Hamas Officials have told Palestinian Media in Gaza that the Israeli Evacuation Order for the North of the Strip is “Fake Propaganda” and that Residents should remain in their Homes and not fall for it.
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) October 13, 2023
Palestinians tomorrow (probably)
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unironically correct. There is no way out. If they try to escape from the sea, the Israelis have already made it clear they'll bomb them. There is no real hope.
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They probably should not have tolerated and even celebrated terrorist activity for the last 17ish years. Definition of insanity... something or other. Certain '''people''' love to paint Palestinians in general, but Palestinians in Gaza in particular as helpless little sheep, absent of all agency and ability to understand the results of their choices.
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You know that a decent portion of the people that are gonna die are toddlers right? Did the toddlers support terrorists? Did those 8 year olds vote for Hamas?
I mean this is kind of the issue you know. If Israelis had any guts they would round up all the terrorist sympathizers, put them into camps and do a little re-education like the Chinese do. This slow carpet bombing is cowardly, ineffective and bad for pr.
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Children of your foes grow to become your foe
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So you actually agree with the principle of the Hamas baby beheading
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Children of your foes grow to become your foe
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A decent portion of those who are going to die are going to be Hamas members, and people who were a few days ago, dancing in the streets and handing out candy in celebration of what their elected leaders had done. Israel is demolishing large chunks of Gaza city so when they move the 300 000 or so troops at the border in there, they aren't blown up constantly by IEDs, ambushed from every corner, and mortared from the endless spider holes around the city. Or is it more brave and manly to just march your soldiers to death?
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They're really bad at this colonization thing aren't they.
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Evidently, I mean they gave back the Gaza strip to the Palestinians, any colonial power worth their salt knows you TAKE land away, not give it back... doubly so if the land you give back is promptly turned into a staging ground for atrocities against your own. Doesn't really matter now though, Gaza city is going to be demolished one block at a time, either the parents of all the toddlers listen to the instructions they're being given and GTFO south, out of the city, or they stick around and be complicit in the deaths of their spawn.
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Honestly the parents deserve to be bombed just for having kids and consigning them to live and die in that hellhole.
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That's the bottom line right there. I think any sensible person would decide "well, this is unfortunate, and I intend to fight the other guy to the bitter end, this is probably not a good place or time to have 20 kids", but not these neighbors.
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They also probably shouldnt be expected to be happy skippy to the people who forced them into a prison for those 17ish years but go off.
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Oh they don't have to be happy about their reality, just accept it as a fact, and a fact they need to make some peace with or else eat shit in the dark while Israel once again dismantles the shithole they ultimately crafted for themselves through the support they've given Hamas for 17 years. They're like pathetic beaten wives.
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at least half of them are women though, who can never consent, so this is just cruelty to the innocent
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That's what happens when you vote for a terrorist political party.
May the crocodile tears be shed by all leftists, who would love nothing more than robbing and killing the innocent.
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I already said somewhere in another longpost about how the
just want to farm, herd their cattle, and grill. They don't matter, but the ruling party will accept anyone in who votes. Same goes for US presidential elections where only 25 to (rarely) 30% of the adult population succeeds in choosing their leader (do note that when looking up these stats, they tend to include only voters, instead of voter-eligible adults because many people are
and do not care or disagree with this nonsense).
Now go read my long reply from the TheOver
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Terrorist isn't a real word.
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Siri when was the last election in gaza
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By escape from the sea you mean sail to Egypt?
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Moses could split the sea. Why can't the Palestinians?
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Skill issue
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Why don't the people in the gaza strip just move back to Palestine and give that pathetically tiny area back to Israel? Boom, no more deaths.
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