
It's kind of weird that there's some kind of battle going on between the walking DSM-5 example cases of the Red Scare pod community and... Indians for some reason?

I don't get it.





It's objectification, fundamentally.

The whole concept of a "slut" is that it's a woman that isn't functionally a person. They're a commodity. There are obviously degrees to this — it isn't all obviously morally decrepit. If you visit a Hooters, you're probably not going to be dehumanizing the waiters 100% of the time. Probably also people can see a stripper still acknowledge her humanity to some extent. But there's a dark undercurrent there, and you can't tell me that people cheer for Mardi Gras flashers for their personality. It's the very same behavior as catcalling, only "consensual."

Porn taps directly into this dark undercurrent. It's not, specifically, that you "pretend to have s*x with the woman." You get to pretend to have s*x with a woman. The distinction's important. You get to see a woman naked, and it's for your attention. She performs — or receives — the s*x acts you type into google. You can rewind, fast forward, open new tabs. In your own fantasies this effect is amplified: you can alter the woman, the man, scenario to your taste.

You get control.

A certain type of progressive person insists that some kinds of "slutiness" are empowering in some way. Whatever you think about those arguments, those arguments are made either in ignorance of, or at least in defiance to, the male point of view. I'm anti-sexwork because I think that it's practically impossible to exorcise (that's the right word!) the dark undercurrent from sexwork consumption. "Sluts" are not real — it doesn't matter what behavior a woman is engaged in, she is still inherently a person.

Part of it is marketing. Playboy painted itself as an artsy magazine for free thinkers. It had important articles, and it was empowered — and it was a human trafficking ring right from the start, even if it took a long time for everyone to acknowledge that. The same way no one acknowledges that there's the smutty tiktok livestreams starring South East Asian women, and the sketchy looking "dating ads" featuring Eastern European women, are fronts for human trafficking too.

Porn likes to pretend it is rebelling against those hypocritical moral busybodies who're probably watching porn themselves anyway. And of course, anti-porn people are often watching porn themselves. One of the problems with porn is that the majority of people are kind of complicit.

Famous porn actresses talk, at first, of how safe and comfortable they felt on set. How they make a lot of money, how their boundaries are very respected, how consensual every shoot is. They admit that it's not for everyone, and they certainly don't want their daughters doing it, but the actresses say they definitely don't regret it. Six years later, they open up and admit that their "costars" were popping pills between takes or were on heroin; they admit that there was one or two instances when she said stop and they didn't, and how it still messes her up. Times where she wasn't paid or times where she consented, but only after she'd argued against a scene for two hours. They sound the alarm and say what everyone already knows — porn production is a nightmare, and a majority of actors involved are severely abused.

They then start an OnlyFans. I guess it's what they know, and porn is addicting to the viewer and the actress alike. Of course, this seems to dilute the message, because the same kind of objectification is going on — although the lack of direct exploitation from producers is a definite plus... But porn is addicting, and the viewers latch on to any excuse to keep watching. Speaking for myself, I "get curious" — I have a "normal question", that just happens to lead me down smutty lines. Then suddenly I have ten tabs open, back to the old favorites.

But, anyway, I digress.

The kinds of porn you mention are just further downstream of the kind of objectification I mentioned. The marketing works overtime, convincing you that it's okay. And you're smart enough to know that somethings definitely wrong — but you've felt guilty since you started watching porn, and you were still a kid then. And porn use feels so ubiquitous, so... maybe you aren't so bad for watching?

The woman is more completely objectified, in those videos. You're pretending that it's okay to watch, but there's no pretending that she isn't being objectified. But it's... well, it's the same dark undercurrent that's under porn and sexwork and sluttiness as a whole. The same quasi-enjoyment that makes people addicted in the first place. Just more naked. "Look at that! She's being so used right now. And she likes it! What a slut!"

I was expecting to see some wild shit in this dude's post history but it's incredibly boring.

People are pretty accurately holding forth on the psychoanalytical ramifications of “gang bang” pornos, but I'd just like to add that it's mostly just another expression of the ever-lasting male cuck fetish, which is tied up in woman-hating. Men want to see women simultaneously punished for their promiscuity and attracted to that punishment. The underlying cause of this fetish is present in all men.

