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1. The high priestess - represents enlightenment and spiritual awakening, comes to you when the distance between you and the underworld in thin. Intuition. Trust your gut.
2. The world - finally achieved your goal or purpose. Completion
3. The sun - energy, zeal, and knowing ones purpose.
Gaza is about to achieve their goal, it is going to be a positive experience at the end of the tunnel and the world is going to come around to be attached to them.
Interpretation 1: The Palestinian people are not going to die out. They are going to suffer immensely right now, but they will keep their faith, and in time what happens in Gaza today will turn the Arab world completely against Israel, and the world in general is also going to turn against Israel for their extremeness of actions taken in Gaza during this war. The Gazans will achieve their goal of getting back Israeli lands as the Israelis after this war lose global support.
Interpretation 2:
The Palestinians in Gaza are going to fulfill their purpose of dying out and turning the world against Israel due to their deaths. The Gazans must keep faith that once martyred the world will move in their favor and the Israeli's will win the war and genocide but at the same time guarantee the end of any and all support globally for an Israeli state, with the end result being the exodus of the Israelis from the middle east.
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⚡️Sirens in every settlement near Lebanon
— War Monitor (@WarMonitors) October 11, 2023
Holy shit pic.twitter.com/QH3Fl3XbcN
israeli lives matter
!commies come cheer for the downfall of israel
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Palestine is also out of electricity now.
Egypt has decided that Palestinians will not have an escape route.
There will be no Palestinian exodus to better lands.
Proving westerners are better than Arabs.
Things are going to get worse #day5
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lol so much for anonymous exchange huh cryptobros?
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תחנת הכוח בעזה הפסיקה לפעול - אין יותר חשמל ברצועה
— החדשות - N12 (@N12News) October 11, 2023
"The power plant in Gaza has stopped operating - there is no more electricity in the Strip"
- usernaw :
- CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : /h/sandshit
- Tonberry : /h/slavshit
- communist_spez2 : psychopaths itt
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🚨JUST IN: Israeli army spokesman to Fox News: "We are preparing to enter Gaza and all options are on the table."
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) October 11, 2023
Didn't they say this awhile ago??? 😤😤😤
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Ars hateboner continues for their former favouritest person ever Elon, today's article tries to pretend that only Twitter has misinformation issues:
In the wake of Hamas' deadly attacks on Israel this weekend—and the Israeli military's response—journ*lists, researchers, open source intelligence (OSINT) experts, and fact-checkers rushed to verify the deluge of raw video footage and images being shared online by people on the ground. But users of X (formerly Twitter) seeking information on the conflict faced a flood of disinformation.
While all major world events are now accompanied almost instantly by a deluge of disinformation aimed at controlling the narrative, the scale and speed at which disinformation was being seeded about the Israel-Hamas conflict is unprecedented—particularly on X [no further evidence is provided].
Journos self-own:
The situation is so bad on X right now that even seasoned OSINT researchers are being duped by fake accounts, including one that shared a false claim about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being hospitalized over the weekend.
"Noo why can't I blindly trust random social media accounts ?"
As always the comment section is full of the smartest most independent thinkers (and Marvel fans) on the entire web:
Twitter was where primary sources posted and journ*lists congregated.
Musk killed that.
Someone else points out that the 24/7 Musk sneedathon isn't healthy:
Is there any way I can mute stories about Musk from popping up on my feed? I swear you guys are in love with him. I get it, he's your competition and you want to use your platform to discredit him. But I came here for unbiased news and honestly, I don't think I'm getting that from Ars anymore. If you look into anyone's Twitter, or Snapchat, or Instagram, or Facebook, eventually you'll find something nasty in their past. Should we just assume that we can only get news from unbiased, trustworthy sources like Fox news and CNN? No? Maybe only Ars Technica? I'm sure all of your writers are paragons of virtue after all, since all you do is pan people more successful than yourselves for complete non-issues like what Twitter accounts they recommend.
and gets obliterated for it:
Four posts in, and three of them are actively defending misinformation while complaining about how much you hate Ars. Welcome to the forum! You're obviously gonna do just greeeaaat here, little buddy.
Let's finish with some "in this moment I am euphoric"-tier nonsense:
Anyone using X for "news" is not interested in news or information anyway.
Being interested in something and being knowledgeable about how to obtain said thing are not inherently linked states.
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Remember the 6 million.
Never forget.
Never again.
Remember the 6 million.
The 6 million of Gaza.
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They claimed she was raped and killed. She was being evacuated to the hospital.
