telescopic dasha


What is the appeal of Redscare?

1. The hosts have annoying and grating vocal fry.

2. The hosts are genuinely fricking r-slurred.

3. They are talentless hacks.

4. The main audience comprises of genuine r-slurs. They come across as some weird hybrid of cringe pickmes, shitlibs and into tradcath just for the aesthetic.

5. Whores.

Least soy rsposter


Title says it all.

What I'm not sure about:

Wether I would like having boobs

Wether having a vag would be better

What I'm pretty sure about:

I would love to wear makeup

I would love to wear dresses, skirts and other typically feminine stuff

I don't like being called by my birth name and being referred to as he/him

I don't mind having a peepee too much (like maybe 4/10 discomfort level)

I don't like being called handsome/strong/etc. (being called cute/pretty/beautiful/etc. would be so much better)

What I know 100% bc tried:

Having even the slightest stubble on my face makes it impossible to go outside

I hate having body hair

I love wearing nail polish

I love having kinda long hair (shoulder length)

What I don't know:

MY GENDER. Being a girl seems pretty cool, but being a femboy doesn't seem bad either and being like full girlmode all the time isn't necessary to me, it's fine if people think "is that a boy or a girl?" thats why I thought I've always considered myself feminine.

Do any of those clues tell you what I am? Am i a femboy or a transgirl? Or a dude simply rocking?

Ofc "only you can know what you are" but I'm questioning it for at least a year now and I have no idea. I only know that I prefer presenting fem, but gender identity =/= gender expression.

I forgot to make my post in this hole. But I was bored and did some trolling after seeing displeased rsp users complain about normies.

Here are some responses:

You're a dude rocking, being a feminine man is hot and artsy, while being trans is ugly (most of the time) and gay

:marseyrapscallion:: I feel like I would look cuter with a Amazon wig and a wrinkly school girl uniform. :/


This is the end result of everyone here pretending to be too cool for the podcast. We built this

:marseyrapscallion:: True! I came here from breadtube and I've never listened an episode of rsp lol. I heard the girls are pretty problematic, fat, and toxic but the users here are really nice!

Nooooo not the heckin normies mirrroring our deadpan affliction towards the podcast!!

this question decides everything: are you depressed, and does becoming more feminine alleviate that depression? if yes, is being masculine truly the source of your depression? or is becoming feminine merely your chosen way to treat that depression? those options may seem similar, but the difference between them is crucial.

:marseyrapscallion:: “being masculine truly the source of your depression?” It's definitely been the source of my anxiety (I also suspect it's impact on my ibs). My gender is so confusing, there are days where I'm okay with wearing jeans but other days I just want to wear a skirt or dress, I don't like listening to Joe Rogan but sometimes I like listening to podcasts (usually true crime which is fem energy lol). I usually eat meat daily, but there are weeks where I'll accidentally eat vegetarian. My favorite colour is hot pink, while most fem guys will say “salmon pink”. This is why I can't tell if I'm a trans girl or feminine man.

I think this is a valid reason to transition tbh.

Omfg why are people treating this sub as another 🚂 questioning sub. There are so many subs for this (including every gay and women's focused subs) and Reddit will literally not allow anyone to say anything other than yes you should 100% do it. No one cares about you or what you do with your body stfu. Edit based on the persons responses: I'm convinced it's either the same person from earlier or an organized effort to bait people for excuses to get the sub banned.

they spread like a disease :soyjaktantrumfast:

:marseyrapscallion:: ppl are realizing they can be who they is a disease then I hope it becomes a pandemic!! Please let people enjoy things, no need to yuck their yum imo.

Are rsp users easier to troll than kiwifarms? :marseythinkorino2: previously, I've noticed every time I'm sarcastic there are a few users who take it too srs. :marseytroublemaker:

United :marseyeaglerider: Dashas

Here is the episode thread :

this is the top thread on the sub:

:#marseyjannywereback::#marseyjannyrentfree: rare mod W with the pinned comment making people seethe:

It feels like they've gotten super lazy and aimless with the pod, like zero preparation. You can tell they surprise/annoy each other too a lot more these days with their confusing or crazy opinions on things.


