
Zoomies discover for the first time that the opinions of Nukelets don't actually matter















>If only South Africa and Brazil were on the council, then they would be able to do something, somehow








>Mfw the ambassador for Bongo-Zongo Land thinks his words carry any real weight


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this is the funniest thing i will see today

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Eternally relevant reaction image

:#marseypatriot: :#marseysaluteusa: :!#marseypatriot:

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"I declare.... Bankruptcy!" energy lmao

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classy :marseycheers:

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Only a white westerner could have typed that

More self hating than jews

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Good luck on that.

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Smartest communist

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Lol yea its totally only rightoids that are saying crazy anti-israel im glad /r/destiny cleared that up

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"you've been denounced!" :#soycry:



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Denouce this carrier group b-word


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These are the people that ask, “what would happen if the world fought against the US?”

Uh we'd suddenly have a bunch of freshly bombed vacation property all over the world?

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Honestly just pulling back our navy and watching shipping lanes enjoy a new golden age of piracy would be enough. Of course, we'd hurt ourselves in the process, but it'd still be funny.

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Yeah the American navy with zero use of nuclear weapons could bring the world to its knees in three weeks. It's not fun fighting a ship with its own Air Force pounding your butthole 40 miles away. The entire worlds navy against the US navy is the equivalent of 10 MMA pro fighters against children's autism karate class. The first day anyone smarter than a fricking rock would surrender before even getting hit.

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>10 MMA fighters against a children's autism karate class

Or just one Kramer.


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America has the most powerful katra. :marseyspock:

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its own Air Force pounding your butthole 40 miles away

More like 650 miles nowadays

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Pew Pew Pew https://media.giphy.com/media/9umH7yTO8gLYY/giphy.webp

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I'm pretty sure some hajjis in a rhib with some explosives managed to disable one of our ships.

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Yes they did in Yemen in 2000, but the only real doctrinal failure there was not shooting waterborne hajis on sight. It was pre 9/11, and the suicide bombing tendencies of dune coons weren't widely known.

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Whitepapers on doctrinal failures will save us next time. It's right here in the new doctrine from 2006!

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Those were the Persian Gulf simulations right?

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That wargame was someone figuring out the simulation didn't account for the fact that Cessna's can't carry a soviet-era anti-ship missile strapped to it and then using his entire pointbuy to order like 600 of them in a mass suicide attack like the world's most expensive 40k gimmick army.

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God being a military strategist sounds so fun I should have just taken the ASVAB

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Those wargames were wacky and gamey as heck, but in the sim/wargame, a horde of anti-ship missile armed speedboats in the Persian Gulf did serious damage to a carrier group.

I think he's referencing the 2000 USS Cole suicide boat bombing that killed 17 sailors. The Cole was in port in Aden in a state of low readiness. An al Qaeda affiliated group of suicide bombers pulled a boat up alongside while feigning confusion and giving friendly gestures. When they got close enough to the Cole they detonated the bombs on their boat.

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That's anti semetic

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God, that'd be based.

:#marseypirate: :#marseypirate2: :#!marseypirate:

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Even better become the pirates and demand tribute

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Lmao burgers couldn't even decisively beat shitholes like Vietnam or Iraq yet they think they could easily take on the entire rest of the world

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Against the rest of the world we might take it a little more seriously and fight with only one hand tied behind our back

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The US is always holding back and trying to "save" the countries they invade. If it only needs to turn everything into rubble, I doubt the US would struggle that much.

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What do you mean we didn't beat Iraq?

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where is the oil, comrade?

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>Destroy country

>Refuse to elaborate



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watching this with rdrama's "o holy night" christmas music in the background is just frickin kino

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Uh, Iraq still stands with the government we installed? R-slur.

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>winning so hard that it generated the biggest terrorist group ever, which formed its own state

You burgers are incredibly r-slurred

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Have the Russians got air superiority yet?

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Despite you being smug there is a 50/50 chance that the daily burgerslop fried your brain and you're unaware that the whole region around Irak destabilized and created ISIS and pulled 500k people into coffins. But you already knew, Mister Smarty Slops

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The state we set up beat the biggest terrorist group ever without our help. That seems like a win to me.

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https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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i got banned from imgur one time for posting that LOL

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Member when the Frogs were sneeding about le hyperpower as though that were an insult?

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How will the US ever recover! They'll write a mean resolution on the UN and make the ICC issue a warrant arrest for Biden and the entire US government

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:#soycry: "You're a superpower!"

:#chadyes: https://media.giphy.com/media/iYfxT7U2QKR4A/giphy.webp

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These people have watched so much cartoons they think that people can be depowered via magic words like in owl house

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:bluehelm!et: we have you outvoted stop bombing Gaza!

:marseyisrael: No.

:bluehelme!t: Oh ok.

I need an explanation of why they have to obey ONE country?????

