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why is LGBT so pro AFD? | r/GenZ discusses the homo Germoid menace




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:marseyhomosupremacist: @ThePhantomBussy @RiverSong explain urselves










Le edge strags








!zoomers !lgbt !gay


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why do libs go to bat for the muzzies so much? it's truly mind boggling

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political islam is closer to communism,

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Because they're mostly brown and come from brown areas. That's it.

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they just need to look at dearborn michigan to see the :marseysow: :marseyreapcrying: when it comes to muzzie anti-lgbt shenanigans lol

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That's when they pull the "they're homophobic because of colonisation" excuse


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It's amazing how influential whites are without anyone ever being able to influence whites

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Exactly lol, redditors were "sure Muslims are homophobic but, what about muh MAGA KKKhristofascists??? :soysnootypefast:", these r-slurs have an almost religious duty to defend Islam no matter what, even when Islam utterly despises their infidel sodomite belief system.

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There's no amount of evidence that will pull them back to reality

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:#marseydisagree: @X

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They're communists and hate capitalism/the West. They hope muslims will crash down western societies and they'll be able to build their communist utopias over the ashes :marseyrevolution:

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True lol:


Commies have become so utterly buck broken by Islam and the "death to the West" autism that I wonder why they don't just recite the shahada and adopt an Islamic worldview to economics and governance already, because they have started to vociferously praise and defend a religion and society that is completely at odds with their atheistic materialist worldview.

They are now even praising the theocracy of Iran who tortured and exterminated Communists from their country only because they're anti-West, just drop the materialist atheist façade and embrace the light of Allah already you kuffar. :marseyinshallah: !anticommunists

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God hates communists

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Commies are experts at miscalculating and shooting themselves in the foot :marseyagree: And dragging everyone down with them :marseydead:

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The biggest obstacle to communism are these straggy shitlib DSA types. :marseyserioushatfact:

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Nah, URSS didn't had those and still crashed and burned

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Ziggers aren't very good at running a country.

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True, it just proves that it's not just shitlibs. It's slavs and shitlibs.

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Russia was at its peak under a German foid and a Georgian man.

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worked well in Iran 1979

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Because rightoids dislike them. And they absolutely CANNOT share a viewpoint with rightoids so they have to shill hard for the pro-r*pe, pro-patriarchy, anti-women's rights, anti-lgbt, brown people

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the distinction is outgroup vs fargroup (for now)

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Because the rethuglikkkans were mean to them after 9/11 :(

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Islam was peaceful before George Bush attacked


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There's that popular WW2 saying of "first they came for the ..." that drives the logic of most of these minority coalitions. The black-and-white thinking makes them not realize that the enemy of their enemy is not necessarily their friend. They've already been indoctrinated into the logic of ignoring inconvenient facts, so it also comes from that.

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!transphobes !chuds Trannittors will continue to triple down with drinking the :marseytrain2: Aid and bring up :marseytrain2:ism even on completely unrelated topics :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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LMAO what a fricking :#marseystrawman:

/u/son4rch the world doesn't revolve around you, you fricking :marseytrain:

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:marseyairquotes: basic medical care :marseyairquotes:

They literally have this freedom in the United States if they're 18+ they just have to pay for it. Truly a monstrous society that doesn't pay a Dr. to chop off your peepee for you.

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:#marseytransattentionseeker: TO THE MAX

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Unironically, it's to own the chuds. I don't remember any libs sucking off the Muslims until 9/11 happened and chuds made it clear that we were going to be smoking some terrorists. After that, anti-islamophobia became a big thing on college campuses and eventually spread to normie shitlibs in 2003 with the invasion of Iraq.

I remember very well the lib college girl I was dating in 2001 almost immediately turned into a precursor of the "woke" people we have today.

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Muslim skin is the color of...well, excrement.

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>Muslim skin is the color of...well, excrem-ACK!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17231624781315632.webp !ummah !soyteens

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just like when your chinxillae bat for the food

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My chinchillas are cute at least

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I was gonna comment something unhinged but, dey cute

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