Dasha is so insufferable lately. And she is too darn old now. She should treat her BPD and maybe she would have her own identity. Instead of trying ones on from the men she fricks. I'm embarrassed for her.

This sub needs to come to grips with the fact that the girls are actually right of center now

The sub needs to come to grips with the fact that the girls are actually edgelord stupid bitches

Did you just figure this out? Embarrassing.


Dasha doesn't usually make so many specific arguments about political issues (usually just vague provocations about the vibe of said topic). I wonder if BAP is feeding her some of this stuff. He seems slyly pro-Israel

BAP is straight up a Zionist. He's said as much and was mentored by David Sidorsky, who was a member of JINSA for over three decades.

And apparently he used to walk around in IDF shirts at Columbia, and while he was there he wrote an article for the college's newspaper about how Palestinian identity was “fictitious”


rare dasha
Spaghetti is peak hot girl food

(49 minutes)

!coomers RIP /r/redscareforcishetmen

:marseyemo: Queen Anna roasting everyone in her debate intro speech :marseyemo:

Part of the Bari Weiss debate: Has the sexual revolution failed? :marseyhmm:

Full video for you snarky wammin enjoyers:


>Greetings. I do not have a previous username.

>I was browsing DuckDuckGo looking for a cooking recipe, but as the search engine is not yet as refined as Google, one of the first results was this forum. At first I thought it was a cooking forum, so I bookmarked it, but over time quickly realised that it was anything but.

>After a few months of browsing, I decided to make an account after seeing the live talks, and now I am here, spreading my wisdom as much as I can. Yet it seems I am often not taken seriously.

>Yes I look like Jesus, so I am told. -The RSG.

Again, you Americans must have such boring lives. This poor man deserves privacy when dealing with such issues. In civilised nations, courts don't have cameras. To your people, everything must be a show.

Court issues? Judge Judy.

Family issues? Maury.

Intelligence issues? The View.

I am convinced that most Americans don't even have any personal relations of their own anymore. They just get up, turn on their 70” 4K TV, watch Marvel, worship Beyoncé, and wish you were famous. Well guess what fatties? None of that crap matters. What matters is the Ummah: Your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, your partner, YOU. Most of you care more about Chris Stone being slapped by Will Sponge or whatever his stupid name is than the fact that most of you here will probably be the last of your bloodline. Your men have crooked backs and smell like desperation, whereas the ladies are too busy bending over for Pisces pretending they have a personality.

Why can't you people just be normal? Stop bombing countries, stop being so stupid, and stop being so fat. -The RSG.

When a western lady looks at me, I look away. That's right. I don't care about your opinions. Disregarded. Trashed. Ignored. You have no power over me, for in my eyes, you do not even exist. I will not be judged by anyone but Allah. I know that annoys you. You can control lesser men, but when it comes to the big prize, no no. Not I.

If only you feeble men had but a slice of my abilities. Perhaps you too would have some self respect in the presence of such succubi. Perhaps the west wouldn't have a reputation of being a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Perhaps your ladies wouldn't have an OnlyFans logo tattoo'd to their foreheads by the time they were 22.

Westerners. We are not special. We are broken. A broken people. A broken society. Islam will fix it. What's that? You feel uncomfortable at this thought? That's only because you know that you are not worthy of following Islam's teachings. Most of you are animals, following lust and greed, card carrying members of The Cult of the Self.

It disgusts you when you see men like myself pray to the divine. The thought of you not being the centre of the universe truly horrifies you, because deep down, you know that your existence is a hollow one. Cheap dopamine shots from drugs, alcohol, and social media notifications. That's not a life, that's an existence, an existence that requires an urgent upgrade. Islam is that upgrade.

Go ahead. Do your usual spiel. Get angry. Get defensive. Perform a tantrum. It makes no difference. The truth is right here, hidden in plain sight. The weak will reject it, and the few of you who are strong, will embrace it. The times are changing, and with it, so shall everyone. To those of a moral nature, just know this: you are the greatest that mankind has to offer, and don't let the hordes of demons convince you otherwise. -The RSG.

