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Like sure it's bad that a few of them did something that Israel's been doing on a frequent, routine basis at 1000x the rate for over 75 yrs with impunity while Palestinians are expected to be morally perfect as there being treated like subhuman filth in a concentration camp..
People would shudder at the Nat Turner Rebellion, ANC campaigns, Native Americans and countless other uprisings. There was almost a plan that went through where 6 million Germans would've been poisoned as revenge for the Holocaust. Oppressed ppl are by no means angels and tbh I kind've hate how current lib discourse frames them as such cuz if a few of them do something heinous then ppl will be like “aw darn guess i can't support their struggle anymore” or at the very least it negatively impacts the credibility.
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Maybe I'm a highly sensitive person but this whole thing is really bumming me out and it's like no one around me cares.
And it's not even the dead Israelis, it's more that 2 millions Palestinians could die potentially. That's a lot? Then it came to me, totally originally, about how this is like 9/11 and Afghanistan so we have that suffering to look forward to. While people on Twitter are crying about a few dead families, think about the kind of dread I have been experiencing all by myself.
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I really don't know what I did.
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Don't hold out on me
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I figure it will appeal to this crowd. I haven't seen redscsrepod but I know it's a female led podcast. Unironically you b-words better not be buttholes to these Disney Channel Princesses because the channel is only just picking up and I want to see it go places.
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John Kelly, by far the dumbest of my Military people, just picked up the theme of the Radical Left's lying about Gold Star Families and Soldiers, in his hatred of me. He was incapable of doing a good job, it was too much for him, and I couldn't stand the guy, so I fired him like a “dog.” He had no heart or respect for people, so I hit him hard—Made no difference to me. He's already on record defending me all over the place. Nobody loves the Military like I do! Now he finally speaks back by making up fake stories, or confirming the made up stories of the Dems and Radical Left…
…He's a Lowlife with a very small brain and a very big mouth. Interestingly, before firing him, his wife, who suffered a lot, told me he would never speak badly about “President Trump.” Wrong! Did he totally lie about another Lowlife, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson? Let them fight that one out themselves. Numerous people are angry and upset because they know they will never be in a new Trump Administration, but only for one reason, they're not nearly good enough. Kelly would be among those at the top of the list!
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