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:marseyflagiran: ‘Anonymous’ hacks Iran state websites after Mahsa Amini’s death :!marseyhacker:


Good, hoping something comes out of it.












https://nitter.net/YourAnonSpider/status/1572582347593363457#m (Database Leak)



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The two main websites of the Iranian government and several media websites have been targeted by hackers claiming to be from Anonymous.

Tehran, Iran – Several Iranian government and state-affiliated media websites are down after a Twitter account linked to the “Anonymous” hacker collective claimed to have launched cyberattacks on them, aimed at supporting protests following the death of Mahsa Amini.

A video released early on Wednesday showed footage of protests in several Iranian cities that have erupted since Amini’s death.

The Iranian government has yet to officially comment on the claims or the attacks.

The websites had gone down and been recovered several times on Wednesday morning, indicating a struggle between the hackers and website support.

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Color Revolution confirmed. What will they call it? Theyve used most of the rainbow by now :marseyhomosupremacist:

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Breathtakingly r-slurred assumption. Starting with the fact that the CIA has never attempted any coups without a direct order from the president, so this would require that the Biden administration desperately wants a huge unpredictable foreign policy crisis to break out while they're dealing with Ukraine and the midterms. If you think politicians are that brave, there isn't a schoolbus short enough for you.

This is the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, or a combination of them trying to stir up shit to annoy the regime. It's survived much more dangerous mass uprisings several times.

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This can't possibly be true. I haven't even bought the CIA hat. It's like how if you're trying to buy weed and you ask if they're an undercover cop, they have to tell you the truth. The CIA has a rule where you have to wear the CIA hat on all social media.

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Naw, he's right. Israel and the GCC have basically been left to their own devices and Ukraine is far too important to go fricking about in the Middle East right now.

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Yes because the Biden admin has been sooooo responsible this far. They definitely didn't for example attempt to include Ukraine into NATO fully knowing that was a red line for Russia which started a chain of events that may as well end up in nuclear war.

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They definitely didn't for example attempt to include Ukraine into NATO

That was something that was talked about during the Dubya administration but it wasn't taken seriously because there was absolutely no chance of getting Germany and everyone else on board. It was like Turkey joining the EU. Everyone knew it was never going to happen, but there was a dispute over whether you should support it. Kind of like the PFJ guy in The Life of Brian who wants support for his right to have babies.

As for the Biden administration having anything to do with this, I don't even know where you're coming from. Maybe you ought to cut back on your DMT dosage because the machine elves are telling you things that aren't true.

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They had already retrofitted Ukrainian military bases to NATO standards and were in the process of doing it to all of them. Germany and the rest of the Europoor puppets would follow even if it was against their own interests like they did with the sanctions.

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Europeons like Merkel and Willy Brandt and De Gaulle and every fricking psycho in Greece do whatever America wants


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This but unironically. And fyi Greece relatively to its size sent more weapons than most of Europe to Ukraine when a large portion of its tourism depended on Russians effectively fricking themselves in the butt.

Oh and are you talking about the same Merkel that was being wiretapped by the Americans and proceeded to do nothing about it when it was revealed? That Merkel?

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I'm talking about the Merkel who is LITERALLY A FRICKING EAST GERMAN. What fricking planet are you on where you think that America tapped her phone but Russia didn't? :marseyfacepalm:

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OH SHIT SHE'S LITERALLY A FRICKING EAST GERMAN! Let's ignore all her decisions and actions throughout her long career and focus on that please! LOOK LOOK! EAST GERMAN!

You don't know shit about Europe dude. They're all a bunch a bureaucratic puppets that don't obey the US just because it's in their interest, they do it because they don't have a will or plan of their own. If they had any leadership skills they would have raised an enormous shitstorm the moment the US even entertained the idea of NATO membership for Ukraine. Their mouths are so attached to Burgerland's colon that they're now destroying their economies with absolutely no fricking gain from the whole situation unlike the Burger ruling class that got exactly what they wanted.

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iran has been on the US shitlist for a while now

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Yes, since 1979. And there's never been a US-backed coup attempt during that entire time. If it would have happened, it would have been when Bakhtiar was prime minister. But it didn't happen. You know what did happen? Bakhtiar got assassinated, because the Iranian intelligence service actually does that kind of shit all the time. And there's a long list of people who they killed, it's not just "well it's common knowledge that the CIA assassinates people because somebody said it in a Hollywood movie".

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muh poor cia... muh innocent cia....

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This but 85% unironically. :marseyglow:

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Pretty much this. Even if it was the CIA the second the average Iranian got whiff that there was any form of foreign backing behind their protesting support for said protest would near instantaneously collapse. They may hate the moral police but they hate foreign influence far more.

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OP doesn't realize that Iran is the good guys?

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Probably just a DDOS, I doubt they were hacked considering it’s going up and down.

You can hire these botnets on Russian forums and just point it at websites. Like all anonymous stuff it unsophisticated and pointless.

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The Anonymous bullshit is very convincing to people who learned everything they know about hacking from Swordfish. It involves a lot of furious typing while getting your peepee sucked, having multiple monitors, and John Travolta wearing a beret standing up in the back of a convertible during a car chase firing a light machine-gun from the hip.

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For the technologically illiterate, its the same thing

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The real anonymous died after chanology, the later iterations were moral strags and sjws that hijacked the name. Anonymous of old was about ruining Harry Potter books and sending 9000 peepee messages to Oprah.

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People calling themselves anonymous in 2022 are either neoliberal "hacktivist" idiots like th3j35t3r or old people on tiktok pretending to be batman. None have ever used 4chan.

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lol i thought the tiktok was going to be kirt

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That tik tok link contained extreme cringe

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Anonymous more like anon anus. Boom roasted.

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