:marseypatriot: Because the USA would not show up otherwise

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Because the USA would not show up otherwise

Which is funnily enough how the US entered the Korean war. USSR didn't show up out of protest or some silliness.

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:marseytroll: refuse to say commie china is real china

:marseytrollolol: USSR refuses to show up to vote to send the UN to fight Commie Korea

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Tbf that was classic Soviet r-sluration when they could've easily just sat there and vetoed everything (which to their credit they got around to doing later).

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The fact China and Vatniks weren't military partners until like the 70s is a weird quirk of history

Mao and Stalin were both too hard headed and busy destroying their own surrounding shit hole regions

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G-d if only we had taken up the USSR's offer to bomb China with them

Or China's offer to bomb the USSR

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Or both, at once.

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I love how the brave peace enjoyers/Palestine supporters go from "CEASFIRE NOW" to "NUKE ISRAEL" 13 times a minute.

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I still remember them chanting their support of the invasion of Israel :marseylaying:

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The paragliders were kino tbf

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They were tbh :donkeykongbooba: :marseyplane:

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:marseysow: :marseyreapcrying:

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Whatever leads to more dead jews. Like there was a temporary ceasefire but guess wat hamas is still a terror org even if u stop fighting them 👍

They talk about muh centrist fencesitters ignoring a genocide and then request israel let hostages rot in hamas custody

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>But muh world institutions and diplomacy :soycry:

Our turbo cuck leftard President Lula is basically like that and leftoids here believe it makes him a great mediator and gives Brazil soft power. The truth is the UN is useless and if a country wants to project power they better have a large standing army and nukes, otherwise is just third world seethe and nothing more.

!macacos cadê o nosso programa nuclear?


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Hey you managed to steal Portuguese from Portugal.

Every time a :marseyflagportugal: wants to select Portuguese on a website he has to click on :marseyflagbrazil:

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cadê o nosso programa nuclear?

Eu vou criar quando eu virar presidente do Bostil :chad:

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Se eu votasse você já teria meu voto

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Se eu votasse

Para com esse papo furado Iguana que eu sei que tu votou no Broxonaro, no Moro e no Ratinho Jr.

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Eu voto com a minha ausência de voto


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Don't believe internet millennial propaganda.

Obama was a shit president and every bit the turbocuck that Lula is.

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Except that Obama loved bombing people and wasn't a UNcuck

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Atras nosso


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cadê o nosso programa nuclear?

Culpa do Collor

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If I was president of a nuclear-armed Brazil, the first and only place I'd nuke is Rio de Janeiro

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Do zoomers unironically believe that the UN is some sort of global government? lol.

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They're not gonna get a diplomatic victory if they continue at this rate.


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the entire world demanded a ceasefire but since the US didn't, the war won't stop! HAMAS would IMMEDIATELY stop fighting if the US told them to!!!

  • every r-slurred virtue signaling social media activist
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The endless Palestine cycle

:space::space::space: Palestine attacks

Ceasefire declared:!marseym#onk: Israel strikes back

:space::space::space: Palestine cries ceasefire

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I kind of wish the ceasefire went through. I kinda want to see Gaza completely levelled by missiles fired Stateside 5 days after the ceasefire takes effect.

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Fix ur formatting

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Umm sweaty it's a WAR CRIME if you don't allow Hamas to rebuild, grift donations from their Eurocuck sympathizers, and do another heccin decolonization after a few years of quiet

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They took 100s of billions in aid too make a tunnel system larger than the nyc subway system

Trans lives matter

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my favorite was the video hamas produced where they showed resistance fighters digging up (donated) water infrastructure pipelines to turn them into unguided missiles to launch at jewish children

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Wait, so they are engineers and doctors? :marseyhappytears:

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Longer, maybe, but not bigger. Most of those tunnels are barely wide enough for two people to pass each other.

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Can we trade them for the NYC transportation union members then?

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You're aware that your burger gov was handing out gibs to Israel AND Palestine(same thing)

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Surely, since my country is a democracy, that means the whole GLOBE is a democracy.


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the US obviously has unlimited power over every country and person on the planet! everyone must do as they are told.

but also the US is bad and can't do anything good and shouldn't even exist because it's a white supremacist colonialist shit hole!

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Of course. Only the United States is the only country with agency.

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i've asked so many people on twitter what they think would happen if the US demanded a ceasefire

no one has answered :uhuh:

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That's probably better than them trying to derail the question.

I really think they have not thought it through.

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they saw other social media liberals virtue signaling and decided they had to do it too, without actually knowing what they are saying.

i fricking hate social media and anyone who describes themselves as an AcTiViSt :uhuh:

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chudrama yesterday: lmao hamas more like HA! Mass surrender

chudrama today: lmao as if calling 4 seaside fire woudl make HAMAS stop

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I would never expect Hamas to surrender. Cratering the entire seaboard is the effective outcome

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both of those things can be true at the same time, though. HAMAS isn't going to win this. HAMAS isn't going to lay down their gun bullets because anyone tells them to.

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