

:dinodoomer: dasha declares WAR on dinochads :carpdinogenocide:


I love how Anna Khachiyan went from being a Dirtbag leftist to entering her Ron Unz arc.

Ron Unz background info for context:

Ron Unz is a Ukrainian of Jewish descent who founded a paleconservative website and toyed with holocaust denialism and the idea that Mossad did 9/11 lmao. :marseyemojirofl: :marseyisrael: :littlestchuddyjew:

Since their 2014 article, the ADL commented in October 2018 that Unz "has embraced hardcore anti-Semitism", "denied the Holocaust", and "endorsed the claim that Jews consume the blood of non-Jews", referring to blood libel.[3] In July 2018, in articles for The Unz Review, he wrote about the claims in the Czarist forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Henry Ford's The International Jew. Ford's work, a series of antisemitic pamphlets published in the 1920s, appeared to Unz to be "quite plausible and factually-oriented, even sometimes overly cautious in their presentation."[3] He partly accepted the standard consensus on the Protocols but believes they were assembled by "someone who was generally familiar with the secretive machinations of elite international Jews against the existing governments... who drafted the document to outline his view of their strategic plans."[3]

In August 2018, Unz made use of Holocaust denial arguments and wrote,** "I think it far more likely than not that the standard Holocaust narrative is at least substantially false, and quite possibly, almost entirely so."[3]** That same year, The Unz Review published material written by Holocaust denier Kevin Barrett,[58][38][59][60] while Unz himself defended David Irving, who lost his libel case against Deborah Lipstadt. Unz also implied that Mossad was involved in the murders of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert.[38] Writing about the 2001 September 11 attacks in a September 2018 article for his Review, Unz stated: "the vast weight of the evidence clearly points in a single direction, implicating Israel and its Mossad intelligence service, with the case being overwhelmingly strong in motive, means, and opportunity.”

EDIT: I forgot to mention that Anna is also part Ashkenazi Jewish descent herself lmao.

Candace is just like Dasha!

@3 you're going :marseysal3: on the pod! :#marseyembrace:



The main sub /r/RedScarepod is ruled by foidal neurodivergent jannies.

/r/Rspod is a little more chuddy fr.

Bisexual women and cutters are probably real but they're a tiny minority of those who claim to be

Anyone who says they got addicted to cutting must have at some point decided, "I'm gonna do that thing that emos do." Lots of people get cut by mistake, and almost all go, "Owwwwww! Frick!" And then put on a band aid and move on. That is never how anyone who becomes a cutter start. They all saw it in pop culture as a thing moody, only-happy-when-it-rains types do.

Same with bisexual women. They all at some point thought, "ooh, I wonder what it would be like to do some of that gay stuff, like those gay people! Ooh, maybe I'm secretly one of them!" They did some video experiment once where they had a supermodel go around asking random women out and they all said yes, because it's normal to be flattered when chosen by a beautiful woman. 95% of "bisexual women" thought, "hey, I wouldn't kick Meghan Fox out of bed! Maybe I'm a little more complicated than people think!" and the other 5% are lesbians who got tired of working.

I'm just saying what everyone is thinking.

Reported by:
:marseychad: :marseybog:

became the yt boy pet


That latinx moment btw

Gooners see a possible opening

No ring? :marseypearlclutch: :marseycoomer2: :#marseycope:


The post

Age 2? BIPOC what :marseyconfused2:

Here's the redscare comments

God I wish that was us :marseyitsover:

!reportmaxxers :marseypearlclutch: Just make sure to invite the redscare tards to rDrama before reportmaxxing them :marseywholesome: :#marseynooticeglow:

/u/puzzledfoghorn come to rDrama if you're not already here :marseyembrace:


/u/smithsonianpuss come to rDrama please

Reported by:
  • Corp : pizzaphobia
  • Lv73_Slime : I got some special sauce for you right here you dumb B-WORD

You are the way you are because your parents never made you go hungry for not eating what's in front of you and you wouldn't exist outside of a wealthy country. It pervades your personality and cannot be undone.

I want to post this to the actual subreddit because I think they allow weird judgemental rants but I'm IP banned from reddit.