This one posts in /r/heraldry, /r/skyscrapers, /r/coins (so supremely neurodivergent) and /r/somalia

:boomermonster: :ethot:

I touched on this a month ago

But I didn't realize how hard these two neurodivergents are going at each other.

Top post right now is from our sexy Indian dude

A throwback to this classic 2015 tweet

Our Kang replies and this screenshot will explain their situation

Here's a sample of their gems over the last month

Kangs posts :#chadblack:

"How it feels to browse rspod in 2024" :#marseyxd:

Kang says this about himself

He also says sexy Indian dudes are conspiring against him

Sexy Indian dudes posts :#chadindianheadset:

Hyper inflation in Zimbabwe 2008

First black owned business that got screwed over by white people

Reminder if you eat meat :#marseyxd:

How it feels to open rspod in 2024

Nice to see a race war can still play out on reddit :marseywholesome:

It would be funny if these accounts were the same mayo trolling ( @MoonMetropolis style). I mean a sexy Indian dude and a kang active in an offshoot subreddit of a podcast hosted by two white woman? :marseysquint: :marseyshrug: Half the sub doesn't even listen to the pod so could be.

new Beetle post

She's the one that likes watching men pee:

@peepeehands is not going too copy and paste the entire thing because @peepeehands didn't read it.

Also a Beetle pic:



How fricked am I she went out of her way not to sit next to me today but she's like the coolest person I've ever met.


!redscarepod invest :marseywallst: with Dasha

:marseyheart: look how cool these mean girls :marseyblops2chadcel: are :marseyheart:
dasha makes redditors :marseysoypoint2: seethe :marseysalty:


@Maximus need that boatussy 😩

@Maximus love sucking peepee

I like watching men piss :3

I really like when they pee outside or someplace risky pr forbidden. Idk. It is very sexy and private, like it's something I'm not supposed to see. He's so vulnerable exposing himself to give into his body's urges. And he looks so relieved and raw and masculine holding his peepee and leaning his head back 😍 it's all male, very human, and it turns me on every single time

I also like when girls pee their pants sometimes but do NOT want to do it myself. Just watch vids sometimes.

what the frick is going on with foids

Reported by:

What exactly is the connection between mild-to-moderate economic leftism, hating porn, being obsessed with pop culture, and doing a small amount of noooooticing (but not too much)?

What's the overlap there?

Which way, western :marseycowboy: woman?

This kid arrived in the illegally UK when he was 18, on one of those small :marseytiny3: boats that keep going :marseysal3: down in the channel. My mum met him in a local cafe where :marseydrama: he worked and slept in the store room, she took him in and kind of adopted him. He's very gentle and a good kid, he's lived with her for two years now and it's been great. She looks after him, helps him learn :marseybowing: English, and sort of generally mothers him. He helps around the house :marseyvampiremerchant: and gives her a bit of purpose since I'm not around enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to anymore to absorb her mothering instincts.

He's from a village near Aleppo and left when he was about 14 because he was being pressured to the join the PKK. His village was taken over by ISIS for a short :marseymanlet: time and he saw all kinds of crazy :marseyscientist: shit and just ran off and spent three :marseycerebrus: years walking :marseyskinnedwalk: across Eurasia until he finally made it to the UK.

When he first :marseywinner: arrived here, although he was 18, he looked like a child. He hadn't been in school :marseydylan: and hadn't eaten properly or had any kind of home for years. Now he's a confident :marseysmug4: young :marseychingchongchild: guy, speaks decent English :marseyheinzbeans: and is apprenticing to become an electrician. It really :marseythinkorino2: seems like he is gonna :marseyvenn6: make it.

Writing this while eating :marseypopcorntime: baklava that he brought home from the cafe he used to work at :)


i need milkies


:#marseygem: :#marseychefkiss:

/r/PrisonWives foidmoment!

Why are they like this?

I've heard of it like you always have their 100% undivided attention (theoretically). They're stuck in a cell and can't go running around behind your back. And it's kind of like having your own caged dragon, if you think about it. There's this archetype that women seem to love about the idea of a connection with horses or other dangerous beast. If women could have a pet serial killer, a bunch definitely would lol


I want a caged dragon (BIPOC) :marseysigh:

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