KILL ALL EUROPOORS :marseybeheading: :marseyropeyourself2:

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The death penalty doesn't work says the continent where property and violent crime is no longer punished to a country with one of the most safe and orderly societies on earth

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Comparing a city state to a continent seems a bit r-slurred :marseythinkorino:

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Yeah, the continent should have it easier having had a several century head start.

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Not sure what you're referring to there :marseyshrug:

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Let me help you, this was Singapore when first discovered by whitey

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And this is a pro Singapore point? :marseyconfused:

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It is simply making the point that empires rise and fall.

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How is it making that point at all? :marseyconfused:

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Europeans imposing their will on other countries but in the gayest, lamest way possible :marseysigh:

If they want to chinkstomp like the old days they're going to have to grow some testicles and invade not send some straggy letter. EU is a joke

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Small team of elite EU soldiers could infiltrate and... Oh wait they don't have anything like that


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That would actually be classic Europe, sending the KSK and GSG9 to liberate a muslim from captivity and set him loose in Munich :marseyeyeroll:

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But same effect.

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A drug trafficker in Berlin would ostensibly lead to multiple overdose deaths of Berliners, which would be a net positive overall.

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I wish someone would nuke Berlin.

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It's so embarrassing. They used to do chad shit like "accidentally" sinking slave ships with the crews onboard. Now the most respectable thing they do is watching Eastenders.

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Invade, but not allowed to actually shoot anyone in the process

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What did he do?

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Almost certainly drugs.


In 2014, Hamzah Ibrahim was convicted of trafficking 26.29 grams of diamorphine.

Geez just kill the fricker already.

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Always some r-slur trying to make drugs a thing in singapore :marseysigh: it's natural selection at this point

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thats 26.29 more grams than you will ever traffic loser

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smuggled drugs

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Gotta love the way yts still think the future belongs to them.

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There's an oddball chance burgers can still pull it out. But it's definitely over for Euros

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Yeah but you can hardly call America white


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The greeks, the romans, the germans (not the gay new ones) and the medievals would all be in favor of executions, unlike you neutered nu-europeans (cucks).

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>hey man wtf >:O

:malefeminist: I have to make sure the viewer knows that I too do not like swastikas.

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>says terror :marseymonsterpenisshadow: sponsor state :marseycoonass:

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The Romans had a lot of fun with it :marseyexcited:


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Mick hands wrote this !deathtomicks

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Why are euros such nosy busy bodies? Don't they have Africans to import into their country or something?

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they should :marseynorm: ship him off to the uk then, he could probably get asylum :marseycommitted:

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@X Get the frick in here, EuroBIPOCs are trying to stop a drug execution of some muslim in Singapura.

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They do this every execution but no one cares lol

No trans lives matter

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You're wrong. I care. Like when you hung that Filipina chick about 10 years I cared a lot. I was jumping for joy.


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where did the "punishing criminals doesn't deter crime guys :marseysoycry: just like, let them do whatever they want all the time" ideology come from

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The euro cult of experts and charts :marseychartuptrend: marches ever on

It stems from the idea that criminals will fall deeper into criminal structures in prison and that without any prospects after their release they will just fall back into criminal habits. So they focus on rehabilitation to prevent recidivism. I find all that is sensible enough for petty, first-time criminals but it's been extrapolated into attempting to rehabilitate basically any type of criminal, even the most violent ones. I probably wouldn't execute drug traffickers tbh but I also don't really care if some random place in Asia does it. :shrug:

This limb peepeeed letter to Singapore acts like that approach towards criminal justice is the objectively best which is imo already a faulty idea because it depends on what you deem the goals of criminal justice. Reforming violent criminals places society's needs above that of their victims because you basically give a much gentler punishment in exchange for hopefully gaining a productive member of society in return. It also probably violates what the average person would consider to be "just". It's treating a social science like criminology as a natural science with objective data and unbiased experts who produce only falsifiable data.

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I'm all for trying to reform criminals but let's be honest with ourselves. It's only a fraction of them that will pull it off and it's something that has to come out of their own heart.

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Yup. Even in places like Sweden where they get the ultra gentle kid gloves treatment recidivism rates are still over 50 percent

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Have you seen Swedish prisons? They're like penthouse apartments, they basically reward you for r*pe.

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its not just euros though. this rot is deep in the US too

does make sense that it originates from the same blank slate view of humanty as most other leftoidisms

saw a argument on xitter that was a christoid trying to argue that since athiests have no objective morality, they could potentially rationalize r*pe or whatever

and the leftard response was basically "So you need sky daddy's threat of eternal darnation to not r*pe? :marseysoy3: how pathetic, me and the boys just know its bad" (obviously missing their entire culture and worldview is christian at its roots)

anyway the real answer is no, I don't need it any more than you do, but the kinds of people who r*pe will only be stopped by punishment or the threat thereof, whether immediate or in the afterlife. becuaes they kind of person that r*pes is almost less than human. They could never comprehend the higher level thinking that you and I went through or else they wouldn't have done it. There's no 'crime of passion,' unfortunate circumstance, or socioeconomic factor that could ever justify r*pe. It is an act done by someone lacking in mental function.

what they could never accept, is that most other crime also works this way. we are not all equal. this is a fundamental truth of reality the leftoid must deny.

you cannot rehabilitate a male feminist. you probably can't rehabilitate 90% of killers.

you can't use rational, higher level thinking to talk someone out of a reptilian conviction; the goal of religion was to target that conviction.

their biggest mistake is treating the criminal as an equal.

maybe if they made any kind of effort to discern who is even capable of rehabilitation first but they clearly don't do that.

a r-slur who believes r*pe is okay is still smart enough to lie to you that he knows better now

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still unemployed then?

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:marseysad: :marseyagreesad:

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hello are you a sinkie :marlion:

no trans lives matter

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I'm a self-hating european

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When you look in the mirror, can you tell that you're stupid?

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Leftoids. The answer is always leftoids.

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>the death penalty fails to act as a deterrent

B-word what? I hate leftoids and eurocucks so much it's unreal.

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Let's send them a letter back and ask how the penalty relates to recidivism

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I know they probably have some soyence to back this up, but isn't Singapore proof that it heavily deters drug dealers?

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But it doesn't when you have a 20 year wait time for executions with 50 gorrilion ways to appeal. Checkmate Chud! :soyjakanimeglasses:

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Arresting people isn't a detriment so let's everyone go free!

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Kaypoh euroids :marseybeanannoyed:

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Of course the barbaric asiatic hordes fear freedom and hate the right to exist. They project this hatred for their own life onto others by means of execution.

You may create as many new, independent countries as you wish, but it is impossible to separate the Chinese from his authoritarian desires.

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hahaha stupid eurocucks-

>and the diplomatic mission of the United Kingdom


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The death penalty fails to act as a deterrent to crime

Singapore is the most crime-free major city in the world, and a lot of that comes down to those Island Chinaman executing you for smuggling even an ounce of weed there.

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Noooo you cant punish criminals noooooooo :soycry:

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