girl on Hinge and we slept together on the second date.

I ended up telling her after and she was cool with it and we started seeing each other for a little bit. It was two weeks of her wanting to hang out every day and while I was a little anxious about that, I was also excited by the fact that I was having consistent s*x for the first time in my life. We got along well but she had some clear mental health issues and was very codependent. She was inconsolable when I left for a week for the holidays and we'd only known each other for two weeks at this point.

A few hours ago I just broke it off and she was really pissed and I ended up staying to console her for a couple hours. I feel awful because she seems to have issues keeping men around and now I've just become one of those bad men.

Did I frick up? Part of me feels like I might miss her but the other part of me feels like it would only be because of the s*x and that a relationship would be disingenuous. She was also really sweet and affectionate with me but I felt like she didn't have a lot of good going on in her life at the moment and put a lot of pressure on me (a guy she's known for two weeks) to be her world.

Again this is all new to me despite my age so I'm having trouble figuring out if I'm crazy here or if I'm a bad guy.


Things got left of on a note where I told her I'd rather be there for her as a friend and hang out platonically and she seems to want to try that, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't really anxious about the whole thing now.

where can i find a woman like this


I think not letting Russia steamroll its neighbors is a good thing

not our problem.

and a gross over-simplification of the conflict anyway

Can't believe you're getting downmarseyd

This would never get downmarseyd pre 100k

God this sub is so frickin Reddit now

Full of pro war shit libs

This sub is so fricking reddit xhe says while making an antiwork-tier post

foreign aid is roughly 3% of govt spending.

3% is not a small number imo and could go towards poor people here

And like I said a lot of that money is spent indirectly by the US military protecting and defending other counties

If we redirected foreign aid here it would be $20 per person per year, this is a completely regarded thing to get hung up on when the other 97% of spending is even more regarded.

You stupid idiot no one says you should redistribute equally but rather use it for targeted things that would give you a return on spending

Lmao, ok I'll bite, what “targeted things” could you fund with this amount of money?



-fixing our crumbling infrastructure

-providing maternal support for mothers post pregnancy




“I shan't bore you by explaining [the] carbuncles on my posterior and near the peepee, the final traces of which are now fading but which made it extremely painful for me to adopt a sitting and hence a writing posture. I am not taking arsenic because it dulls my mind too much and I need to keep my wits about me.”


“The bourgeoisie will remember my carbuncles until their dying day,"

— letter from Marx to Engels in 1867.

:p: :e: :n: :i: :s: :exclamationpoint: :exclamationpoint: :exclamationpoint:

My BF Dumped Me Because I Believe in Magic

The conversation started okay — we were making fun of horoscopes, tarot cards, psychics, etc. Then I made a mistake— I told him that just because those were fake didn't mean magic couldn't exist.

He's an open-minded dude, so I took his silence as encouragement. I told him how researching and testing proposed supernatural beliefs is a big hobby of mine. Like how in college, I took some funding as VP of the Poker Club to pay test subjects to recreate the CIA remote viewing experiments (a la Project Stargate), using modern methods for preventing information loss. Sadly, the results weren't significant. As a result, I don't believe in remote viewing.

He seemed to take it well? Everything was fine until yesterday. We were planning for our summer trip to Spain, and I asked him if we could go mining for specific materials. I needed them for my recent foray into alchemy (specifically Philalethes).

He BLEW up. He basically ranted for twenty minutes about how childish and “loony” I was. Honestly… it was humiliating. And I really liked him, too.

This can NOT happen to me again. Do I just lie to all my future boyfriends?? Keep this a secret??

@carp now is your chance!

@VEGETA slide into her DMs

Burning :marseyfine: Bridges w/ Brontez Purnell


New gender gap dropped :marseywomanmoment2:. The redscarepod girlies nootice the bi foid menace :marseynooticeglow:

redscarepod discusses

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fellas is this true?


I've never listened to the podcast but this seems like something fans of it would like

Merry Christmas from Jeremy Corbyn!
3.93 stars out of 5
(((they))) will NEVER take away my auntie
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Just wanna wear leggings and eat charcuterie and suck my husbands peepee and get pregnant and never bounce back!!!!

Yes I'm joining Pilates don't worry



I'm still in shock that this happened. Earlier today my girl and I went grocery shopping for holiday plans. We were in bakery looking at, well stuff to bake with, and I noticed some dude sorta walk by us and looking at her. He's like 6'0ish but fat. He kinda looks like Keemstar but older. I didn't think much of it, lot of girls and dudes who have a girlfriend can relate to her getting stared at by strangers. As long as nothing comes out of it whatever.

We're still at bakery for a bit and I'm looking at donuts like 10 meters away from my girl, when the dude comes up to me and asks, in a surprisingly high pitched voice, if he can talk to me. Yeah I knew something was up the second he came near. He introduced himself and asked how my day was going. After 2 minutes of formalities, he cuts to the chase and showed me a pic of his wife. Idk what to say, she just looked normal but kind of chubbs. He said they're both swingers and asked if I'd ever heard of it.

Uh oh...I knew where this was going. The answer to the inevitable "do you want to swap my wife for your girlfriend who was a teenager less than a year ago" is a no. But, I wanted to see what this guy was about so I entertained him for a bit. A minute he asks the inevitable and I told him heck no, but just out of curiosity I then asked why he does that? Sorta like how you ask a criminal why they decided to do what they did. Apparently he's been doing it for almost 30 years. Basically...he said lot of nothing but threw in "love knows no boundaries", "not happy anymore" and "sometimes it's good to experiment". Yeah sure, when you're single. But like, neither of us are. And also if you're not happy then why are you still married? I also asked how old he was and he said 49. My girl and I are both very visibly in our early 20s.

After about 3 minutes of him rambling, I sorta laughed in his face and just told him to have a nice day. I then go over to her and give her a long embarassing bear hug in front of an old lady who just looked at us and smiled. It just felt so weird having someone talking like that in real life that it made me appreciate what I had. That hug felt nice and reassuring.

Things get spicy in the comments.

He probably only tries it with guys that look like they might be cucks

I'm not trying to sound like I'm sucking my own peepee but I'm 6'3 and 185 lbs and played basketball in college, and planning to compete in bodybuilding. Lol I get the joke but I don't (think) I give that appearance

he didnt say you're fat he said you look like you might be a cuck


I have a single black friend who is a total nerd; a lawyer who likes suits, bowties and fine wine – sweet and innocent guy.

Anyways on the train to work he kept making eye contact with this cute white girl who also rode the same train. After weeks of eye flirting she eventually came up and talked to him. He was excited and wanted to ask her out romantically on a date.

She asks if he would be interested in having s*x in front of her husband who had a black bull cuckold fantasy.

>mfw no qt 3.14 white woman on the train will ever ask me to frick her in front of her husband

why even live

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