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Advent of Code Day 5, AKA Stacks 101 :marseyinabox:

I actually stayed up to get a semi-decent score for once (being a eurocel for this is suffering). How are you all faring with shifting boxes around?


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I'm about three steps away from just switching to perl or awk or something holy shit

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I give up my code magically shit itself and I don't care to get part two, it sucks dick and balls (and a little cock) anyways. any suggestions welcome.

package five

import (

func stackInit(m *map[int]string, rd *bufio.Scanner) {
	const frame_break_len int = 9
	const frame_break string = " 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 "

	col := func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) {
		if atEOF && len(data) == 0 {
			return 0, nil, nil

		if len(data) >= 4 {
			return 4, data[0:4], nil

		if atEOF {
			return len(data), data, nil



	var buffer string
	for i := 0; rd.Scan(); i++ {
		word := rd.Text()
		buffer = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", buffer, word)

		if i%frame_break_len == 0 {
			if bytes.Contains([]byte(buffer), []byte(frame_break)) {
			if bytes.ContainsRune([]byte(buffer), '\n') {
				npos := bytes.IndexRune([]byte(buffer), '\n') + 1
				buffer = buffer[npos:]

		p := i % frame_break_len

		val := bytes.TrimSpace([]byte(word))
		if bytes.ContainsRune(val, '[') && len(val) > 0 {
			(*m)[p] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%c", (*m)[p], val[1])

func readLine(m *map[int]string, line string, do_rev bool) {
	elem := bytes.Split([]byte(line), []byte(" "))

	rev := func(str []byte) string {
		var reverse []byte

		if len(str) > 1 {
			for i := len(str) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
				reverse = append(reverse, str[i])

			return string(reverse)

		return string(str)

	var amt, crate, dest int
	for i, v := range elem {
		switch string(v) {
		case "move":
			amt, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(elem[i+1]))
		case "from":
			crate, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(elem[i+1]))
			crate -= 1
		case "to":
			dest, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(elem[i+1]))
			dest -= 1

	if do_rev {
		(*m)[dest] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", rev([]byte((*m)[crate][:amt])), (*m)[dest])
	} else {
		(*m)[dest] = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", (*m)[dest], (*m)[crate][:amt])
	(*m)[crate] = (*m)[crate][amt:]

func One() string {
	var deliver []byte

	fp, _ := os.Open("stack.txt")
	defer fp.Close()

	rd := bufio.NewScanner(fp)

	s := make(map[int]string)

	stackInit(&s, rd)

	lp, _ := os.Open("moves.txt")
	defer lp.Close()

	ld := bufio.NewScanner(lp)

	for ld.Scan() {
		word := ld.Text()
		if len(word) > 0 {
			readLine(&s, word, true)


	for i := range s {
		deliver = append(deliver, s[i][0])

	return string(deliver)

func Two() string {
	var deliver []byte

	//fp, _ := os.Open("stack.txt")
	//defer fp.Close()

	//rd := bufio.NewScanner(fp)

	s := make(map[int]string)

	//magically stopped working I'm not fixing it
	//stackInit(&s, rd)
	s[0] = "SPHVFG"
	s[1] = "MZDVBFJG"
	s[2] = "NJLMG"
	s[3] = "PWDVZGN"
	s[4] = "BCRV"
	s[5] = "ZLWPMSRV"
	s[6] = "PHT"
	s[7] = "VZHCNSRQ"
	s[8] = "JQVPGLF"

	lp, _ := os.Open("moves.txt")
	defer lp.Close()

	ld := bufio.NewScanner(lp)

	for ld.Scan() {
		word := ld.Text()
		if len(word) > 0 {
			readLine(&s, word, false)


	for i := range s {
		deliver = append(deliver, s[i][0])

	return string(deliver)
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