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:marseytrollcrazy: I HATE GIT :marseytrollcrazy: I HATE GIT :marseytrollcrazy: [ nerds :marseyakshually: debating me in comments ]

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If you dont understand the basics of git from a conceptual level you are literally r-slurred probably

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you completely misunderstood what the problem with git is

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No, you completely misunderstand

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git's ok, lost a bunch of work from a merge the other day but that's more of an internal problem.

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The commit containing your work is in a reflog somewhere

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If you can't use git you honestly shouldn't be writing code or breathing.

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Just use Fossil :marseydinosaur::dinoyes:

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Brainlet detected

I'll use a gui if @ogsambone need too do something super weird or complicated but it's pretty easy too tell when you are about too frick something up

trans lives matter


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git push —force origin master


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imagine doing anything else

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Gitlets fear the rebasechad

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Mercurial is way better.

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It's funny that the cuck that made these comics included female characters to virtue signal but today they all read as :!marseytrain:s

And you just know that he wanted to have black characters as well but couldn't work out how to do it in his shitty art style without them looking like gollywogs.

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Have s*x nerds

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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Git’s UX is legitimately awful. Gitless is a cool experiment on a more sane interface.

My best experience using git was using Magit in Emacs, amazing tool. Ended up just emailing PATCH files though, can’t say I used super power got features with it.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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The national sport of India has officially been changed from cricket to "thinking Git is an acronym."

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It's not that hard lol.

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Honestly. Unless you're doing some esoteric shit you'll only need the commands for setup which you're best off doing through whatever GUI you're probably using and then 3 commands if you want to get fancy for daily use "Git pull, git merge origin/x, git push" and you're done.

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Complications with git typically emerge when dealing with merging across multiple work streams in a project, not from individual usage. However, these are generally tied to improper change management.

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merging across multiple work streams in a project

Fair enough but consider :marseyropeyourself2: if you do this.

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Isn't the whole point of git that you can do this? that's why we have decentralized sc in the first place. no?

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merging across multiple work streams in a project

Merging yes. The above no. Ideally you should have a central branch, a dev branch if you need one and then all branches off that. Branches off branches off branches is asking for touble.

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"If you don't use all the useless, unnecessarily complex features it's not that bad"

Then why not just use simpler SC system?

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Because the extra features are useful it's just the people who shouldn't touch them because they aren't relevant to them end up doing so and predictably bitching when there's no need to.

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sorry but you're just wrong. The git system is overly complex, period. Doing basic things is way more complicated than it needs to be.

A good example to erasing commit history. You can't do it without going through a convoluted 7 step process.

I've been using git for years and I still don't know how to do a basic diff / merge between 2 branches because I have better things to do with my time than figure it out.

A tool like git should stay out of my way and not require me to think about it so that I can focus on the thing i'm actually working on. Git is the opposite of a good tool

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Here is a git command for you :

Git better bait

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Claiming a post is bait when you don't have a response fools no one

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Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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This has to be bait.

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It's not, I bet you're the type of strag who spends all day learning cool Vim tricks thinking that it makes you a better programmer.

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The only Vim trick I know is how to close Vim because I'm not brain-addled enough to use it.

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Where was I wrong? seriously, We need to stop tolerating shitty cowtools like git

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Bait. Good day to you sir. I applaud your bit though.

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I'm actually not baiting lol I genuinely believe this


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More comments

I use tortoise git to put these very commands in the file explorer because I can't be assed to do it in shell


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vscode has almost everything in the UI for git. even rebase etc. Undo last commit is probably a command I still can't remember but use it daily thanks to vscode

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I would rather cut my peepee off than install vscode on my pc.

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What a specific brand of autism

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![]( ![](

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Git is only usable with a gui.

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Normally I'd call you a filthy casual for needing a GUI for everything but yeah any version control, git or otherwise, sucks from command line.

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I'm glad I didn't get the useless kind of autism you have

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Your avatar says otherwise

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If you hate git, just wait until you use Perforce. You will beg for git back.


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You hate perforce? Try using PVCS Version Manager (tm).

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>filtered by git

Maybe you should "transition" into business analyst or IT monkey sysadmin :marseyitsover:

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It's more complicated than it needs to be. Therefore it's bad.

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Or a girl

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Solves all your problems tbh

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hcaw said sysadmin already

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Keep yourself safe

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Yikes 3 replies?

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yes b-word i'm mad

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What other DVC have you used? Which one do you prefer ? Unironically asking because I think git is comfier than the alternatives

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webdev detected


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Nope, try again

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Islamic beard of the gnupedo, beanie hat of the soy, and foot on desk but without hrt is literally my lifegoal!

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The definition of an IT monkey sysadmin is someone who thinks they're smart because they know how to use stupid makework software like git or linux desktop.

Go back to /g/

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No there's nothing smart about git that's the point 🤣

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I agree

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BIPOC it's not that complicated

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It's more complicated than it needs to be.

for example, deleting commit history requires 6 command line instructions:

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use a gui like a normal person

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being a well adjusted normal


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GUI just makes git worse, at least to me it's inherently not a visual tool

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a) I do, strags here are actually defending the cli version

b) the gui i use (sublime merge) doesn't solve this particular problem

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Git cli is easy lol

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I never claimed it was "hard". I claimed it is a waste of time

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i dont get why you'd want to delete the entire history instead of just squashing with whatever commit you make next

getting real :marseytunaktunak: vibes

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Literally the only reason to ever delete commit history is because you accidentally left the word “BIPOC” in your commit message :capygitcommit:

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Why would you ever want to delete commit history? Just squash? It would be an r-slured clusterfrick otherwise, considering how the git data structure works. And it makes sense for a version control system to not make it easy to frick with history anyways

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>I want to do X

>Why would you ever want to do X?


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You should rope if you want to do X

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>Has hammer

>Attempts to hammer screws

>Complain hammer is bad tool


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Dude this is totally r-slurred. why would you use git if youre just going to delete all your history? Just dump it on a cloud or something lmao

There isnt a single command to do it because its anti-thetical to the purpose of git. But even then, the method is obvious to anyone who understand the git model instead of just memorizing commands like a woman.

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Deleting history is a rare (and bad) workflow. Its probably good that it requires 6 commands to prevent dumbasses from trying it when they shouldnt

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How does this have 700 stars? This has to be a joke

I agree that git is too complex but people unironically following these instructions makes me think we should stop giving away so many degrees

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:soycry: no not the heckin git commit history

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I never make commits for job security

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