Reported by:
don't roofie me and take advantage of me in a compromised state haha noooooo

They're talking about /r/rspod, but didn't give any examples.

/u/jackfinisterra maybe come to rDrama? We're a wholesome :marseywholesome: trans inclusive community.

its almost so over
me and who
This is what they took from us : redscarepod
It's over for Hindu nationalists

Sexy Indian dudes getting downmarseyd

I think it's just one or two guys who post Indian things to the sub.

/u/GregsBoatShoes come to rDrama


Having ultra thick and long (butt length) hair as an adult woman truly does paint a target on your back. Literally dozens of women, upon learning that my "secret" is genetics and leaving it the frick alone, have urged me to donate it or cut it all off to look more mature. Like I'm soooo sorry that I'm greek and you're not lol. Stop trying to convince me to commit to an act of charity (that you would NEVER do) to make myself uglier. All bc bitches hate to see a pretty girl winning.

Pro tip if you want long hair simply never use any heat or style it or wash it more than once a week. Embrace the frizz and reject the dyson airwrap!!! Leave me and my girly Rapunzel alone!!!! It's not our fault you decided a bob was a good idea in 2018 ok stop trying to drag me down with you. The jealousy truly is insane.


When I was 10, I went to this tutor for the 11+ exam (basically just to get into a 'good' secondary school in Essex - I think it was nationwide too?) and this guy Brin was just the biggest prick ever man, I can't lie.

Fully grown Sixth Form student that taught there was just constantly singling me out in front of the whole cohort. Pretty sure a lot of insults were thrown my way about my character my presentation idek. Maybe I deserved a bit of slapping around, but that was reserved for the old guy that taught us, not this fella.

Anyways it was absolutely fricking shocking to see this guy on my feed again today winning Masterchef. Hadn't really thought about him until like 3 years ago where I maanaged to dig up his name again, but goddarn.

Sucks but as an American who lives in Britain, I can personally attest that winning master chef UK is like winning master plumber India. To all my Brit friends, your country finally has the crunchy kind of flamin' hot cheetos. Please pick some up at your nearest convenience store and eat some real food.


/r/rspod is the alternative to /r/redscarepod in case you don't follow redscare meta drama. The main sub is mostly jannied by two foids it seems.

/u/genuine-girl-666 and /u/Longjumpingrow9

:marseyakshually: she could get it removed if she reportmaxxed it for harassment.

We have to get these twinks here to our safe space before they're banned for pinning posts like this.


Azealia must be mad as heck she can no longer make fat jokes about her


Her subreddit has been saying the new album has a song about ozempic at the day spa


how do i find a black gf to send me gm booty pics

New account is u/ArmyOfMemories. 15 days old, with 11 out of 16 posts and about 2/3rds of her comments being jew seethe. :marseyrage:

It's the same exact posting style, as well as commenting in premed :marseytransmerchant: subreddits. Unfortunately the c*nt has broadened her horizons :marseydetective: to shit up other subreddits, such as going in to /r/MSsEcReTPoDcAsT to piss and shit herself about willfully ignorant comedians not wholly supporting savage ragheads, and also /r/JoeRogan, again just to whine about the jews some more.

Unfortunately :marseyitsover: I didn't archive :marseyreading: her seething as /u/AlicentAlicent but I'm certain she was denying any and all sandBIPOC :rape: claims. Now that there's proof she's saying :marseyakshually: actually most of them is good boys an dindu nuffin because it's impossible for Israel to be right, and also it still didn't happen, lel. Typing this I realized I duplicated these links :marseygigaretard: so I went back to get the right link and Lo! and behold she had responded to a response in about 100 seconds. Sad!

She almost learned her lesson, posting more frequently about actual /r/redscarepod topics, but even the BIPOCcattle :marseyterrydavis: she agrees with notices :marseynoooticer: how much of a fricking sperg she is. In fact, having seen this spergout, and the fact that she is now commenting in r/NBA, :slamdunk: I am beginning to entertain the idea that /u/AlicentAlicent - /u/ArmyOf Memories is a trannoid :smugtranstwitter: but this would be a very rare :marseytrain: that doesn't shove itself in to every single discussion. :marseytransattentionseeker: We shall have to wait and see.

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