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Change my view: Israel absolutely should expand across the middle east

Might is right.

Israel would make better use of that land than the arabs ever did.

Israel population is currently too high for that small piece of land they have right now.

Israel expanding would stabilize the region due to all the wars that will cause and Israel will win.

A bigger more stable Israel also allows for more jews from across the world to be sent there if they cause trouble anywhere else in the world.

All the jews are then at one place and can no longer destabilize other societies as their hands are full taking care of their own in their own separate playground.

Everybody wins. The arabs are civilized by a superior hand. The Israelis find inner peace. The west is free of jewish propaganda.

Everybody wins.

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Also we'd be able to nuke the capital without the fallout escaping the borders at a certain point.

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Israel should take the whole Middle East :marseysaluteisrael:

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No. Israel is meant to be taken by the Whites when the time comes.

Israel was made by white people to weaken the arabs before the great expansion.

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Did you know they have a treaty too help bring Africans too Europe en masse? They believe they're superior too the lesser races, and want too flood Europe and Japan with people from backwards societies so they can weaken their competition for the position of Master Race. They need too stay in their tiny country and be made powerless.

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Europe just pays the North Africans to keep all the other Africans out out out.

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Well, that seems to be working swimmingly

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It is.

Most of the bad immigrants are coming from the Middle east.

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Awful lot of the violent ones are black as night. Even when they aren't violent, they don't get jobs or assimilate for the most part.

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Yes the middle easterners. i know.

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Middle Easterners are black? Lampedusa was awfully black, too, like the welfare leeches they're bringing in.

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Yes. Middle easterners range from light brown to dark black in skin tones.

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Not many, particularly when you remember Africans were the ones flooding in for a while now. Doesn't change the fact these immigrants are parasites who are still bringing society down the 3rd world level.

So, why are the Middle Easterners bringing their garbage to Europe, but not the Africans who are even worse at home?

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