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EU cancelling all aid to Palestine

Seems like they really have lost all goodwill from anyone who wasn't already fervently on their side this time


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lmao the paragliding pictures.

I bet if someone started digging they'd realize part of the EU aid went into the attack, which is why the commission is acting so harshly now.

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The controversial "paragliders 4 Palestinians" program the UN set up needs to be shut down immediately!

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 02 hours 15 minutes and 56 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Its a slow day on rdrama, we've mentioned the behemoth of Garland 5 times less than usual. Quick go check /u/Bardfinn!

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July 2023 Expense Report to EU

DJI Mavic 3 Drones for educated women in technology: $38mil

Alibaba Much Sport Outdoors Adventure Fly Fee Extremsport Soar Eagle Power Airplane Paramotor Shenzhen Sport and Recreation Engine Machine Tool and Clothing LTD: $77mil

Seems legit :#marseyclueless:

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€1.5 million :marseysamhyde2: for "a specialised digital platform to help victims of violations of international law to raise :marseysuspicious: awareness of their experience and to collect :marseystamp2: evidences in an efficient and secure way"

Is "efficient and secure" in the parlance of EU-speak for "doesn't work?"

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If it went to it's intended purpose, it would either:

1. Keep Israel honest

2. Shut the sandnigs the heck up if they couldn't prove shit

The odds of Hamas just swiping the cash for a suicide zerg rush is probably pretty high, though.

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It would :marseymid: keep Israel :marseynyanisrael: honest. The problem is that Hamas is like a cancer :marseymetokur: or a virus, it can be controlled but you can't get rid of it without getting rid of Palestine :marseynyanisrael: (I support this)

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I was thinking it's more like it was used to buy child prostitutes for EU officials.

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!nooticers but why was the EU funding terrorists in the first place... :marseynoooticer:

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The Eternal Mick

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The conflict of our age is the semitochad-hibernochad hyperwar

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Yikes sweaty, they were just giving children paragliding lessons.

Don't you want the kiddies to enjoy themselves?

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Humanitarian aid like food and medicine for palestinian human shields civilians

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money is fungible. food money turns into paragliders in a single click.

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>Seems like they really have lost all goodwill from anyone who wasn't already fervently on their side this time

Pretty much. A visually graphic outrage upon the dignity of an attractive young woman is all it took. Turns out you have to show people, not tell people.

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Even aside from that, literally the first thing they did was raid a concert full of foreign western hippies and murder them all lmao.

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The striking thing to me has been normally when these kinds of things happen in war the side committing them tries as hard as possible to downplay it whereas the Palestinians are happily parading them around and sharing the footage themselves

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lol yeah the r-slurs tattled on themselves. did they think it would drum up support? "Hey, we brutally r*ped and murdered someone who was both utterly harmless and very attractive, watch us grope her mangled body. Free palestine btw."

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Well the only people they care about AKA other fundamentalist muslims loved it so yeah it kinda worked for them

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In few days time, watch those same people go apeshit when Israel flattens several high-rises in Gaza.

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Playing victim is all they know, that won't go away now

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When I see agenda posting, I am obligated to take the opposite side.

Free Palestine :marseyblm:

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Thank you for countering my misguided wingcucking


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Perpetual victimhood is the most noticeable symbol of collapse.

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This what happens when you don't hire a PR team for your terrorist group.

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It's because they know they have the internet and college kids whatever they do or say. If it wasn't for cute twinks in the DSA and weirdos in the library, no one would give a frick about Paleshitians.

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And white women

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All the ravers are super pissed about it since it was a psytrance show.

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:marseyhearts:: y'all in serious trouble as soon as this molly wears off

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Turns out you have to show people, not tell people.

Correction, you have to show people bad things happening to what would be considered good looking well to do women who are expected to be safe wherever they go.

Also the raping before murdering people bit, that has been strongly frowned upon for more than a century I believe.

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One white woman dead can achieve what thousands of dead goat anus enthusiasts could not. These are some of the most powerful creatures on the planet right now.

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All the Palestinians had to do was what israelis were doing to them for decades!! Who woulve guessed?

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See, the Israelis didn't film themselves doing it and proudly post it on social media for everyone to see.

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They actually do.

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The EU is taking orders from the international Jewry, as usual. Even if Hamas didn't kill a single civilian and only attacked soldiers there would be the same response.

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Oh my god shut up sand person

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Your fortune: Inshallah, Only Good Things Shall Come To Pass


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the scale of terror and brutality

We were fine with terrorism as long as it was ineffective, but when you actually disturb the operation of the Zionist entity that is GOING TOO FAR!


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Literally this.

Why would you care what a bunch of powerless thugs shouting things at you do.

But as soon as they turn out not to be completely harmless, that's when you act.

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The man who would be president said terrorist attacks were a nuisance. I think it was Jon Stewart who interviewed him and asked, "Would you call the terrorists ... pesky?"

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Lol, a sub billion dollar portfolio


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The great tragedy of it all is that it shows the EU and western palestine-sympathizers dont want them to improve their condition or break away fom being second class citizen in their own lands.

They want the palestinians to be forever locked in this persecuted, helpless underdog scenario where westoids can justify their sympathy for them. But the second the palestinians try to move the status quo, boom, all supplies are shut.

Palestinians are doomed to slowly wither with no other purpose but for western powers to feel sorry for them.

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The other solution is to accept vassalization and stop sperging out

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Just don't kill civilians of the same countries you take your foreign aid from lol

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"Hello madam, were commiting ethnic cleansing against settlers in our land, could you show us a tourist visa or european passport before we resume our bloody uprising?"

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"we were too busy to check if they were innocent or not before we murdered them" just isn't gonna garner much sympathy tho

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Neighbor you think HAMAS is a PR team? They just want Jews to be 110'd the frick out.

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lol even the bleeding-heart Yurostrags are turning on Palestinians now. Maybe there will finally be a final solution to the Palestine problem?

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>the paragliders


"Palestinian Paraglider" NEEDS to become the newest euphemism for terrorism

Also, why is the EU giving 700mil/year to a government with avowed terroristic aims?

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Will they send the palestine refugees economic migrants back?


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