King! Once again I am baffled. Baffled.. at how fantastic your illustration skills are. But please, heed my warning. This forum, ever since the fortunate introduction of the talk feature, has been exposed for what it really is. Ghastly American tinder-tier ladies, and the men whom justify their horrid attitudes.

You are better than searching for company in this hostile abode of food pictures and negativity. You are a polite and talented gentleman. Do yourself a favour, and depart from this unholy land. These eyes aren't worthy of your effort. Look at how they mock you. Look at how they trivialise you. Look at how they always, in their endless sea of depressive nihilism, always see the glass half empty.

They can try to silence me. See my downmarseys for proof. But they can't hide from the truth forever, and the truth is, that this is a realm for the cool no more. Stay strong king, and don't let them get to you. -The RSG.

Original poster, with all due respect, you are aware that it is currently the holy month of Ramadan? There are over a billion people around the world fasting until sundown as we speak, many of which could be browsing this forum. What you have done, in your attempts to showcase your culinary skills to these Gluttonous Americans, is factually make such peoples lives harder. The belly rumbles, and the stomach churns. I ask you with grace, in good will, and respectfully, please in the future reconsider such posts until the holy month has ended. Blessings upon you for your potential future generosity. -The RSG.

Azealia goes off on Kanye :marseybdtf: for doing something (idk what but it's very dramatic)
It's time for your daily :marseydose: dose of cuck fiction!

>OKAY SO i am engaged to a woman :marseyuterus: (we r getting married :marseybride: next weekend) and i made a very good male friend :marseychinchilla2: at the start of this year. my girlfriend :marseyavril2: is a lesbian :marseyterfdomesticabuse: (or so we thought) and i'm bisexual. anyway we eventually slept w the male friend :marseychinchilla2: as a test to see if she was truly a lesbian. we previously had threesomes but never :marseyitsover: more than once - one and done rule for each person. then something fricked up happened. we had s*x every weekend for about three :marseydilbert: months straight. anyway fast forward to like two weeks :marseysalitsnowhere: ago the three :marseycerebrus: of us went on a holiday :marseyjiangshi: together :marseyropewithchingchong: where :marseydrama: we like. slept by a fire and spent all day cuddling. we got back and went ‘uh oh' long story :marseyslime: short :marseyprincesszeldatotk: my soon to be wife is not a lesbian :marseyterfdomesticabuse: and now we are all dating. i find polyamorous ppl incredibly embarrassing and have always considered myself :marseypain: monogamous but here we are


@FrozenCorpse !coomers @HeyMoonster discuss


Like sure it's bad that a few of them did something that Israel's been doing on a frequent, routine basis at 1000x the rate for over 75 yrs with impunity while Palestinians are expected to be morally perfect :marseychefkiss: as there :marseycheerup: being treated like subhuman filth in a concentration camp..

People would :marseywould: shudder at the Nat Turner :marseytimmy: Rebellion, ANC campaigns, Native :marseyjaguarwarrior: Americans :marseyamericanpearlclutch: and countless other uprisings. There :marseycheerup: was almost a plan that went through where :marseydrama: 6 million :marseysamhyde: Germans would've been poisoned as revenge :marseyvengeance: for the Holocaust. Oppressed ppl are by no means angels and tbh I kind've hate how current lib discourse frames them as such cuz if a few of them do something heinous then ppl will be like “aw darn guess :marseyshrug: i can't support their struggle anymore” or at the very least it negatively impacts the credibility.


Also can you guys promote it in /r/redscarepod if u can pls

This whole thing with Israel :marseyhitlerjew: is making me feel so sad rn

Maybe I'm a highly sensitive :marseypearlclutch2: person :marseypussyhat: but this whole thing is really :marseythinkorino2: bumming me out and it's like no one around me cares.

And it's not even the dead Israelis, it's more that 2 millions Palestinians could die potentially. That's a lot? Then it came to me, totally :marseyaveragetotally: originally, about how this is like 9/11 and Afghanistan :marseytaliban: so we have that suffering :marseypain: to look forward to. While people on Twitter :marseyelonpaypig: are crying :marseycry: about a few dead families, think :marseymindblown: about the kind of dread I have been experiencing all by myself.


I really don't know what I did.

retro :marseyzeldalinkpast2: dasha

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