— Syrian Girl 🇸🇾🎗 (@Partisangirl) October 10, 2023
Careful of the media and Zionist lies. The first casualty of war is truth. pic.twitter.com/HnCeYnDkVG
- usernaw : arch of what now
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Tonight, the Arch of Titus, in Rome.
— Italy in Israel (@ItalyinIsrael) October 10, 2023
We stand with #Israel. 🇮🇹 🇮🇱 pic.twitter.com/9TqxrayhXd
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They are killing HAMAS root and stem and branch and every tree in the vicinity.
They will kill you.
They will kill your children.
They will kill your grandchildren.
They will then give a 50/50 chance of killing anybody else related to you.
This is just day 5.
It's going to get worse.
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Yes, a sooper srs(ish) post, but I'm a dumb Yankee , and I want to hear
Bibi is the plump head mensch of Yisroel. Despite being kicked out of his initial run at PM due to corruption (real or alleged), he managed to get reelected again just last year. And like any good politician, he divides people.
One side is the rightoids (ranging from your average chud to the more stereotypical Orthodox Jew ), which generally likes him because he is a trad free-market lover who is hard on the Ar*b Question, or because he supports Hasidic/Settler interests (like increased security, more border walls, bringing more Torahic values to a secular society), and all that
The other side is the leftoids/non-conforming rightoids (often either a Liberal/Secular Jew , a socialist of some flavor , or an Arab ), which generally hates him because of the above (you know, no to racism/colonialism/capitalism/Zionism/Judeofascist theocracy/etc), or that he is a cynical wannabe despot who desires to become tyrant over the Land
Since he managed to escape a corruption investigation to again become a big guy in Israeli politics, he's been making a lot of big changes to the political world ever since, namely by bringing in more aggressively rightoid influence (namely from Haredi/Dati and even Kahanist folks), and by modifying the judicial system to reduce the power it has over the nation. And like any other bigname politican these days, the actions has resulted in a dang ol' deep divide in Israeli society
That is, until the Fire Nation Hamas attacked
Much like how Dubya managed to turn a nation that was split over his election (remember the Florida recount stuff? ) into something that greatly supported him and his actions in the immediate aftermath of you-know-what , can the "Third Intifada" provide the necessary push to make even the least observant Arab-loving Labor-voting Israelite from Tel Aviv go Boppin' with Bennie Boy? ? Or is the everyday divide too big to gap, even in such a crisis like this?
(Granted, given by what happened to Bush's perception as the chicanery in Afghanistan and Iraq kept dragging on, this may not be such a good thing to emulate in the long run? )
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We are the Southern California chapter of a proletarian feminist organization militantly committed to building revolution around women's emancipation and towards dismantling imperialism, capitalism, and the sexual commodification of women and gender-oppressed people
Even Zionist media sources, such as The Times of Israel, have stated that there is no conclusive evidence that even a single case of r*pe or sexual assault has occurred at the hands of the Palestinian freedom fighters, much less that it has occurred en masse. In an article posted on October 8, 2023, they reported that such cases are only “suspected.” They state that these “concerns of sexual assault” stem from two sources: (1) a video of a woman with blood on her shorts and (2) an image of a woman lying in a truck. While images coming from a war zone are shocking for mostly everyone, absolutely none of the videos released show any conclusive evidence of sexual assault and nor do they reasonably point to the likelihood of sexual assault occurring. Out of many possible explanations, the imperialist and Zionist media has chosen to speculate that these are evidence of sexual assault. Why? In order to organize masses of people into their narrative that Palestinian freedom fighters are evil, monstrous, terrorists.
Another Zionist news source, Tablet Magazine, posted a story alleging that “women have been r*ped at the area of the rave next to their friends bodies.” Yet, they only attribute this quote to a source called “one survivor” and failed to provide any substantive evidence for these claims. This story by Tablet Magazine was then cited in The Atlantic to substantiate their claim that “many of the women executed at the festival were r*ped.” Yet this single, alleged source remains unidentified, with absolutely no information on their identity, and there is absolutely no corroborating evidence to substantiate this claim.
Listen, chud, I may have slaughtered hundreds of people at a concert, but I'm not a MALE FEMINIST.
Phew! Glad we cleared that up!
Looong stupidpol struggle session here: https://old.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/174tvx0/tear_feminism_out_of_the_hands_of_the_colonizer/k4bqyjy?context=8
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The North Side is getting bombed to pieces right now.
Also some low level bombings towards Syrian territory or troops or whatever.
I think Lebanon and Syria wanted a piece, but have now frozen up due to the US carrier in the vicinity.
Let's see how it goes.
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